Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot sampling distribution of mean or other sample statistic.
sampdistR Documentation

Plot sampling distribution of mean or other sample statistic.


The function sampvals generates the data. A density plot of a normal probability plot is provided, for one or mare sample sizes. For a density plot, the density estimate for the population is superimposed in gray. For the normal probability plot, the population plot is a dashed gray line. Default arguments give the sampling distribution of the mean, for a distribution that is mildly positively skewed.


sampdist(sampsize = c(3, 9, 30), seed = NULL, nsamp = 1000, FUN = mean,
         sampvals = function(n) exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.3)),
         tck = NULL, plot.type = c("density", "qq"), layout = c(3, 1))



Function that generates the data. For sampling from existing data values, this might be function that generates bootstrap samples.


One or more sample sizes. A plot will be provided for each different sample size.


Specify a seed if it is required to make the exact set(s) of sample values reproducible.


Number of samples.


Function that calculates the sample statistic.


Specify density, or qq. Or if no plot is required, specify "".


Tick size on lattice plots, by default 1, but 0.5 may be suitable for plots that are, for example, 50% of the default dimensions in each direction.


Layout on page, e.g. c(3,1) for a 3 columns by one row layout.


Data frame


John Maindonald.



## The function is currently defined as
  function (sampsize = c(3, 9, 30), seed = NULL, nsamp = 1000, FUN = mean,
            sampvals = function(n) exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.3)),
            tck = NULL, plot.type = c("density", "qq"), layout = c(3,
  if (!is.null(seed))
  ncases <- length(sampsize)
  y <- sampvals(nsamp)
  xlim = quantile(y, c(0.01, 0.99))
  xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.1
  samplingDist <- function(sampsize=3, nsamp=1000, FUN=mean)
    apply(matrix(sampvals(sampsize*nsamp), ncol=sampsize), 1, FUN)
  df <- data.frame(sapply(sampsize, function(x)samplingDist(x, nsamp=nsamp)))
  names(df) <- paste("y", sampsize, sep="")
  form <- formula(paste("~", paste(names(df), collapse="+")))
  lab <- lapply(sampsize, function(x) substitute(A, list(A = paste(x))))
  if (plot.type[1] == "density")
    gph <- densityplot(form, data=df, layout = layout, outer=TRUE,
                       plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(x, ...) {
                         panel.densityplot(x, ..., col = "black")
                         panel.densityplot(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2,
                       }, xlim = xlim, xlab = "", scales = list(tck = tck),
                       between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE,
                       factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size",
                                                  sep = expression(" = ")))
  else if (plot.type[1] == "qq")
    gph <- qqmath(form, data = df, layout = layout, plot.points = FALSE,
                  panel = function(x, ...) {
                    panel.qqmath(x, ..., col = "black", alpha=0.5)
                    panel.qqmath(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2, type = "l",
                  }, xlab = "", xlim = c(-3, 3), ylab = "", scales = list(tck = tck),
                  between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE,
                  factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size",
                                             sep = expression(" = ")))
  if (plot.type[1] %in% c("density", "qq"))


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> library(DAAG)
Loading required package: lattice
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DAAG/sampdist.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: sampdist
> ### Title: Plot sampling distribution of mean or other sample statistic.
> ### Aliases: sampdist
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
> sampdist(plot.type="density")
> sampdist(plot.type="qq")
> ## The function is currently defined as
>   function (sampsize = c(3, 9, 30), seed = NULL, nsamp = 1000, FUN = mean,
+             sampvals = function(n) exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.3)),
+             tck = NULL, plot.type = c("density", "qq"), layout = c(3,
+                                                           1))
+ {
+   if (!is.null(seed))
+     set.seed(seed)
+   ncases <- length(sampsize)
+   y <- sampvals(nsamp)
+   xlim = quantile(y, c(0.01, 0.99))
+   xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.1
+   samplingDist <- function(sampsize=3, nsamp=1000, FUN=mean)
+     apply(matrix(sampvals(sampsize*nsamp), ncol=sampsize), 1, FUN)
+   df <- data.frame(sapply(sampsize, function(x)samplingDist(x, nsamp=nsamp)))
+   names(df) <- paste("y", sampsize, sep="")
+   form <- formula(paste("~", paste(names(df), collapse="+")))
+   lab <- lapply(sampsize, function(x) substitute(A, list(A = paste(x))))
+   if (plot.type[1] == "density")
+     gph <- densityplot(form, data=df, layout = layout, outer=TRUE,
+                        plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(x, ...) {
+                          panel.densityplot(x, ..., col = "black")
+                          panel.densityplot(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2,
+                                            ...)
+                        }, xlim = xlim, xlab = "", scales = list(tck = tck),
+                        between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE,
+                        factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size",
+                                                   sep = expression(" = ")))
+   else if (plot.type[1] == "qq")
+     gph <- qqmath(form, data = df, layout = layout, plot.points = FALSE,
+                   outer=TRUE,
+                   panel = function(x, ...) {
+                     panel.qqmath(x, ..., col = "black", alpha=0.5)
+                     panel.qqmath(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2, type = "l",
+                                  ...)
+                   }, xlab = "", xlim = c(-3, 3), ylab = "", scales = list(tck = tck),
+                   between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE,
+                   factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size",
+                                              sep = expression(" = ")))
+   if (plot.type[1] %in% c("density", "qq"))
+     print(gph)
+   invisible(df)
+ }
function (sampsize = c(3, 9, 30), seed = NULL, nsamp = 1000, 
    FUN = mean, sampvals = function(n) exp(rnorm(n, mean = 0.5, 
        sd = 0.3)), tck = NULL, plot.type = c("density", "qq"), 
    layout = c(3, 1)) 
    if (!is.null(seed)) 
    ncases <- length(sampsize)
    y <- sampvals(nsamp)
    xlim = quantile(y, c(0.01, 0.99))
    xlim <- xlim + c(-1, 1) * diff(xlim) * 0.1
    samplingDist <- function(sampsize = 3, nsamp = 1000, FUN = mean) apply(matrix(sampvals(sampsize * 
        nsamp), ncol = sampsize), 1, FUN)
    df <- data.frame(sapply(sampsize, function(x) samplingDist(x, 
        nsamp = nsamp)))
    names(df) <- paste("y", sampsize, sep = "")
    form <- formula(paste("~", paste(names(df), collapse = "+")))
    lab <- lapply(sampsize, function(x) substitute(A, list(A = paste(x))))
    if (plot.type[1] == "density") 
        gph <- densityplot(form, data = df, layout = layout, 
            outer = TRUE, plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(x, 
                ...) {
                panel.densityplot(x, ..., col = "black")
                panel.densityplot(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2, 
            }, xlim = xlim, xlab = "", scales = list(tck = tck), 
            between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, 
                factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size", 
                sep = expression(" = ")))
    else if (plot.type[1] == "qq") 
        gph <- qqmath(form, data = df, layout = layout, plot.points = FALSE, 
            outer = TRUE, panel = function(x, ...) {
                panel.qqmath(x, ..., col = "black", alpha = 0.5)
                panel.qqmath(y, col = "gray40", lty = 2, type = "l", 
            }, xlab = "", xlim = c(-3, 3), ylab = "", scales = list(tck = tck), 
            between = list(x = 0.5), strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, 
                factor.levels = as.expression(lab), = "Sample size", 
                sep = expression(" = ")))
    if (plot.type[1] %in% c("density", "qq")) 
null device 