Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Computing Gap statistics to identify the optimal number of...
compGapStatsR Documentation

Computing Gap statistics to identify the optimal number of subtypes


Compute Gap statistics to identify the optimal number of subtypes


compGapStats(ge.CRC, ntops=c(2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20)*1000, K.max=6, nboot=100)
figGAP(gapsmat, gapsSE)



a numeric matrix of expression data of genes expressed in at least one sample.


an integer vector of top variable genes, measured by MAD (median absolute deviation).


an integer value specifying the maximal number of clusters to compute GAP statistics.


an integer value specifying the number of bootstraps, which is an argument B of function clusGap.


a numeric matrix of GAP statistics.


standard errors of means of the GAP statistics.


GAP statistic is a popular method to estimate the number of clusters in a set of data by comparing the change in observed and expected within-cluster dispersion. To identify the optimal number of clusters, GAP statistic can be computed for k=1 to K.max with nboot bootstraps for ntops top variable genes in the AMC data set.

The function figGAP is designed to visualize GAP curves.


This function will return a list including gapsmat (a numeric matrix of GAP statistics) and gapsSE (standard errors of means of the GAP statistics).


Xin Wang


De Sousa E Melo, F. and Wang, X. and Jansen, M. et al. Poor prognosis colon cancer is defined by a molecularly distinct subtype and precursor lesion. accepted

Tibshirani, Robert andWalther, Guenther and Hastie, Trevor (2001). Estimating the number of clusters in a data set via the gap statistic. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 63(2), 411-423.


data(ge.CRC, package="DeSousa2013")
ge.CRC <- ge.all[selPbs, ]
gaps <- compGapStats(ge.CRC, ntops=c(2, 4)*1000, K.max=6, nboot=10)
figGAP(gaps$gapsmat, gaps$gapsSE)


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> library(DeSousa2013)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/DeSousa2013/compGapStats.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: compGapStats
> ### Title: Computing Gap statistics to identify the optimal number of
> ###   subtypes
> ### Aliases: compGapStats figGAP
> ### ** Examples
> data(ge.CRC, package="DeSousa2013")
> ge.CRC <- ge.all[selPbs, ]
> gaps <- compGapStats(ge.CRC, ntops=c(2, 4)*1000, K.max=6, nboot=10)
> figGAP(gaps$gapsmat, gaps$gapsSE)
null device 