Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Probability distribution function values based the...
dibivarR Documentation

Probability distribution function values based the Archimedean copula


Computes the probability distribution function values based the Archimedean copula on the grid of x and y vectors.


dibivar(x, y, par, afa, rodina, fam)



numeric vector


numeric vector


vector of this values:
par[1], par[3] are shape for the Weibull and the Gamma distributions or mean for the Normal distribution or meanlog for the Lognormal ditribution.
par[2], par[4] are scale for the Weibull and the Gamma distributions or sd for the Normal distribution or sdlog for the Lognormal ditribution.


copula parameter


vector of length 2 of names of the marginal distributions. Distributions can be "weibull", "gamma", "norm", "lnorm". "norm" is the name for the Normal distribution. "lnorm" is the name for the Lognormal distribution.


name of copula. It can be "gumbel", "clayton", "frank".


Returns an array of values of the probability distribution function.


Josef Brejcha


x <- seq(0, 100, 5)
y <- seq(0, 100, 4)
pxy <- dibivar(x, y, c(1.5, 50, 1.3, 50), 5, c("weibull", "weibull"), "gumbel")
colnames(pxy) <- x
rownames(pxy) <- y
contour(y, x, pxy, xlab="y", ylab="x")


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> library(BivarP)
Loading required package: dfoptim
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: copula
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/BivarP/dibivar.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: dibivar
> ### Title: Probability distribution function values based the Archimedean
> ###   copula
> ### Aliases: dibivar
> ### Keywords: ~kwd1 ~kwd2
> ### ** Examples
> x <- seq(0, 100, 5)
> y <- seq(0, 100, 4)
> pxy <- dibivar(x, y, c(1.5, 50, 1.3, 50), 5, c("weibull", "weibull"), "gumbel")
> colnames(pxy) <- x
> rownames(pxy) <- y
> contour(y, x, pxy, xlab="y", ylab="x")
null device 