Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Claims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model
DCL-packageR Documentation

Claims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model


This package provides functions for statistical modelling and forecasting in claims reserving in non-life insurance under the Double Chain Ladder framework by Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen and Verrall (2012). Using specific functions, the user will be able generate plots to visualize and gain intuition about the data (run-off triangles), break down classical chain ladder under the DCL model, visualize the underlying delay function and the inflation, introduce expert knowledge about the severity inflation, the zero-claims etc. Besides a validation exercise can be performed through a back-test on the data.


Package: DCL
Type: Package
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2013-10-24
License: GPL-2


M.D. Martinez-Miranda, J.P. Nielsen and R. Verrall

Maintainer: Maria Dolores Martinez-Miranda <>


Martinez-Miranda M.D., Nielsen B, Nielsen J.P and Verrall, R. (2011) Cash flow simulation for a model of outstanding liabilities based on claim amounts and claim numbers. Astin Bulletin, 41/1, 107-129.

Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R. (2012) Double Chain Ladder. Astin Bulletin, 42/1, 59-76.

Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R. (2013) Double Chain Ladder and Bornhuetter-Ferguson. North American Actuarial Journal, 17(2), 101-113.

Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P., Verrall, R. and Wuthrich, M.V. (2013) Double Chain Ladder, Claims Development Inflation and Zero Claims. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. In press.

See more at



# Classical chain ladder parameters

# Estimation of the DCL parameters (break-down of the chain ladder parameters)

# DCL Predictions by diagonals (future calendar years)
# Splitting the chain ladder reserve into RBNR and IBNR claims (ignoring the tail)

# Full cashflow considering the tail (only the variance process)
# Below only B=200 simulations for faster calculations in the example


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> library(DCL)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DCL/DCL-package.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: DCL-package
> ### Title: Claims Reserving under the Double Chain Ladder Model
> ### Aliases: DCL-package DCL
> ### Keywords: package package
> ### ** Examples
> data(NtriangleDCL)
> data(XtriangleDCL)
> # Classical chain ladder parameters
> my.clm.par<-clm(XtriangleDCL)
> Plot.clm.par(my.clm.par)
> # Estimation of the DCL parameters (break-down of the chain ladder parameters)
> my.dcl.par<-dcl.estimation(XtriangleDCL,NtriangleDCL)
   delay.par delay.prob inflation severity.mean severity.var
1     0.3649     0.3649    1.0000      208.4910    2055848.1
2     0.2924     0.2924    0.7562      157.6619    1175628.8
3     0.1119     0.1119    0.7350      153.2415    1110629.4
4     0.0839     0.0839    0.8908      185.7203    1631305.5
5     0.0630     0.0630    0.7840      163.4627    1263728.0
6     0.0332     0.0332    0.7791      162.4267    1247760.4
7     0.0245     0.0245    0.6605      137.7131     896947.6
8     0.0121     0.0121    0.7370      153.6665    1116798.1
9     0.0158     0.0142    0.6990      145.7439    1004609.0
10   -0.0012     0.0000    0.8198      170.9139    1381564.2
  mean.factor mean.factor.adj variance.factor
1    208.3748         208.491         2055848
> Plot.dcl.par(my.dcl.par)
> # DCL Predictions by diagonals (future calendar years)
> # Splitting the chain ladder reserve into RBNR and IBNR claims (ignoring the tail)
> preds.dcl.diag<-dcl.predict(my.dcl.par,Model=0,Tail=FALSE,num.dec=0)
   Future.years    rbns   ibnr   total     clm
1             1 1256744  97114 1353858 1353858
2             2  671784  82396  754180  754180
3             3  453470  35142  488612  488612
4             4  292068  25975  318043  318043
5             5  164895  19716  184611  184611
6             6  103780  11242  115023  115023
7             7   54819   8326   63145   63145
8             8   31252   4561   35813   35813
9             9   -2325   4820    2494    2494
10           10       0      0       0      NA
11           11       0      0       0      NA
12           12       0      0       0      NA
13           13       0      0       0      NA
14           14       0      0       0      NA
15           15       0      0       0      NA
16           16       0      0       0      NA
17           17       0      0       0      NA
18           18       0      0       0      NA
19         Tot. 3026488 289292 3315779 3315779
> # Full cashflow considering the tail (only the variance process)
> # Below only B=200 simulations for faster calculations in the example
> boot1<-dcl.boot(dcl.par=my.dcl.par,Ntriangle=NtriangleDCL,boot.type=1,B=200)
[1] "Please wait, simulating the distribution..."
[1] "Done!"
   period       rbns  mean.rbns   sd.rbns    Q1.rbns    Q5.rbns   Q50.rbns
1       1 1260907.90 1254024.11 105004.46 1026486.02 1091338.71 1243532.96
2       2  672017.58  668205.97  73202.33  541519.84  560011.17  661768.98
3       3  453360.52  455194.66  60680.81  306498.92  367068.24  454791.61
4       4  292539.65  295308.10  45535.58  203573.14  223146.24  299111.25
5       5  164970.41  160199.00  35490.54   99357.82  110462.32  157648.25
6       6  103125.19  106893.91  29993.28   55080.79   63542.98  104455.29
7       7   54037.12   54300.76  20731.50   17818.01   27209.22   50904.57
8       8   30396.54   30711.46  16157.17    6576.01    9170.95   28523.96
9       9       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
10     10       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
11     11       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
12     12       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
13     13       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
14     14       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
15     15       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
16     16       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
17     17       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
18     18       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
19   Tot. 3031354.91 3024837.97 163755.56 2704880.12 2753364.43 3013070.80
     Q95.rbns   Q99.rbns
1  1415356.90 1498929.81
2   812379.79  841874.78
3   557529.72  590484.90
4   376078.57  406102.16
5   221787.16  270586.65
6   163249.64  183163.15
7    92642.67  116451.16
8    59323.43   80657.39
9        0.00       0.00
10       0.00       0.00
11       0.00       0.00
12       0.00       0.00
13       0.00       0.00
14       0.00       0.00
15       0.00       0.00
16       0.00       0.00
17       0.00       0.00
18       0.00       0.00
19 3319858.11 3386524.39
   period      ibnr mean.ibnr  sd.ibnr   Q1.ibnr   Q5.ibnr  Q50.ibnr  Q95.ibnr
1       1  97168.11  96542.05 25897.70  46003.91  57971.83  94261.64 143646.22
2       2  82620.00  83517.04 24410.77  35892.02  50329.20  78868.13 127479.47
3       3  35505.74  34707.58 15631.32   8047.82  12540.78  33560.67  62144.90
4       4  26503.46  25012.80 13598.91   3187.32   5837.98  23377.89  50541.90
5       5  20353.21  18227.37 11177.56   2444.12   4210.69  15862.74  39424.63
6       6  11970.64  11093.49  9342.69    285.08    992.24   9356.03  29214.63
7       7   9074.00   8869.92  9040.84    112.23    575.42   6373.35  27511.50
8       8   5411.50   4438.65  5765.12      6.58     75.32   2298.49  16011.26
9       9   5459.61   5525.87  6447.23      4.04     39.83   3328.08  18911.89
10     10   1119.08    885.59  2321.49      0.00      0.00     18.60   4889.88
11     11    580.33    351.19  1118.39      0.00      0.00      0.00   2181.40
12     12    355.37    180.79   791.18      0.00      0.00      0.00    720.69
13     13    210.61    120.73   633.51      0.00      0.00      0.00    410.43
14     14    116.42     66.36   356.25      0.00      0.00      0.00    111.91
15     15     64.70     52.33   563.38      0.00      0.00      0.00      1.34
16     16     32.12      3.89    51.38      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
17     17     12.77     28.50   396.13      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
18     18      0.00      0.00     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
19   Tot. 296557.68 289624.13 47459.51 187287.43 214930.07 289026.85 367682.22
1  150301.60
2  140432.61
3   79840.14
4   60614.33
5   53131.71
6   38438.57
7   39796.21
8   25042.29
9   27266.15
10   9192.56
11   6301.31
12   4504.21
13   3224.56
14   2376.80
15    626.23
16     17.63
17      4.19
18      0.00
19 382867.70
   period      total
1       1 1358076.01 1350566.16 106557.11 1144756.20 1186746.46 1343071.09
2       2  754637.59  751723.01  76043.31  600391.03  629328.70  754481.37
3       3  488866.26  489902.24  62366.07  355729.65  389440.40  492572.52
4       4  319043.11  320320.90  47346.45  220782.91  252131.55  319571.36
5       5  185323.62  178426.37  36965.27  114982.31  123092.21  176181.30
6       6  115095.83  117987.40  32651.87   58519.03   70413.28  115493.90
7       7   63111.11   63170.69  22621.66   18664.37   33487.87   60335.24
8       8   35808.04   35150.11  17206.09    7957.95   11957.73   31817.46
9       9    5459.61    5525.87   6447.23       4.04      39.83    3328.08
10     10    1119.08     885.59   2321.49       0.00       0.00      18.60
11     11     580.33     351.19   1118.39       0.00       0.00       0.00
12     12     355.37     180.79    791.18       0.00       0.00       0.00
13     13     210.61     120.73    633.51       0.00       0.00       0.00
14     14     116.42      66.36    356.25       0.00       0.00       0.00
15     15      64.70      52.33    563.38       0.00       0.00       0.00
16     16      32.12       3.89     51.38       0.00       0.00       0.00
17     17      12.77      28.50    396.13       0.00       0.00       0.00
18     18       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
19   Tot. 3327912.59 3314462.11 168876.47 2984460.46 3065993.14 3313740.53
1  1513007.91 1606208.48
2   881191.49  953440.57
3   596907.44  634725.41
4   403456.68  429559.71
5   247106.60  288231.85
6   178286.93  203116.64
7    99792.70  140743.90
8    62456.13   83142.40
9    18911.89   27266.15
10    4889.88    9192.56
11    2181.40    6301.31
12     720.69    4504.21
13     410.43    3224.56
14     111.91    2376.80
15       1.34     626.23
16       0.00      17.63
17       0.00       4.19
18       0.00       0.00
19 3589903.67 3683957.27
> Plot.cashflow(boot1)
null device 