Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting the full cashflow (bootstrap distribution)
Plot.cashflowR Documentation

Plotting the full cashflow (bootstrap distribution)


Provide histograms and boxplots of the RBNS, IBNR and total(=RBNS+IBNR) cashflows. The boxplots corresponds to the distribution of the outstanding liabities in the future calendar periods. The histograms show the distribution of the reserve (overall total).


Plot.cashflow( cashflow )



A list object returned by the function dcl.boot or dcl.boot.prior.


The cashflow should be derived by specifying the parameter"diag" in the function dcl.boot or dcl.boot.prior.


No returned value.


M.D. Martinez-Miranda, J.P. Nielsen and R. Verrall


Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R. (2012) Double Chain Ladder. Astin Bulletin, 42/1, 59-76.

Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P. and Verrall, R. (2013) Double Chain Ladder and Bornhuetter-Ferguson. North Americal Actuarial Journal, 17(2), 101-113.

Martinez-Miranda, M.D., Nielsen, J.P., Verrall, R. and Wuthrich, M.V. (2013) Double Chain Ladder, Claims Development Inflation and Zero Claims. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. In press.

See Also

dcl.boot, dcl.boot.prior, dcl.estimation


# Results described in the data application by Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen and Verrall (2012)

# Estimation of the DCL parameters
# Full cashflow considering the tail (only variance process)
# Below only B=200 simulations for a fast example


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> library(DCL)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DCL/Plot.cashflow.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Plot.cashflow
> ### Title: Plotting the full cashflow (bootstrap distribution)
> ### Aliases: Plot.cashflow
> ### Keywords: Graphics
> ### ** Examples
> # Results described in the data application by Martinez-Miranda, Nielsen and Verrall (2012)
> data(NtriangleDCL)
> data(XtriangleDCL)
> # Estimation of the DCL parameters
> est<-dcl.estimation(XtriangleDCL,NtriangleDCL)
   delay.par delay.prob inflation severity.mean severity.var
1     0.3649     0.3649    1.0000      208.4910    2055848.1
2     0.2924     0.2924    0.7562      157.6619    1175628.8
3     0.1119     0.1119    0.7350      153.2415    1110629.4
4     0.0839     0.0839    0.8908      185.7203    1631305.5
5     0.0630     0.0630    0.7840      163.4627    1263728.0
6     0.0332     0.0332    0.7791      162.4267    1247760.4
7     0.0245     0.0245    0.6605      137.7131     896947.6
8     0.0121     0.0121    0.7370      153.6665    1116798.1
9     0.0158     0.0142    0.6990      145.7439    1004609.0
10   -0.0012     0.0000    0.8198      170.9139    1381564.2
  mean.factor mean.factor.adj variance.factor
1    208.3748         208.491         2055848
> # Full cashflow considering the tail (only variance process)
> # Below only B=200 simulations for a fast example
> boot1<-dcl.boot(dcl.par=est,Ntriangle=NtriangleDCL,boot.type=1,B=200)
[1] "Please wait, simulating the distribution..."
[1] "Done!"
   period       rbns  mean.rbns   sd.rbns    Q1.rbns    Q5.rbns   Q50.rbns
1       1 1260907.90 1247515.22  98980.42 1033761.92 1091819.07 1243315.69
2       2  672017.58  668290.09  72227.43  513389.02  564025.94  664460.63
3       3  453360.52  454359.31  56695.93  341670.06  360336.62  450220.31
4       4  292539.65  287565.22  43813.02  207919.77  225833.61  281210.21
5       5  164970.41  167441.18  39156.57   88930.76  106325.82  166097.67
6       6  103125.19  103576.06  27099.82   49854.25   56968.10  104484.36
7       7   54037.12   54544.87  19031.88   15859.58   25595.93   52749.41
8       8   30396.54   27935.23  13758.36    6938.18    9233.21   26659.33
9       9       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
10     10       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
11     11       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
12     12       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
13     13       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
14     14       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
15     15       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
16     16       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
17     17       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
18     18       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
19   Tot. 3031354.91 3011227.18 148467.80 2697604.99 2755183.75 3012897.58
     Q95.rbns   Q99.rbns
1  1427714.16 1504296.32
2   790994.91  870505.95
3   557344.56  589334.46
4   366489.90  389253.38
5   237316.18  276301.47
6   148927.86  159181.94
7    88482.59   98023.37
8    54263.13   64551.83
9        0.00       0.00
10       0.00       0.00
11       0.00       0.00
12       0.00       0.00
13       0.00       0.00
14       0.00       0.00
15       0.00       0.00
16       0.00       0.00
17       0.00       0.00
18       0.00       0.00
19 3273584.02 3371792.66
   period      ibnr mean.ibnr  sd.ibnr   Q1.ibnr   Q5.ibnr  Q50.ibnr  Q95.ibnr
1       1  97168.11  99721.52 28443.36  50273.75  57114.33  96223.67 155856.67
2       2  82620.00  81432.33 23634.54  35342.30  46678.12  80049.61 120213.72
3       3  35505.74  33179.37 17880.80   6023.39  11606.20  28821.55  70042.30
4       4  26503.46  25873.19 13919.16   6199.88   7717.41  24010.93  51502.49
5       5  20353.21  19315.28 12194.22   2034.33   3979.45  17127.19  43526.62
6       6  11970.64  11885.49 10281.42    687.21   1523.56   8701.32  32378.34
7       7   9074.00   8258.26  8263.90    212.10    516.27   6072.35  26345.76
8       8   5411.50   5003.95  7739.46      2.92    114.48   2704.47  18781.76
9       9   5459.61   5133.04  6454.23      9.93     55.22   2794.80  18954.30
10     10   1119.08   1085.91  2751.21      0.00      0.00      9.53   6160.41
11     11    580.33    371.54  1324.62      0.00      0.00      0.03   2082.57
12     12    355.37    308.93  1435.02      0.00      0.00      0.00   1089.04
13     13    210.61    101.36   504.22      0.00      0.00      0.00    389.82
14     14    116.42     73.67   493.06      0.00      0.00      0.00    113.37
15     15     64.70      7.04    56.24      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
16     16     32.12      4.10    29.39      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
17     17     12.77      0.17     2.46      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
18     18      0.00      0.00     0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
19   Tot. 296557.68 291755.16 45679.94 197543.20 219962.84 290066.24 366338.06
1  174653.43
2  140651.53
3   89636.22
4   69266.45
5   57079.86
6   45293.88
7   35203.52
8   36240.64
9   28027.49
10  14340.99
11   7690.21
12   8880.81
13   3012.62
14   1750.97
15    352.74
16    102.54
17      0.00
18      0.00
19 404625.41
   period      total
1       1 1358076.01 1347236.74 106465.55 1114271.27 1172830.22 1339531.71
2       2  754637.59  749722.42  76214.92  596547.04  639336.18  743570.42
3       3  488866.26  487538.68  57687.33  368772.12  405962.24  482636.00
4       4  319043.11  313438.41  46395.11  219660.39  245423.32  306623.12
5       5  185323.62  186756.46  40812.18  101621.69  129840.53  186296.66
6       6  115095.83  115461.55  29642.14   59015.48   64703.45  115786.98
7       7   63111.11   62803.14  20627.66   27142.73   33708.72   61790.44
8       8   35808.04   32939.18  16978.71    8409.83   12050.56   29849.65
9       9    5459.61    5133.04   6454.23       9.93      55.22    2794.80
10     10    1119.08    1085.91   2751.21       0.00       0.00       9.53
11     11     580.33     371.54   1324.62       0.00       0.00       0.03
12     12     355.37     308.93   1435.02       0.00       0.00       0.00
13     13     210.61     101.36    504.22       0.00       0.00       0.00
14     14     116.42      73.67    493.06       0.00       0.00       0.00
15     15      64.70       7.04     56.24       0.00       0.00       0.00
16     16      32.12       4.10     29.39       0.00       0.00       0.00
17     17      12.77       0.17      2.46       0.00       0.00       0.00
18     18       0.00       0.00      0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
19   Tot. 3327912.59 3302982.34 157688.46 2965399.25 3030756.86 3306453.64
1  1531955.49 1650284.51
2   880235.98  940318.60
3   587219.07  621080.18
4   391120.38  440191.80
5   263012.29  290040.35
6   165041.82  189006.51
7   101511.97  118805.54
8    66436.74   82023.21
9    18954.30   28027.49
10    6160.41   14340.99
11    2082.57    7690.21
12    1089.04    8880.81
13     389.82    3012.62
14     113.37    1750.97
15       0.00     352.74
16       0.00     102.54
17       0.00       0.00
18       0.00       0.00
19 3553879.04 3665855.88
> Plot.cashflow(boot1)
null device 