Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot the prior, likelihood, and posterior on the same plot.
decompR Documentation

Plot the prior, likelihood, and posterior on the same plot.


This function takes any object of class Bolstad and plots the prior, likelihood and posterior on the same plot. The aim is to show the influence of the prior, and the likelihood on the posterior.


decomp(x, ...)



an object of class Bolstad.


any other arguments to be passed to the plot function.


Note that xlab, ylab, main, axes, xlim, ylim and type are all used in the function so specifying them is unlikely to have any effect.


James Curran


# an example with a binomial sampling situation
results = binobp(4, 12, 3, 3, plot = FALSE)

# an example with normal data
y = c(2.99,5.56,2.83,3.47)
results = normnp(y, 3, 2, 1, plot = FALSE)


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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/decomp.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: decomp
> ### Title: Plot the prior, likelihood, and posterior on the same plot.
> ### Aliases: decomp
> ### Keywords: plots
> ### ** Examples
> # an example with a binomial sampling situation
> results = binobp(4, 12, 3, 3, plot = FALSE)
Posterior Mean           :  0.3888889 
Posterior Variance       :  0.0125081 
Posterior Std. Deviation :  0.1118397 

Prob.	Quantile 
------	---------
0.005	0.1370832
0.010	0.1552348
0.025	0.1844370
0.050	0.2119082
0.500	0.3846872
0.950	0.5802946
0.975	0.6167163
0.990	0.6577095
0.995	0.6845936
> decomp(results)
> # an example with normal data
> y = c(2.99,5.56,2.83,3.47)
> results = normnp(y, 3, 2, 1, plot = FALSE)
Known standard deviation :1
Posterior mean           : 3.6705882
Posterior std. deviation : 0.4850713

Prob.	Quantile 
------	----------
0.005	 2.4211275
0.010	 2.5421438
0.025	 2.7198661
0.050	 2.8727170
0.500	 3.6705882
0.950	 4.4684594
0.975	 4.6213104
0.990	 4.7990327
0.995	 4.9200490
> decomp(results)
null device 