Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Occurrences of selected transition by age
TransitionABR Documentation

Occurrences of selected transition by age


Determines for a given transition the number of transitions by age


TransitionAB(Bdata, transition,keep)



Biograph object


Selected transition


Logical variable indicating whether observations (subjects) with the selected transition missing should be kept (TRUE) or removed (FALSE). Default: keep=FALSE



The transition


Number of subjects in the sample experiencing the selected transition (transition count).


Identification number of subjects that experienced the transition


Position of the selected transition in the state sequence (path variable Bdata$path of the Biograph object). If transition = "*N" and N is the first state, then that state is skipped. If a subject experienced several of the selected transition, the first transition is considered.


For each subject experiencing the transition, date of transition


For each subject experiencing the transition, age at transition


For each subject experiencing the transition, year of transition (year is real variable, including fraction of year)


For each subject experiencing the transition, birth cohort


Frans Willekens


# Example 1: Transition NJ in GLHS data set
  data (GLHS)
  z <- TransitionAB (GLHS,"NJ",keep=TRUE)

# Example 2: Transition HM in NLOG98 data set
  data (NLOG98)
  z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"HM")

# Example 3: Transition 'Leaving parental home", irrespective of destination state
  data (NLOG98)
  z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"H*")

# Example 4: First marriage, irrespective of origin state
  data (NLOG98)
  z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"*M")


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> library(Biograph)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Biograph/TransitionAB.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: TransitionAB
> ### Title: Occurrences of selected transition by age
> ### Aliases: TransitionAB
> ### ** Examples
> # Example 1: Transition NJ in GLHS data set
>   data (GLHS)
>   z <- TransitionAB (GLHS,"NJ",keep=TRUE)
[1] Age profile: Number of individuals with transition NJ is 201
> # Example 2: Transition HM in NLOG98 data set
>   data (NLOG98)
>   z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"HM")
[1] Age profile: Number of individuals with transition HM is 172
> # Example 3: Transition 'Leaving parental home", irrespective of destination state
>   data (NLOG98)
>   z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"H*")
[1] Age profile: Number of individuals with transition H* is 456
> # Example 4: First marriage, irrespective of origin state
>   data (NLOG98)
>   z <- TransitionAB (NLOG98,"*M")
[1] Age profile: Number of individuals with transition *M is 339
null device 