Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generate a scree plot
screeplotR Documentation

Generate a scree plot


Screeplot method for CCTpack data, or a cctfit object of class 'cct'; equivalent to function cctscree().


screeplot(x, ...)



a 2-dimensional matrix or dataframe, missing values should be input as NA, or a cctfit object of class 'cct'.


Additional arguments: polych=T (for ordinal data only), to use the polychoric correlations rather than Pearson correlations.


The scree plot is generated from the respondent by respondent correlation (Pearson) matrix.


## With this example data, a scree plot with 2 substantial factors 
##               (suggesting two cultures) is produced. 


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> library(CCTpack)
Error in library(CCTpack) : there is no package called 'CCTpack'
Execution halted