Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Bayesian inference for a normal standard deviation with a...
nvaricpR Documentation

Bayesian inference for a normal standard deviation with a scaled inverse chi-squared distribution


Evaluates and plots the posterior density for sigma, the standard deviation of a Normal distribution where the mean mu is known


nvaricp(y, mu, S0, kappa, plot = TRUE, ...)



a random sample from a normal(mu,sigma^2) distribution.


the known population mean of the random sample.


the prior scaling factor.


the degrees of freedom of the prior.


if TRUE then a plot showing the prior and the posterior will be produced.


this allows the arguments (which is logical), and alpha (numerical between 0 and 1 exclusive) to be specified for compatibility with previous versions. A warning will be issued about these arguments being deprecated which is why there are no examples using them.


A list will be returned with the following components:


the vaules of sigma for which the prior, likelihood and posterior have been calculated


the prior density for sigma


the likelihood function for sigma given y


the posterior density of sigma given y


the posterior scaling constant


the posterior degrees of freedom


## Suppose we have five observations from a normal(mu, sigma^2)
## distribution mu = 200 which are 206.4, 197.4, 212.7, 208.5.
y = c(206.4, 197.4, 212.7, 208.5, 203.4)

## We wish to choose a prior that has a median of 8. This happens when
## S0 = 29.11 and kappa = 1

##  Same as the previous example but a calculate a 95% credible
## interval for sigma. NOTE this method has changed
results = nvaricp(y,200,29.11,1)
quantile(results, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))


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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/nvaricp.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: nvaricp
> ### Title: Bayesian inference for a normal standard deviation with a scaled
> ###   inverse chi-squared distribution
> ### Aliases: nvaricp
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> ## Suppose we have five observations from a normal(mu, sigma^2)
> ## distribution mu = 200 which are 206.4, 197.4, 212.7, 208.5.
> y = c(206.4, 197.4, 212.7, 208.5, 203.4)
> ## We wish to choose a prior that has a median of 8. This happens when
> ## S0 = 29.11 and kappa = 1
> nvaricp(y,200,29.11,1)
S1: 321.9 kappa1 :6
> ##  Same as the previous example but a calculate a 95% credible
> ## interval for sigma. NOTE this method has changed
> results = nvaricp(y,200,29.11,1)
S1: 321.9 kappa1 :6
> quantile(results, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
[1]  4.720154 16.130040
null device 