Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Draw a sample from a posterior distribution of data with an...
normGibbsR Documentation

Draw a sample from a posterior distribution of data with an unknown mean and variance using Gibbs sampling


normGibbs draws a Gibbs sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters given the data fron normal distribution with unknown mean and variance. The prior for μ given var is prior mean m0 and prior variance var/n0 . That means n0 is the 'equivalent sample size.' The prior distribution of the variance is s0 times an inverse chi-squared with kappa0 degrees of freedom. The joint prior is the product g(var)g(mu|var).


normGibbs(y, steps = 1000, type = 'ind', ...)



A vector containing the data


The number of iterations of Gibbs sampling to carry out


Either 'ind' for sampling from an independent conjugate prior or 'joint' for sampling from a joint conjugate prior. 'i' and 'j' can be used as compact notation


If type = 'ind' then the user can specify the prior for μ with a parameter priorMu which can either be a single number m0, or m0 and n0. if m0 and n0 are not specified then m0 and n0 are 0 by default. The user can also specify priorVar, which if given, must be a vector with two elements s0 and kappa0. If s0 and kappa0 are not given then they are zero by default. If type = 'joint' then priorMu must be a vector of length two with elements m0 and sd0. The user can also specify priorVar, which if given, must be a vector with two elements s0 and kappa0. If s0 and kappa0 are not given then they are zero by default.


A data frame containing three variables

[1,] mu a sample from the posterior distribution of the mean
[2,] sig a sample from the posterior distribution of the standard deviation
[3,] mu a sample from the posterior distribution of the variance = sig^2


James M. Curran


## firstly generate some random data
mu <- rnorm(1)
sigma <- rgamma(1,5,1)
y <- rnorm(100, mu, sigma)

## A eqn{N(10,3^2)} prior for eqn{mu} and a 25 times inverse chi-squared
## with one degree of freedom prior for eqn{sigma^2}
MCMCSampleInd <- normGibbs(y, steps = 5000, priorMu = c(10,3),
                           priorVar = c(25,1))

## We can also use a joint conjugate prior for eqn{mu} and eqn{sigma^2}.
## This will be a emph{normal}eqn{(m,sigma^2/n_0)} prior for eqn{mu} given
## the variance eqn{sigma^2}, and an eqn{s0} times an emph{inverse
## chi-squared} prior for eqn{sigma^2}.
MCMCSampleJoint <- normGibbs(y, steps = 5000, type = 'joint',
                             priorMu = c(10,3), priorVar = c(25,1))

## Now plot the results
oldPar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))

plot(density(MCMCSampleInd$mu),xlab=expression(mu), main =
plot(density(MCMCSampleInd$sig),xlab=expression(sig), main =

plot(density(MCMCSampleJoint$mu),xlab=expression(mu), main =
plot(density(MCMCSampleJoint$sig),xlab=expression(sig), main =


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> library(Bolstad2)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Bolstad2/normGibbs.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: normGibbs
> ### Title: Draw a sample from a posterior distribution of data with an
> ###   unknown mean and variance using Gibbs sampling
> ### Aliases: normGibbs
> ### ** Examples
> ## firstly generate some random data
> mu <- rnorm(1)
> sigma <- rgamma(1,5,1)
> y <- rnorm(100, mu, sigma)
> ## A eqn{N(10,3^2)} prior for eqn{mu} and a 25 times inverse chi-squared
> ## with one degree of freedom prior for eqn{sigma^2}
> MCMCSampleInd <- normGibbs(y, steps = 5000, priorMu = c(10,3),
+                            priorVar = c(25,1))
       N      mean      stdev       sterr       min        q1       med
mu  5000 -1.238207  0.8580427 0.012134557 -5.405055 -1.824605 -1.237459
sig 5000  8.501562  0.6136423 0.008678212  6.661707  8.079131  8.474729
var 5000 72.653034 10.6291424 0.150318773 44.378339 65.272352 71.821035
            q3        max
mu  -0.6586607   2.352413
sig  8.8839139  13.939501
var 78.9239260 194.309674
> ## We can also use a joint conjugate prior for eqn{mu} and eqn{sigma^2}.
> ## This will be a emph{normal}eqn{(m,sigma^2/n_0)} prior for eqn{mu} given
> ## the variance eqn{sigma^2}, and an eqn{s0} times an emph{inverse
> ## chi-squared} prior for eqn{sigma^2}.
> MCMCSampleJoint <- normGibbs(y, steps = 5000, type = 'joint',
+                              priorMu = c(10,3), priorVar = c(25,1))
       N      mean      stdev       sterr       min        q1       med
mu  5000 -1.232931  0.8328797 0.011778698 -4.119827 -1.783157 -1.246462
sig 5000  8.480864  0.6166467 0.008720701  6.663897  8.053846  8.434067
var 5000 72.305228 10.6338238 0.150384978 44.407519 64.864434 71.133485
            q3        max
mu  -0.6662507   1.803212
sig  8.8673604  11.708424
var 78.6300803 137.087198
> ## Now plot the results
> oldPar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(density(MCMCSampleInd$mu),xlab=expression(mu), main =
+ "Independent")
> abline(v=mu)
> plot(density(MCMCSampleInd$sig),xlab=expression(sig), main =
+ "Independent")
> abline(v=sigma)
> plot(density(MCMCSampleJoint$mu),xlab=expression(mu), main =
+ "Joint")
> abline(v=mu)
> plot(density(MCMCSampleJoint$sig),xlab=expression(sig), main =
+ "Joint")
> abline(v=sigma)
null device 