Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Bayesian inference for simple linear regression
bayes.lin.regR Documentation

Bayesian inference for simple linear regression


This function is used to find the posterior distribution of the simple linear regression slope variable beta when we have a random sample of ordered pairs (x_{i}, y_{i}) from the simple linear regression model:

y_i = alpha_xbar + beta*x_i+epsilon_i

y_i = alpha_xbar + beta*x_i+epsilon_i

y_i = alpha_xbar + beta*x_i+epsilon_i

where the observation errors are, epsilon_i, independent normal(0,sigma^2) with known variance.


bayes.lin.reg(y, x, slope.prior = "flat", intcpt.prior = "flat", mb0 = 0,
  sb0 = 0, ma0 = 0, sa0 = 0, sigma = NULL, alpha = 0.05, = FALSE, pred.x = NULL)



the vector of responses.


the value of the explantory variable associated with each response.


use a “flat” prior or a “normal” prior. for beta


use a “flat” prior or a “normal” prior. for alpha_xbar


the prior mean of the simple linear regression slope variable beta. This argument is ignored for a flat prior.


the prior std. deviation of the simple linear regression slope variable beta - must be greater than zero. This argument is ignored for a flat prior.


the prior mean of the simple linear regression intercept variable alpha_xbar. This argument is ignored for a flat prior.


the prior std. deviation of the simple linear regression variable alpha_xbar - must be greater than zero. This argument is ignored for a flat prior.


the value of the std. deviation of the residuals. By default, this is assumed to be unknown and the sample value is used instead. This affects the prediction intervals.


controls the width of the credible interval.

if true the data are plotted, and the posterior regression line superimposed on the data.


a vector of x values for which the predicted y values are obtained and the std. errors of prediction


A list will be returned with the following components:


the posterior mean of the intecept and the slope


the posterior standard deviation of the intercept the slope


the vector of values for which predictions have been requested. If pred.x is NULL then this is not returned


the vector predicted values corresponding to pred.x. If pred.x is NULL then this is not returned

The standard errors of the predicted values in pred.y. If pred.x is NULL then this is not returned


## generate some data from a known model, where the true value of the
## intercept alpha is 2, the true value of the slope beta is 3, and the
## errors come from a normal(0,1) distribution
x = rnorm(50)
y = 22+3*x+rnorm(50)

## use the function with a flat prior for the slope beta and a
## flat prior for the intercept, alpha_xbar.


## use the function with a normal(0,3) prior for the slope beta and a
## normal(30,10) prior for the intercept, alpha_xbar.


## use the same data but plot it and the credible interval

bayes.lin.reg(y,x,"n","n",0,3,30,10, = TRUE)

## The heart rate vs. O2 uptake example 14.1
O2 = c(0.47,0.75,0.83,0.98,1.18,1.29,1.40,1.60,1.75,1.90,2.23)
HR = c(94,96,94,95,104,106,108,113,115,121,131)
plot(HR,O2,xlab="Heart Rate",ylab="Oxygen uptake (Percent)")


## Repeat the example but obtain predictions for HR = 100 and 110



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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/bayes.lin.reg.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: bayes.lin.reg
> ### Title: Bayesian inference for simple linear regression
> ### Aliases: bayes.lin.reg
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> ## generate some data from a known model, where the true value of the
> ## intercept alpha is 2, the true value of the slope beta is 3, and the
> ## errors come from a normal(0,1) distribution
> x = rnorm(50)
> y = 22+3*x+rnorm(50)
> ## use the function with a flat prior for the slope beta and a
> ## flat prior for the intercept, alpha_xbar.
> bayes.lin.reg(y,x)
Standard deviation of residuals:  0.985 
            Posterior Mean Posterior Std. Deviation
            -------------- ------------------------
Intercept:  21.12          0.13794                 
Slope:      3.034          0.12511                 
> ## use the function with a normal(0,3) prior for the slope beta and a
> ## normal(30,10) prior for the intercept, alpha_xbar.
> bayes.lin.reg(y,x,"n","n",0,3,30,10)
Standard deviation of residuals:  0.985 
            Posterior Mean Posterior Std. Deviation
            -------------- ------------------------
Intercept:  21.54          0.13926                 
Slope:      3.076          0.12599                 
> ## use the same data but plot it and the credible interval
> bayes.lin.reg(y,x,"n","n",0,3,30,10, = TRUE)
Standard deviation of residuals:  0.985 
            Posterior Mean Posterior Std. Deviation
            -------------- ------------------------
Intercept:  21.54          0.13926                 
Slope:      3.076          0.12599                 
> ## The heart rate vs. O2 uptake example 14.1
> O2 = c(0.47,0.75,0.83,0.98,1.18,1.29,1.40,1.60,1.75,1.90,2.23)
> HR = c(94,96,94,95,104,106,108,113,115,121,131)
> plot(HR,O2,xlab="Heart Rate",ylab="Oxygen uptake (Percent)")
> bayes.lin.reg(O2,HR,"n","f",0,1,sigma=0.13)
Known standard deviation:  0.13 
            Posterior Mean Posterior Std. Deviation
            -------------- ------------------------
Intercept:  1.305          0.039253                
Slope:      0.04265        0.0033798               
> ## Repeat the example but obtain predictions for HR = 100 and 110
> bayes.lin.reg(O2,HR,"n","f",0,1,sigma=0.13,pred.x=c(100,110))
Known standard deviation:  0.13 
            Posterior Mean Posterior Std. Deviation
            -------------- ------------------------
Intercept:  1.305          0.039253                
Slope:      0.04265        0.0033798               
x       Predicted y  SE         
------  -----------  -----------
100       1.007        0.13784    
110       1.433        0.13617    
null device 