Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Metropolis Hastings sampling from a Bivariate Normal...
bivnormMHR Documentation

Metropolis Hastings sampling from a Bivariate Normal distribution


This function uses the MetropolisHastings algorithm to draw a sample from a correlated bivariate normal target density using a random walk candidate and an independent candidate density respectively where we are drawing both parameters in a single draw. It can also use the blockwise Metropolis Hastings algorithm and Gibbs sampling respectively to draw a sample from the correlated bivariate normal target.


bivnormMH(rho, rho1 = 0.9, sigma = c(1.2, 1.2),
                 steps = 1000, type = 'ind')



the correlation coefficient for the bivariate normal


the correlation of the candidate distribution. Only used when type = 'ind'


the standard deviations of the marginal distributions of the independent candidate density. Only used when type = 'ind'


the number of Metropolis Hastings steps


the type of candidate generation to use. Can be one of 'rw' = random walk, 'ind' = independent normals, 'gibbs' = Gibbs sampling or 'block' = blockwise. It is sufficient to use 'r','i','g', or 'b'


returns a list which contains a data frame called targetSample with members x and y. These are the samples from the target density.


## independent chain

## random walk chain
chain2.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'r')$targetSample

## blockwise MH chain
chain3.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'b')$targetSample

## Gibbs sampling chain
chain4.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'g')$targetSample

oldPar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain1.df, main = 'Independent')
plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain2.df, main = 'Random Walk')
plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain3.df, main = 'Blockwise')
plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain4.df, main = 'Gibbs')


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> library(Bolstad2)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad2/bivnormMH.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: bivnormMH
> ### Title: Metropolis Hastings sampling from a Bivariate Normal
> ###   distribution
> ### Aliases: bivnormMH
> ### ** Examples
> ## independent chain
> chain1.df<-bivnormMH(0.9)$targetSample
> ## random walk chain
> chain2.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'r')$targetSample
> ## blockwise MH chain
> chain3.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'b')$targetSample
> ## Gibbs sampling chain
> chain4.df<-bivnormMH(0.9, type = 'g')$targetSample
> oldPar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain1.df, main = 'Independent')
> plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain2.df, main = 'Random Walk')
> plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain3.df, main = 'Blockwise')
> plot(y ~ x, type = 'l', chain4.df, main = 'Gibbs')
> par(oldPar)
null device 