Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Classifying the AMC samples
pamClassifyR Documentation

Classifying the AMC samples


These functions classify and visualize the 90 AMC colon cancer samples.


pamClassify(datsel, signature, pam.rslt, thresh, postRth=1)
figClassify(AMC_CRC_clinical, pred, clu.pred, sdat.sig, gclu.f, nam.ord)



a numeric value specifying the cutoff of posterior odds in favor of optimal subtype to the other two.


a character vector of signature genes.


an list of training results returned by pamr.train.


the selected shrinkage threshold.


a numeric value specifying the cutoff of posterior odds in favor of optimal subtype to the other two.


a data frame including include clinical information (details in AMC_CRC_clinical).


a numeric matrix of posterior probabilities for samples to be classified to subtypes.


a numeric vector of classification labels named by colon cancer samples.


a numeric matrix of expression values of signature genes for the 90 samples.


the result of hierarchical clustering on the expression of signature genes for visualization.


a character vector of samples ordered by their classification probabilies for visualization.


The function pamClassify classifies the 90 AMC colon cancer samples using the gene expression based classifier built by PAM. The function figClassify generates classification results with a heatmap of median centred expression values across samples, a track indicating classification probabilities, as well as a track indicating relapse of patients.


This function pamClassify will return a list including sdat.sig (a numeric matrix of expression values of signature genes for the 90 samples), pred (a numeric matrix of posterior probabilities for samples to be classified to subtypes), nam.ord (a character vector of samples ordered by their classification probabilies for visualization), gclu.f (result of hierarchical clustering on the expression of signature genes for visualization).


Xin Wang


De Sousa E Melo, F. and Wang, X. and Jansen, M. et al. Poor prognosis colon cancer is defined by a molecularly distinct subtype and precursor lesion. accepted

See Also



data(AMC, package="DeSousa2013")
data(dat, package="DeSousa2013")
data(uniGenes, package="DeSousa2013")
data(diffGenes.f, package="DeSousa2013")
data(classifier, package="DeSousa2013")
datsel <- sdat[names(uniGenes), ]
rownames(datsel) <- uniGenes	
datsel <- datsel[diffGenes.f, ]
pamcl <- pamClassify(datsel, signature, pam.rslt, thresh, postRth=1)
figClassify(AMC_CRC_clinical, pamcl$pred, pamcl$clu.pred, pamcl$sdat.sig, 
pamcl$gclu.f, pamcl$nam.ord)


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> library(DeSousa2013)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/DeSousa2013/pamClassify.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: pamClassify
> ### Title: Classifying the AMC samples
> ### Aliases: pamClassify figClassify
> ### ** Examples
> data(AMC, package="DeSousa2013")
> data(dat, package="DeSousa2013")
> data(uniGenes, package="DeSousa2013")
> data(diffGenes.f, package="DeSousa2013")
> data(classifier, package="DeSousa2013")
> datsel <- sdat[names(uniGenes), ]
> rownames(datsel) <- uniGenes	
> datsel <- datsel[diffGenes.f, ]
> pamcl <- pamClassify(datsel, signature, pam.rslt, thresh, postRth=1)
> figClassify(AMC_CRC_clinical, pamcl$pred, pamcl$clu.pred, pamcl$sdat.sig, 
+ pamcl$gclu.f, pamcl$nam.ord)
null device 