Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generate a scree plot
cctscreeR Documentation

Generate a scree plot


Creates a screeplot of the data, providing the first 8 factors and their magnitudes.


cctscree(data, polych = FALSE)



a 2-dimensional matrix or array, missing values should be input as NA.


used for ordinal data only, if the polychoric correlations, rather than Pearson correlations, should be used


The scree plot is generated from the respondent by respondent correlation (Pearson) matrix.


cctscree(data = hotcold)
## With this example data, a scree plot with 2 substantial factors 
##               (suggesting two cultures) is produced. 


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> library(CCTpack)
Error in library(CCTpack) : there is no package called 'CCTpack'
Execution halted