Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Prognosis of the three subtypes in the AMC data set
progAMCR Documentation

Prognosis of the three subtypes in the AMC data set


These functions performs survival analysis for the AMC data set, and generate a kaplan-meier plot to diagnose the prognosis of three subtypes.


progAMC(AMC_CRC_clinical, AMC_sample_head, clu.pred)
figKM(surv, survstats)



a data frame including include clinical information (details in AMC_CRC_clinical).


a data frame include mapping information between microarray ids and sample ids (details in AMC_sample_head).


a numeric vector of classification labels named by colon cancer samples.


the result of survfit containing survival curves of the AMC data set.


the result of survdiff for the AMC data set.


The function progAMC performs survival analysis for the AMC data set and compares the prognosis of the three subtypes. The function figKM helps visualize the prognosis in a kaplan-meier plot.


This function progAMC will save surv (result of survfit containing survival curves of the AMC data set), survstats (result of survdiff), data4surv (the data to perform survival analysis) to a file called survival.RData in the current working directory.


Xin Wang


De Sousa E Melo, F. and Wang, X. and Jansen, M. et al. Poor prognosis colon cancer is defined by a molecularly distinct subtype and precursor lesion. accepted


data(AMC, source="DeSousa2013")
data(predAMC, source="DeSousa2013")
prog <- progAMC(AMC_CRC_clinical, AMC_sample_head, clu.pred)
surv <- prog$surv
survstats <- prog$survstats
figKM(surv, survstats)


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> library(DeSousa2013)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/DeSousa2013/progAMC.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: progAMC
> ### Title: Prognosis of the three subtypes in the AMC data set
> ### Aliases: progAMC figKM
> ### ** Examples
> library(survival)
> data(AMC, source="DeSousa2013")
Warning message:
In data(AMC, source = "DeSousa2013") : data set 'DeSousa2013' not found
> data(predAMC, source="DeSousa2013")
Warning message:
In data(predAMC, source = "DeSousa2013") : data set 'DeSousa2013' not found
> prog <- progAMC(AMC_CRC_clinical, AMC_sample_head, clu.pred)
survdiff(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = data4surv)

     N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
x=1 44        3    10.22     5.104    11.107
x=2 22        4     4.83     0.143     0.191
x=3 24       12     3.95    16.436    21.049

 Chisq= 22  on 2 degrees of freedom, p= 1.68e-05 
> surv <- prog$surv
> survstats <- prog$survstats
> figKM(surv, survstats)
null device 