Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a normal prior
normnpR Documentation

Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a normal prior


Evaluates and plots the posterior density for mu, the mean of a normal distribution, with a normal prior on mu


normnp(x, m.x = 0, s.x = 1, sigma.x = NULL, mu = NULL, = max(100,
  length(mu)), plot = TRUE)



a vector of observations from a normal distribution with unknown mean and known std. deviation.


the mean of the normal prior


the standard deviation of the normal prior


the population std. deviation of the normal distribution. If this value is NULL, which it is by default, then a flat prior is used and m.x and s.x are ignored


a vector of prior possibilities for the true mean. If this is null, then a set of values centered on the sample mean is used.

the number of possible mu values in the prior


if TRUE then a plot showing the prior and the posterior will be produced.


A list will be returned with the following components:


the vector of possible mu values used in the prior


the associated probability mass for the values in mu


the scaled likelihood function for mu given x and sigma.x


the posterior probability of mu given x and sigma.x


the posterior mean


the posterior standard deviation


a selection of quantiles from the posterior density

See Also

normdp normgcp


## generate a sample of 20 observations from a N(-0.5,1) population
x = rnorm(20,-0.5,1)

## find the posterior density with a N(0,1) prior on mu

## find the posterior density with N(0.5,3) prior on mu

## Find the posterior density for mu, given a random sample of 4
## observations from N(mu,sigma^2=1), y = [2.99, 5.56, 2.83, 3.47],
## and a N(3,sd=2)$ prior for mu
y = c(2.99,5.56,2.83,3.47)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/normnp.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: normnp
> ### Title: Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a normal prior
> ### Aliases: normnp
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> ## generate a sample of 20 observations from a N(-0.5,1) population
> x = rnorm(20,-0.5,1)
> ## find the posterior density with a N(0,1) prior on mu
> normnp(x,sigma=1)
Known standard deviation :1
Posterior mean           : -0.6109201
Posterior std. deviation : 0.2182179

Prob.	Quantile 
------	----------
0.005	-1.1730121
0.010	-1.1185708
0.025	-1.0386193
0.050	-0.9698566
0.500	-0.6109201
0.950	-0.2519836
0.975	-0.1832209
0.990	-0.1032694
0.995	-0.0488280
> ## find the posterior density with N(0.5,3) prior on mu
> normnp(x,0.5,3,1)
Known standard deviation :1
Posterior mean           : -0.6351596
Posterior std. deviation : 0.2229882

Prob.	Quantile 
------	----------
0.005	-1.2095393
0.010	-1.1539079
0.025	-1.0722086
0.050	-1.0019427
0.500	-0.6351596
0.950	-0.2683766
0.975	-0.1981107
0.990	-0.1164114
0.995	-0.0607800
> ## Find the posterior density for mu, given a random sample of 4
> ## observations from N(mu,sigma^2=1), y = [2.99, 5.56, 2.83, 3.47],
> ## and a N(3,sd=2)$ prior for mu
> y = c(2.99,5.56,2.83,3.47)
> normnp(y,3,2,1)
Known standard deviation :1
Posterior mean           : 3.6705882
Posterior std. deviation : 0.4850713

Prob.	Quantile 
------	----------
0.005	 2.4211275
0.010	 2.5421438
0.025	 2.7198661
0.050	 2.8727170
0.500	 3.6705882
0.950	 4.4684594
0.975	 4.6213104
0.990	 4.7990327
0.995	 4.9200490
null device 