Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Register a data object in a shiny session for DataTables
dataTableAjaxR Documentation

Register a data object in a shiny session for DataTables


This function stores a data object in a shiny session and returns a URL that returns JSON data based on DataTables Ajax requests. The URL can be used as the url option inside the ajax option of the table. It is basically an implementation of server-side processing of DataTables in R. Filtering, sorting, and pagination are processed through R instead of JavaScript (client-side processing).


dataTableAjax(session, data, rownames, filter = dataTablesFilter)



the session object in the shiny server function (function(input, output, session))


a data object (will be coerced to a data frame internally)


see datatable(); it must be consistent with what you use in datatable(), e.g. if the widget is generated by datatable(rownames = FALSE), you must also use dataTableAjax(rownames = FALSE) here


(for expert use only) a function with two arguments data and params (Ajax parameters, a list of the form list(search = list(value = 'FOO', regex = 'false'), length = 10, ...)) that return the filtered table result according to the DataTables Ajax request


Normally you should not need to call this function directly. It is called internally when a table widget is rendered in a Shiny app to configure the table option ajax automatically. If you are familiar with DataTables' server-side processing, and want to use a custom filter function, you may call this function to get an Ajax URL.


A character string (an Ajax URL that can be queried by DataTables).



DTApp = function(data, ..., options = list()) {
    ui = fluidPage(
      title = 'Server-side processing of DataTables',
    server = function(input, output, session) {
      options$serverSide = TRUE
      options$ajax = list(url = dataTableAjax(session, data))
      # create a widget using an Ajax URL created above
      widget = datatable(data, ..., options = options)
      output$tbl = DT::renderDataTable(widget)

if (interactive()) DTApp(iris)
if (interactive()) DTApp(iris, filter = 'top')


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(DT)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DT/dataTableAjax.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: dataTableAjax
> ### Title: Register a data object in a shiny session for DataTables
> ### Aliases: dataTableAjax
> ### ** Examples
> DTApp = function(data, ..., options = list()) {
+   library(shiny)
+   library(DT)
+   shinyApp(
+     ui = fluidPage(
+       title = 'Server-side processing of DataTables',
+       fluidRow(
+         DT::dataTableOutput('tbl')
+       )
+     ),
+     server = function(input, output, session) {
+       options$serverSide = TRUE
+       options$ajax = list(url = dataTableAjax(session, data))
+       # create a widget using an Ajax URL created above
+       widget = datatable(data, ..., options = options)
+       output$tbl = DT::renderDataTable(widget)
+     }
+   )
+ }
> #if (interactive()) DTApp(iris)
> #if (interactive()) DTApp(iris, filter = 'top')
null device 