Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified...
credIntR Documentation

Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified posterior CDF or from a sample from the posterior


Calculates a lower, upper, or two-sided credible interval from the numerical posterior CDF or from a sample from the posterior.


credInt(theta, cdf = NULL, conf = 0.95, type="twosided")



either a sample from the posterior density or the values over which the the posterior CDF is specified


the values of the CDF, F(θ) = int_{-∞}^{θ}f(t).df where f(t) is the PDF. This only needs to be specified if a numerically specified posterior is being used


the desired 'confidence' level


the type of interval to return, 'lower' = one sided lower bound, 'two-sided' = two - sided, or 'upper' = one sided upper bound. It is sufficient to use 'l','t' or 'u'


This function uses linear interpolation to calculate bounds for points that may not be specified by CDF


a list containing the elements lower.bound, uppper.bound or both depending on type


## commands for calculating a numerical posterior CDF.
## In this example, the likelihood is proportional to
## eqn{\theta^{3/2}\times exp(-\theta/4)} and a N(6, 9) prior is used.
theta <- seq(from = 0.001, to = 40, by = 0.001)
prior <- dnorm(theta,6,3)
ppnLike <- theta^1.5*exp(-theta/4)
ppnPost <- prior*ppnLike
scaleFactor <- sintegral(theta, ppnPost)$int
posterior <- ppnPost/scaleFactor
cdf <- sintegral(theta, posterior)$y
ci<-credInt(theta, cdf)
plot(prior ~ theta, type = 'l',  main = "Prior N(6, 9)")
plot(ppnLike ~ theta, type = 'l', main = "Proportional likelihood")
plot(posterior ~ theta, type = 'l', main = "Posterior")

## Use an inverse method to take a random sample of size 1000
## from the posterior


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Bolstad2)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad2/credInt.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: credInt
> ### Title: Calculate a credible interval from a numerically specified
> ###   posterior CDF or from a sample from the posterior
> ### Aliases: credInt
> ### ** Examples
> ## commands for calculating a numerical posterior CDF.
> ## In this example, the likelihood is proportional to
> ## eqn{\theta^{3/2}\times exp(-\theta/4)} and a N(6, 9) prior is used.
> theta <- seq(from = 0.001, to = 40, by = 0.001)
> prior <- dnorm(theta,6,3)
> ppnLike <- theta^1.5*exp(-theta/4)
> ppnPost <- prior*ppnLike
> scaleFactor <- sintegral(theta, ppnPost)$int
> posterior <- ppnPost/scaleFactor
> cdf <- sintegral(theta, posterior)$y
> ci<-credInt(theta, cdf)
Credible interval is : (2.02114790458962,11.4246333371552)
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(prior ~ theta, type = 'l',  main = "Prior N(6, 9)")
> plot(ppnLike ~ theta, type = 'l', main = "Proportional likelihood")
> plot(posterior ~ theta, type = 'l', main = "Posterior")
> abline(v=c(unlist(ci)))
> ## Use an inverse method to take a random sample of size 1000
> ## from the posterior
> suppressWarnings(Finv<-approxfun(cdf,theta))
> thetaSample<-Finv(runif(1000))
> ci<-credInt(thetaSample)
Credible interval is (2.2300076598049,11.0198564940339)
null device 