Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculates the exact stability score (_ST_) for individual...
ClusterStability_exactR Documentation

Calculates the exact stability score (ST) for individual objects in a clustering solution.


This function will return the exact individual stability score ST and the exact global score STglobal using either the K-means or K-medoids algorithm and four different clustering indices: Calinski-Harabasz, Silhouette, Dunn or Davies-Bouldin. Variable overflow errors are possible for large numbers of objects.


ClusterStability_exact(dat, k, replicate, type) 



the input dataset: either a matrix or a dataframe.


the number of classes for the K-means or K-medoids algorithm (default=3).


the number of replicates to perform (default=1000).


the algorithm used in the partitioning: either 'kmeans' or 'kmedoids' algorithm (default=kmeans).


Returns the exact individual (ST) and global (ST_global) stability scores for the four clustering indices: Calinski-Harabasz (ch), Silhouette (sil), Dunn (dunn) or Davies-Bouldin (db).


   ## Calculate the stability scores of individual objects of the Iris dataset
   ## using K-means, 100 replicates (random starts) and k=3


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(ClusterStability)
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: clusterCrit
Loading required package: cluster
Loading required package: copula
Loading required package: WeightedCluster
Loading required package: TraMineR

TraMineR stable version 1.8-12 (Built: 2016-07-02)
Please type 'citation("TraMineR")' for citation information.

This is WeightedCluster stable version 1.2 (Built: 2016-07-02)

To get the manuals, please run:
   vignette("WeightedCluster") ## Complete manual in English
   vignette("WeightedClusterFR") ## Complete manual in French
   vignette("WeightedClusterPreview") ## Short preview in English

To cite WeightedCluster in publications please use:
Studer, Matthias (2013). WeightedCluster Library Manual: A practical guide to
   creating typologies of trajectories in the social sciences with R.
   LIVES Working Papers, 24. doi: 10.12682/lives.2296-1658.2013.24
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ClusterStability/ClusterStability_exact.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ClusterStability_exact
> ### Title: Calculates the exact stability score (_ST_) for individual
> ###   objects in a clustering solution.
> ### Aliases: ClusterStability_exact
> ### Keywords: Stability score,ST,individual,global,exact
> ### ** Examples
>    ## Calculate the stability scores of individual objects of the Iris dataset
>    ## using K-means, 100 replicates (random starts) and k=3
>    ClusterStability_exact(dat=iris[1:4],k=3,replicate=100,type='kmeans');
  [1] 0.9759461 0.9510162 0.9510162 0.9510162 0.9759461 0.9749661 0.9523580
  [8] 0.9759461 0.9510162 0.9510162 0.9749661 0.9757278 0.9510162 0.9510162
 [15] 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9759461 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9749661
 [22] 0.9749661 0.9757278 0.9749661 0.9512346 0.9510162 0.9759461 0.9749661
 [29] 0.9759461 0.9510162 0.9510162 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9510162
 [36] 0.9757278 0.9749661 0.9759461 0.9510162 0.9759461 0.9759461 0.9510162
 [43] 0.9510162 0.9749661 0.9749661 0.9510162 0.9749661 0.9510162 0.9749661
 [50] 0.9757278 0.5699994 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [57] 0.8935429 0.8728710 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8780003 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [64] 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [71] 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [78] 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [85] 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [92] 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8728710 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8935429
 [99] 0.8728710 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040
[106] 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040
[113] 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040
[120] 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040
[127] 0.8935429 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040
[134] 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040
[141] 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8935429 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8935429
[148] 0.8489040 0.8489040 0.8935429

  [1] 0.9590491 0.9165390 0.9165390 0.9165390 0.9590491 0.9573848 0.9188219
  [8] 0.9590491 0.9165390 0.9165390 0.9573848 0.9586814 0.9165390 0.9165390
 [15] 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9590491 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9573848
 [22] 0.9573848 0.9586814 0.9573848 0.9169068 0.9165390 0.9590491 0.9573848
 [29] 0.9590491 0.9165390 0.9165390 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9165390
 [36] 0.9586814 0.9573848 0.9590491 0.9165390 0.9590491 0.9590491 0.9165390
 [43] 0.9165390 0.9573848 0.9573848 0.9165390 0.9573848 0.9165390 0.9573848
 [50] 0.9586814 0.6105836 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [57] 0.8219671 0.7868088 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.7954605 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [64] 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [71] 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [78] 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [85] 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [92] 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.7868088 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.8219671
 [99] 0.7868088 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883
[106] 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883
[113] 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883
[120] 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883
[127] 0.8219671 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883
[134] 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883
[141] 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.8219671 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.8219671
[148] 0.7463883 0.7463883 0.8219671

  [1] 0.9765019 0.9503852 0.9503852 0.9503852 0.9765019 0.9759121 0.9517962
  [8] 0.9765019 0.9503852 0.9503852 0.9759121 0.9763708 0.9503852 0.9503852
 [15] 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9765019 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9759121
 [22] 0.9759121 0.9763708 0.9759121 0.9505163 0.9503852 0.9765019 0.9759121
 [29] 0.9765019 0.9503852 0.9503852 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9503852
 [36] 0.9763708 0.9759121 0.9765019 0.9503852 0.9765019 0.9765019 0.9503852
 [43] 0.9503852 0.9759121 0.9759121 0.9503852 0.9759121 0.9503852 0.9759121
 [50] 0.9763708 0.5644705 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [57] 0.8938661 0.8744419 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8775222 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [64] 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [71] 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [78] 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [85] 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [92] 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8744419 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8938661
 [99] 0.8744419 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292
[106] 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292
[113] 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292
[120] 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292
[127] 0.8938661 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292
[134] 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292
[141] 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8938661 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8938661
[148] 0.8501292 0.8501292 0.8938661

  [1] 0.9694151 0.9378495 0.9378495 0.9378495 0.9694151 0.9681405 0.9395665
  [8] 0.9694151 0.9378495 0.9378495 0.9681405 0.9691311 0.9378495 0.9378495
 [15] 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9694151 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9681405
 [22] 0.9681405 0.9691311 0.9681405 0.9381335 0.9378495 0.9694151 0.9681405
 [29] 0.9694151 0.9378495 0.9378495 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9378495
 [36] 0.9691311 0.9681405 0.9694151 0.9378495 0.9694151 0.9694151 0.9378495
 [43] 0.9378495 0.9681405 0.9681405 0.9378495 0.9681405 0.9378495 0.9681405
 [50] 0.9691311 0.5821592 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [57] 0.8658954 0.8395523 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8462230 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [64] 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [71] 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [78] 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [85] 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [92] 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8395523 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8658954
 [99] 0.8395523 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491
[106] 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491
[113] 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491
[120] 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491
[127] 0.8658954 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491
[134] 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491
[141] 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8658954 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8658954
[148] 0.8096491 0.8096491 0.8658954

[1] 0.903917

[1] 0.8409212

[1] 0.904436

[1] 0.8796598

null device 