Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot Pair-wise Overlap of Ranked Features
rankingPlotR Documentation

Plot Pair-wise Overlap of Ranked Features


Pair-wise overlaps can be done for two types of analyses. Firstly, each cross-validation iteration can be considered within a single classification. This explores the feature ranking stability. Secondly, the overlap may be considered between different classification results. This approach compares the feature ranking commonality between different methods. Two types of commonality are possible to analyse. One summary is the average pair-wise overlap between a level of the comparison factor and the other summary is the pair-wise overlap of each level of the comparison factor that is not the reference level against the reference level. The overlaps are converted to percentages and plotted as lineplots.


  ## S4 method for signature 'list'
rankingPlot(results, topRanked = seq(10, 100, 10),
                            comparison = c("within", "classificationName", "validation", "datasetName", "selectionName"),
                            referenceLevel = NULL,
                            lineColourVariable = c("validation", "datasetName", "classificationName",
                                                   "selectionName", "None"),
                            lineColours = NULL, lineWidth = 1,
                            pointTypeVariable = c("datasetName", "classificationName", "validation",
                                                  "selectionName", "None"),
                            pointSize = 2, legendLinesPointsSize = 1,
                            rowVariable = c("None", "datasetName", "classificationName", "validation", "selectionName"),
                            columnVariable = c("classificationName", "datasetName", "validation", "selectionName", "None"),
                            yMax = 100, fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12, 16),
                            title = if(comparison[1] == "within") "Feature Ranking Stability" else "Feature Ranking Commonality",
                            xLabelPositions = seq(10, 100, 10),
                            yLabel = if(is.null(referenceLevel)) "Average Common Features (%)" else paste("Average Common Features with", referenceLevel, "(%)"),
                            margin = grid::unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "lines"),
                            showLegend = TRUE, plot = TRUE, parallelParams = bpparam())



A list of ClassifyResult or SelectResult objects.


A sequence of thresholds of number of the best features to use for overlapping.


The aspect of the experimental design to compare. See Details section for a detailed description.


The level of the comparison factor to use as the reference to compare each non-reference level to. If NULL, then each level has the average pairwise overlap calculated to all other levels.


The slot name that different levels of are plotted as different line colours.


A vector of colours for different levels of the line colouring parameter. If NULL, a default palette is used.


A single number controlling the thickness of lines drawn.


The slot name that different levels of are plotted as different point shapes on the lines.


A single number specifying the diameter of points drawn.


A single number specifying the size of the lines and points in the legend, if a legend is drawn.


The slot name that different levels of are plotted as separate rows of lineplots.


The slot name that different levels of are plotted as separate columns of lineplots.


The maximum value of the percentage to plot.


A vector of length 6. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the size of the legends' titles. The fifth number is the font size of the legend labels. The sixth number is the font size of the titles of grouped plots, if any are produced. In other words, when rowVariable or columnVariable are not NULL.


An overall title for the plot.


Locations where to put labels on the x-axis.


Label to be used for the y-axis of overlap percentages.


The margin to have around the plot.


If TRUE, a legend is plotted next to the plot. If FALSE, it is hidden.


Logical. If TRUE, a plot is produced on the current graphics device.


An object of class MulticoreParam or SnowParam.


Possible values for characteristics are "datasetName", "classificationName", "selectionName", and "validation". If "None", then that graphical element is not used.

If comparison is "within", then the feature rankings are compared within a particular analysis. The result will inform how stable the feature rankings are between different iterations of cross-validation for a particular analysis. If comparison is "classificationName", then the feature rankings are compared across different classification algorithm types, for each level of "datasetName", "selectionName" and "validation". The result will inform how stable the feature rankings are between different classification algorithms, for every cross-validation scheme, selction algorithm and dataset. If comparison is "selectionName", then the feature rankings are compared across different feature selection algorithms, for each level of "datasetName", "classificationName" and "validation". The result will inform how stable the feature rankings are between feature selection classification algorithms, for every dataset, classification algorithm, and cross-validation scheme. If comparison is "validation", then the feature rankings are compared across different cross-validation schemes, for each level of "classificationName", "selectionName" and "datasetName". The result will inform how stable the feature rankings are between different cross-validation schemes, for every selection algorithm, classification algorithm and every dataset. If comparison is "datasetName", then the feature rankings are compared across different datasets, for each level of "classificationName", "selectionName" and "validation". The result will inform how stable the feature rankings are between different datasets, for every classification algorithm and every dataset. This could be used to consider if different experimental studies have a highly overlapping feature ranking pattern.

Calculating all pair-wise set overlaps for a large cross-validation result can be time-consuming. This stage can be done on multiple CPUs by providing the relevant options to parallelParams.


An object of class ggplot and a plot on the current graphics device, if plot is TRUE.


Dario Strbenac


  predicted <- data.frame(sample = sample(10, 100, replace = TRUE),
                          label = rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 50))
  actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5))
  rankList <- list(list(1:100, c(5:1, 6:100)), list(c(1:9, 11:101), c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)))
  result1 <- ClassifyResult("Example", "Differential Expression", "Example Selection", LETTERS[1:10], LETTERS[10:1],
                            list(list(rankList[[1]][[1]][1:15], rankList[[1]][[2]][1:15]),
                                 list(rankList[[2]][[1]][1:10], rankList[[2]][[2]][1:10])),
                            list(predicted), actual, list("fold", 2, 2))
  predicted[, "label"] <- sample(predicted[, "label"])
  rankList <- list(list(1:100, c(sample(20), 21:100)), list(c(1:9, 11:101), c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)))
  result2 <- ClassifyResult("Example", "Differential Variability", "Example Selection", LETTERS[1:10], LETTERS[10:1],
                            list(list(rankList[[1]][[1]][1:15], rankList[[1]][[2]][1:15]),
                                 list(rankList[[2]][[1]][1:10], rankList[[2]][[2]][1:10])),
                            list(predicted), actual, validation = list("fold", 2, 2))
  rankingPlot(list(result1, result2), pointTypeVariable = "classificationName")
  oneRanking <- c(10, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6)
  otherRanking <- c(8, 2, 3, 4, 1, 10, 6, 9, 7, 5)
  oneResult <- SelectResult("Example", "One Method", list(oneRanking), list(oneRanking[1:5]))
  otherResult <- SelectResult("Example", "Another Method", list(otherRanking), list(otherRanking[1:2]))
  rankingPlot(list(oneResult, otherResult), comparison = "selectionName",
           referenceLevel = "One Method", topRanked = seq(2, 8, 2),
           lineColourVariable = "selectionName", columnVariable = "None",
           pointTypeVariable = "None", xLabelPositions = 1:10)


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> library(ClassifyR)
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Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

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    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
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Loading required package: BiocParallel
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ClassifyR/rankingPlot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: rankingPlot
> ### Title: Plot Pair-wise Overlap of Ranked Features
> ### Aliases: rankingPlot rankingPlot,list-method
> ### ** Examples
>   predicted <- data.frame(sample = sample(10, 100, replace = TRUE),
+                           label = rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 50))
>   actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5))
>   rankList <- list(list(1:100, c(5:1, 6:100)), list(c(1:9, 11:101), c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)))
>   result1 <- ClassifyResult("Example", "Differential Expression", "Example Selection", LETTERS[1:10], LETTERS[10:1],
+                             rankList,
+                             list(list(rankList[[1]][[1]][1:15], rankList[[1]][[2]][1:15]),
+                                  list(rankList[[2]][[1]][1:10], rankList[[2]][[2]][1:10])),
+                             list(predicted), actual, list("fold", 2, 2))
>   predicted[, "label"] <- sample(predicted[, "label"])
>   rankList <- list(list(1:100, c(sample(20), 21:100)), list(c(1:9, 11:101), c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)))
>   result2 <- ClassifyResult("Example", "Differential Variability", "Example Selection", LETTERS[1:10], LETTERS[10:1],
+                             rankList,
+                             list(list(rankList[[1]][[1]][1:15], rankList[[1]][[2]][1:15]),
+                                  list(rankList[[2]][[1]][1:10], rankList[[2]][[2]][1:10])),
+                             list(predicted), actual, validation = list("fold", 2, 2))
>   rankingPlot(list(result1, result2), pointTypeVariable = "classificationName")
>   oneRanking <- c(10, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 5, 6)
>   otherRanking <- c(8, 2, 3, 4, 1, 10, 6, 9, 7, 5)
>   oneResult <- SelectResult("Example", "One Method", list(oneRanking), list(oneRanking[1:5]))
>   otherResult <- SelectResult("Example", "Another Method", list(otherRanking), list(otherRanking[1:2]))
>   rankingPlot(list(oneResult, otherResult), comparison = "selectionName",
+            referenceLevel = "One Method", topRanked = seq(2, 8, 2),
+            lineColourVariable = "selectionName", columnVariable = "None",
+            pointTypeVariable = "None", xLabelPositions = 1:10)
null device 