Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot method for objects of type Bolstad
plot.BolstadR Documentation

Plot method for objects of type Bolstad


A unified plotting method for plotting the prior, likelihood and posterior from any of the analyses in the book


## S3 method for class 'Bolstad'
plot(x, overlay = TRUE, which = c(1, 3),
  densCols = c("red", "green", "blue")[which], legendLoc = "topleft",
  scaleLike = FALSE, xlab = eval(expression(x$name)), ylab = "",
  main = "Shape of prior and posterior", ylim = c(0, max(cbind(x$prior,
  x$likelihood, x$posterior)[, which]) * 1.1), cex = 0.7, ...)



A S3 object of class Bolstad


if FALSE then up to three plots will be drawn side-by-side


Control which of the prior = 1, likelihood = 2, and posterior = 3, are plots. This is set to prior and posterior by default to retain compatibility with the book


The colors of the lines for each of the prior, likelihood and posterior


The location of the legend, usually either "topright" or "topleft"


If TRUE, then the likelihood will be scaled to have approximately the same maximum value as the posterior


Label for x axis


Label for y axis


Title of plot


Vector giving y coordinate range


Character expansion multiplier


Any remaining arguments are fed to the plot command


The function provides a unified way of plotting the prior, likelihood and posterior from any of the functions in the library that return these quantities. It will produce an overlay of the lines by default, or separate panels if overlay = FALSE.


James Curran


x = rnorm(20,-0.5,1)
## find the posterior density with a N(0,1) prior on mu
b = normnp(x,sigma=1)
plot(b, which = 1:3)
plot(b, overlay = FALSE, which = 1:3)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/plot.Bolstad.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.Bolstad
> ### Title: Plot method for objects of type Bolstad
> ### Aliases: plot.Bolstad
> ### Keywords: plot
> ### ** Examples
> x = rnorm(20,-0.5,1)
> ## find the posterior density with a N(0,1) prior on mu
> b = normnp(x,sigma=1)
Known standard deviation :1
Posterior mean           : -0.5957083
Posterior std. deviation : 0.2182179

Prob.	Quantile 
------	----------
0.005	-1.1578003
0.010	-1.1033590
0.025	-1.0234075
0.050	-0.9546448
0.500	-0.5957083
0.950	-0.2367718
0.975	-0.1680091
0.990	-0.0880576
0.995	-0.0336163
> plot(b)
> plot(b, which = 1:3)
> plot(b, overlay = FALSE, which = 1:3)
null device 