Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Get a table of term frequencies
term.freqR Documentation

Get a table of term frequencies


Get a table of term frequencies.


term.freq( d, 
		topN = 0, 
		percent = 0,
		sorted = c("none", "alpha", "freq"),
		decreasing = FALSE,
		useDocFreq = FALSE,		
		minFreq = 1 )



The corpus from which term frequencies are calculated.


If specified, only the 'topN' most frequent terms are returned. If more terms are requested than available, all terms are returned. If both 'topN' and 'percent' are zero, then all terms are returned.


If specified, only the top 'percent' % most frequent terms are returned. If more terms are requested than available, all terms are returned. If both 'topN' and 'percent' are zero, then all terms are returned.


A string specifying how to sort the terms. 'none' for no sorting, 'alpha' for alphanumeric sorting, and 'freq' for sorting by frequency.


If TRUE, terms are sorted in decreasing order, if FALSE, sorted ascending order.


If TRUE, the returned frequencies are for the total number of documents in which the term occurs. If false, they are the total number of occurrences.


Terms with *TOTAL* frequencies below this threshold will not be included in the output.


A name vector of the term frequencies.


term.freq(d=crude, percent=0, topN=10, minFreq=0,useDocFreq=FALSE,sorted="alpha", decreasing=TRUE)


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> library(DeducerText)
Loading required package: Deducer
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: JGR
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: JavaGD
Loading required package: iplots

Please type JGR() to launch console. Platform specific launchers (.exe and .app) can also be obtained at

Loading required package: car
Loading required package: MASS

Note Non-JGR console detected:
	Deducer is best used from within JGR (
	To Bring up GUI dialogs, type deducer().

Loading required package: tm
Loading required package: NLP

Attaching package: 'NLP'

The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':


Loading required package: wordcloud
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DeducerText/term.freq.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: term.freq
> ### Title: Get a table of term frequencies
> ### Aliases: term.freq
> ### ** Examples
> if(require(tm)){
+ data(crude)
+ term.freq(d=crude, percent=0, topN=10, minFreq=0,useDocFreq=FALSE,sorted="alpha", decreasing=TRUE)
+ }
   the   that   said prices    oil    mln    its    for    and   OPEC 
   206     31     52     32     72     29     40     50     77     34 
null device 