Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Monte Carlo study of randomized and blocked designs
xdesignR Documentation

Monte Carlo study of randomized and blocked designs


Simulates completely randomized design and randomized block designs from a population of experimental units with underlying response values y and underlying other variable values x (possibly lurking)


xdesign(x = NULL, y = NULL, corr = 0.8, size = 20, n.treatments = 4,
  n.rep = 500)



a set of lurking values which are correlated with the response


a set of response values


the correlation between the response and lurking variable


the size of the treatment groups


the number of treatments


the number of Monte Carlo replicates


If the ouput of xdesign is assigned to a variable, then a list is returned with the following components:


a vector of the means of the lurking variable from each replicate of the simulation stored by treatment number within replicate number


a vector of the means of the response variable from each replicate of the simulation stored by treatment number within replicate number


a vector containing the treatment group numbers. Note that there will be twice as many group numbers as there are treatments corresponding to the simulations done using a completely randomized design and the simulations done using a randomized block design


# Carry out simulations using the default parameters 


# Carry out simulations using a simulated response with 5 treaments, 
# groups of size 25, and a correlation of -0.6 between the response 
# and lurking variable

xdesign(corr = -0.6, size = 25, n.treatments = 5)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Bolstad)

Attaching package: 'Bolstad'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, sd, var

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad/xdesign.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: xdesign
> ### Title: Monte Carlo study of randomized and blocked designs
> ### Aliases: xdesign
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> # Carry out simulations using the default parameters 
> xdesign()
Variable	N	Mean	Median	TrMean	StDev	SE Mean
X		80	-0.119	-0.086	-0.106	1.138	0.127
Y		80	-0.132	-0.035	-0.116	1.119	0.125

Variable	Minimum	Maximum	Q1	Q3
X		-2.831	2.528	-0.893	0.734
Y		-2.373	2.457	-1.012	0.784

The Pearson correlation between X and Y is: 0.838 

Variable	N	Mean	Median	TrMean	StDev	SE Mean
Randomized	2000	-0.132	-0.128	-0.131	0.215	0.005
Blocked		2000	-0.132	-0.137	-0.133	0.117	0.003

Variable	Minimum	Maximum	Q1	Q3
Randomized	-0.922	0.633	-0.279	0.013
Blocked		-0.48	0.247	-0.216	-0.053

> # Carry out simulations using a simulated response with 5 treaments, 
> # groups of size 25, and a correlation of -0.6 between the response 
> # and lurking variable
> xdesign(corr = -0.6, size = 25, n.treatments = 5)
Variable	N	Mean	Median	TrMean	StDev	SE Mean
X		125	0.006	-0.002	0.021	0.86	0.077
Y		125	-0.004	0.013	0	0.98	0.088

Variable	Minimum	Maximum	Q1	Q3
X		-2.944	2.42	-0.482	0.586
Y		-3.203	2.377	-0.657	0.693

The Pearson correlation between X and Y is: -0.473 

Variable	N	Mean	Median	TrMean	StDev	SE Mean
Randomized	2500	-0.004	-0.003	-0.004	0.175	0.003
Blocked		2500	-0.004	0.001	-0.002	0.157	0.003

Variable	Minimum	Maximum	Q1	Q3
Randomized	-0.564	0.589	-0.125	0.114
Blocked		-0.532	0.448	-0.105	0.103

null device 