Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Thornthwaite - Mather's quantile plot
plot.thornthwaiteR Documentation

Thornthwaite - Mather's quantile plot


'plot' method implementation for 12-month quantile climate charts from output of function thornthwaite (Thornthwaite and Mather's water balance).


## S3 method for class 'thornthwaite'
plot(x, save_dir = NULL, format = NULL,
  variables = c("Precipitation", "Et0", "Storage", "Prec. - Evap.", "Deficit",
  "Surplus"), title = TRUE, trace_grid = TRUE, st_name = NULL,
  u_y_scale_magn = 0.2, l_y_scale_magn = 0, leg_pos = "topleft", ...)



a list of quantile data frames of water balance variables to be plotted, as output of function thornthwaite.


name of destination directory for graphs (if any). Default is NULL.


graphic format of graphs; default is NULL (charts are sent to console).


character vector of variables to be plotted.


logic. If TRUE inserts titles in charts.


logic. If TRUE (default) adds a grid.


name to be included into graphs titles. If NULL (default), no title is written.


magnification of range above upper limit, to set upper y-scale limit; default is 0.


magnification of range below lower limit, to set lower y-scale limit; default is 0.1.


legend position. Default is "topleft". If NULL, no legend is added.


arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par).


Default for plot variables is all those calculated by function thornthwaite: "Precipitation", "Et0", "Storage", "Prec. - Evap.", "Deficit", "Surplus". See function thornthwaite for details on variables.

If format is NULL (default), graphs are sent to the console. Otherwise, a file is produced and saved to the save_dir directory. Values allowed are: "png", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp".

l_y_scale_magn and u_y_scale_magn are the magnification coefficients (lower and upper, respectively), for y scale. If rng is the range between maximum and minimum values in all sets of series within a plot, the lower limit for y scale will be (rng * l_y_scale_magn) below the lower value, and the upper limit will be (rng * u_y_scale_magn) above the upper value of series.

Allowed values for leg_pos are the same of x in function legend.

Most graphic parameters for functions plot and legend are accepted.


Charts of quantiles for water balance variables (12-month climatic values). They can be sent to the console or saved as graphic files.


A conflict is generated if parameters already used by the function are passed (e.g. x for legend: use leg_pos instead).


Emanuele Eccel

See Also




# quantiles is the list ("thornthwaite" S3 object)of quantile tables generated
# by function thornthwaite;
# it is the second element of the output list,
# which can be split into two separate lists (see function thornthwaite)
sta <- 1     # 1st station in the list of quantile tables
class(q_list) <- "thornthwaite" ## q_list is coerced to a "thornthwaite" S3 object
st_name=names(quantiles)[sta], variables=c("Precipitation",  "Et0"),
leg_pos = "topleft", col=c(1:6,1), pch=c(1:6,16),
lty=1, horiz=TRUE,  y.intersp=0.1)


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> library(ClimClass)
Loading required package: geosphere
Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: reshape2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ClimClass/plot.thornthwaite.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.thornthwaite
> ### Title: Thornthwaite - Mather's quantile plot
> ### Aliases: plot.thornthwaite
> ### ** Examples
> data(Trent_climate)
> # quantiles is the list ("thornthwaite" S3 object)of quantile tables generated
> # by function thornthwaite;
> # it is the second element of the output list,
> # which can be split into two separate lists (see function thornthwaite)
> sta <- 1     # 1st station in the list of quantile tables
> q_list=quantiles[[sta]]
> class(q_list) <- "thornthwaite" ## q_list is coerced to a "thornthwaite" S3 object
> plot(q_list,
+ st_name=names(quantiles)[sta], variables=c("Precipitation",  "Et0"),
+ leg_pos = "topleft", col=c(1:6,1), pch=c(1:6,16),
+ lty=1, horiz=TRUE,  y.intersp=0.1)
null device 