Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Format table columns
formatCurrencyR Documentation

Format table columns


Format numeric columns in a table as currency (formatCurrency()) or percentages (formatPercentage()), or round numbers to a specified number of decimal places (formatRound()). The function formatStyle() applies CSS styles to table cells by column.


formatCurrency(table, columns, currency = "$", interval = 3, mark = ",")

formatPercentage(table, columns, digits = 0)

formatRound(table, columns, digits = 2)

formatDate(table, columns, method = "toDateString")

formatStyle(table, columns, fontWeight = NULL, color = NULL, backgroundColor = NULL, 
    background = NULL, ...)



a table object created from datatable()


the indices of the columns to be formatted (can be character, numeric, logical, or a formula of the form ~ V1 + V2, which is equivalent to c('V1', 'V2'))


the currency symbol


put a marker after how many digits of the numbers


the marker after every interval decimals in the numbers


the number of decimal places to round to


the method(s) to convert a date to string in JavaScript; see DT:::DateMethods for a list of possible methods, and for a full reference


the font weight, e.g. 'bold' and 'normal'


the font color, e.g. 'red' and '#ee00aa'


the background color of table cells


the background of table cells


other CSS properties, e.g. 'border', 'font-size', 'text-align', and so on; if you want to condition CSS styles on the cell values, you may use the helper functions such as styleInterval(); note the actual CSS property names are dash-separated, but you can use camelCase names in this function (otherwise you will have to use backticks to quote the names, e.g. `font-size` = '12px'), and this function will automatically convert camelCase names to dash-separated names (e.g. 'fontWeight' will be converted to 'font-weight' internally)


See for detailed documentation and examples.


m = cbind(matrix(rnorm(120, 1e5, 1e6), 40), runif(40), rnorm(40, 100))
colnames(m) = head(LETTERS, ncol(m))

# format the columns A and C as currency, and D as percentages
datatable(m) %>% formatCurrency(c('A', 'C')) %>% formatPercentage('D', 2)

# the first two columns are Euro currency, and round column E to 3 decimal places
datatable(m) %>% formatCurrency(1:2, 'U20AC') %>% formatRound('E', 3)

# apply CSS styles to columns
datatable(iris) %>%
  formatStyle('Sepal.Length', fontWeight = styleInterval(5, c('bold', 'weight'))) %>%
    color = styleInterval(3.4, c('red', 'white')),
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3.4, c('yellow', 'gray'))


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> library(DT)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DT/formatCurrency.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: formatCurrency
> ### Title: Format table columns
> ### Aliases: formatCurrency formatDate formatPercentage formatRound
> ###   formatStyle
> ### ** Examples
> library(DT)
> m = cbind(matrix(rnorm(120, 1e5, 1e6), 40), runif(40), rnorm(40, 100))
> colnames(m) = head(LETTERS, ncol(m))
> m
                A           B            C          D         E
 [1,] -1093831.00   853252.44 -1925330.191 0.80439846 100.52227
 [2,] -1982540.05  1301473.89  1887772.051 0.74008880 100.68155
 [3,]  -281484.70  -236125.53  -876791.348 0.95132688  98.67726
 [4,]  -428608.50  -850891.07  1567892.918 0.47476141 100.07202
 [5,]    40359.75   -74520.69   430381.512 0.29023219 100.87685
 [6,]   621297.60  -499580.85   757673.395 0.28083906  99.47628
 [7,]  1271478.21   184156.81   344086.221 0.68227680 101.26409
 [8,]  -375198.76   705702.81   117758.895 0.80736988 101.20450
 [9,]  1532348.58   109109.61   798579.200 0.61524106  98.41048
[10,]   712910.91   485599.99  -793701.586 0.39158484 100.00739
[11,]  -908177.40 -1280613.05   927506.348 0.80574382 102.02712
[12,]   956707.90   606309.34   248807.965 0.37655358  96.23975
[13,] -1146457.65  -222109.48   633913.050 0.31808406  99.39136
[14,]  1385282.22   -15563.81   295655.792 0.61998199 100.45360
[15,]  1005339.88   791216.02 -1137365.692 0.22043571  99.96572
[16,]  -832624.54 -1141109.08    30245.477 0.19258902  99.43779
[17,] -1271699.88 -1002025.28  1141361.454 0.44134879 100.72929
[18,]   417082.46  -361476.68  -568779.212 0.18080952  98.93679
[19,]   134630.37   122395.15  1119638.573 0.68652452  99.15067
[20,]   779677.02  1038038.27  1486523.071 0.74981298  98.53189
[21,]  -306500.37   223121.82  2069763.817 0.41455959 100.42294
[22,]   299358.61   -19466.08   829410.627 0.31852353 100.04402
[23,]  2927670.08 -1424415.66  -432526.530 0.16056296  98.01674
[24,]   910026.20  -598148.33     6554.748 0.80812359 100.44334
[25,]  -690402.64   392327.37  2681151.992 0.90789800  99.71378
[26,] -1154584.88   967574.02   703519.195 0.92260486  98.83532
[27,]  2865758.33    25821.12  -475857.145 0.13126501 100.61138
[28,]   898495.22    29004.88   648321.788 0.17549980  99.71295
[29,] -1213948.35  -178922.77  2445686.399 0.66198360  98.85744
[30,]  2709915.57  1748028.03 -1400794.329 0.49612524  99.33129
[31,]  -834963.77   753009.85   -22748.867 0.46769625 100.40200
[32,]   324436.49   -86829.60  2454076.485 0.73384205 100.30471
[33,]  1494725.36  -759234.66   365919.646 0.82537554 101.31943
[34,]  1016307.05  -295800.49   722862.314 0.56486877  99.92432
[35,]   -97192.76  -794981.29  2077575.812 0.03144262 100.16996
[36,]  -716252.43   176921.67 -1866860.424 0.61023209  99.84397
[37,]  -692992.26  -831998.94  -468050.148 0.76786030 100.09162
[38,]   295595.27   170673.99   641752.590 0.88166743  99.73095
[39,]  -216107.45   561608.14 -1463363.368 0.35890562 100.71737
[40,]   716131.04  1234019.47   -53293.451 0.91195229 100.37777
> # format the columns A and C as currency, and D as percentages
> datatable(m) %>% formatCurrency(c('A', 'C')) %>% formatPercentage('D', 2)
> # the first two columns are Euro currency, and round column E to 3 decimal places
> datatable(m) %>% formatCurrency(1:2, 'U20AC') %>% formatRound('E', 3)
> # apply CSS styles to columns
> datatable(iris) %>%
+   formatStyle('Sepal.Length', fontWeight = styleInterval(5, c('bold', 'weight'))) %>%
+   formatStyle('Sepal.Width',
+     color = styleInterval(3.4, c('red', 'white')),
+     backgroundColor = styleInterval(3.4, c('yellow', 'gray'))
+   )
null device 