Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Export the results (the cctfit object)
cctexportR Documentation

Export the results (the cctfit object)


Exports the cctfit object as an .Rdata file, as well as .jpeg and .eps files of the relevant plots


cctexport(cctfit, filename = "CCTpackdata.Rdata")



The cctfit object as obtained from the cctapply() function.


The filename and location you would like to use. If no location is specified, it is saved to the current R working directory (see getwd()).


Saves the cctfit object as an .Rdata file, as well as .jpeg and .eps files of the relevant plots, which include: the scree plot, results plot, and posterior predictive check plots.


# cctfit <- cctapply(data = hotcold, clusters = 2, itemdiff = TRUE, samples = 10000, 
#                     chains = 3, burnin = 2000, runchecks = TRUE)
# cctexport(cctfit, filename = "C:/CCTpack/CCTpackdata.Rdata")


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> library(CCTpack)
Error in library(CCTpack) : there is no package called 'CCTpack'
Execution halted