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R: A wrapper function for Volume under Surface (VUS) estimate,...
VUSR Documentation

A wrapper function for Volume under Surface (VUS) estimate, variance estimate under normal and nonparametric assumption and sample size calculation


A wrapper function to calculate the Volume under Surface (VUS) estimate, its variance estimate and optimal cut-point, under normal and nonparametric assumption, to provide partial VUS estimate with a minimum requirement on the specificity and sensitivity under normality and to calculate the sample size under normality to achieve a certain estimation precision on VUS estimate.


 VUS(x, y, z, method =c("Normal","NonPar"), p = 0, q = 0, alpha = 0.05,
          NBOOT = 100, subdivisions = 50000, lam.minus = 1/3, lam0 =1/3,
 1/3, typeIerror = 0.05, margin =0.05,FisherZ=FALSE,



A numeric vector, a diagnostic test's measurements in the D- (usually healthy subjects).


A numeric vector, a diagnostic test's measurements in the D0 (usually mildly diseased subjects).


A numeric vector, a diagnostic test's measurements in the D+ (usually severely diseased subjects).


a character argument, method =“Normal” or “NonPar”, estimate the VUS under normality or nonparametrically.


A numeric value, the minimum required specificity, 0<=p<1, for calculation partial volume under ROC surface. Default, p=0.


A numeric value, the minimum desired sensitivity,0<=q<1, for calculation partial volume under ROC surface. Default, q=0. p=q=0 will give the complete VUS estimate, otherwise give the partial VUS estimate satisfying specificity no less than p and sensitivity no less than q.


A numeric value, (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval of the VUS estimate under normal assumption. Default, alpha=0.05.


A numeric value, the total number of bootstrapping used to estimate the variance of nonparametric estimate of VUS.


A numeric value, the number of subintervals for integration using adaptive quadrature in the R function integrate. Default, subdivisions=50000.


A numeric value, the expected population proportion of the D_- group, used for sample size calculation. Default, lam.minus=1/3. The proportions of the three ordinal groups (lam.minus, lam0, should sum to 1.


A numeric value, the expected population proportion of the D_0 group, used for sample size calculation. Default, lam0=1/3. The proportions of the three ordinal groups (lam.minus, lam0, should sum to 1.

A numeric value, the expected population proportion of the D_+ group, used for sample size calculation. Default, proportions of the three ordinal groups (lam.minus, lam0, should sum to 1.


A numeric value, (1-typeIerror)*100% confidence interval (CI) in sample size calculation. Default typeIerror=0.05, i.e., calculate 95% CI.


A numeric value, the margin of error on the VUS estimates in sample size calculation. Default, margin=0.05. The (1-typeIerror)% CI on VUS estimate under normality is (VUS-Z_a*SE(VUS),VUS+Z_a*SE(VUS)), then margin=Z_a*SE(VUS) or half of the CI's length, where Z_a is the normal quantile, Z_a=1.95 given default typeIerror a=0.05.


Reference to the argument in Normal.VUS.


A logic value of TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the function will return optimal cut-point from VUS analyses.


A sequence of numeric values from which the optimal cut-point will be selected from, by default=NULL, will use the unique values of the collection of x,y,z.


A logical value of TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, take the empirical optimal cut point identified by empirical search within the given cut.seq as final reported optimal cut point.If TRUE, using the empirical optimal cut point as starting point in optimization algorithm for final optimal cut point.


Other arguments that can be passed to the R function integrate, e.g., abs.tol, rel.tol, stop.on.error etc.


For three ordinal group diagnostic test, there are two underlying cut-point t_- and t_+ with t_-<t_+ based on which patients are divided into the three ordinal groups. Patients with a diagnostic test below t_- will be assigned to D^-;those with the test above t_+ will be assigned to D^+ and the remaining fall into D^0. Following the specificifity and sensitity definition as in diagnostic test for two groups, we call the probability of the first two events as specificity x=P_-{T ≤ t_-}=F_-(t_-) and sensitivity.y=P_+{T > t_+}=1-F_+(t_+)=G_+(t_+) where the P_i and F_+ denotes the probability density function and cumulative density function of a diagnostic test in D^i, i=-,0,+ separately. Then, the probability that a patient randomly selected from the D^0 group has the test result between the two cut-points can be expressed as, z=P_0{t_- ≤ T ≤ t_+}=F_0(t_+)-F_0(t_-)=F_0(G_+^{-1}(y))-F_0(F_-^{-1}(x))

where the notation H^{-1}(.) denotes the inverse function of H z is a function of the specificity and sensitivity, i.e., z=z(x,y), which constitutes a ROC surface in the three-dimensinal space (x,y,z). The volume under the ROC surface (VUS) defined by z can be written as,

V_{00}=intint_{D_{00}} {F_0(G_+^{-1}(y))-F_0(F_-^{-1}(x))}d_x d_y=int_{-∞}^{+∞} F_-(s)G_+(s)f_0(s)d_s

The integration domain is D_{00}={0≤ x ≤ 1,0≤ y ≤ G_+(F_-^{-1}(x))}. The equation of partial VUS will be similar to the above but the integration domain is D_{pq}={p≤ x ≤ 1,q ≤ y ≤ G_+(F_-^{-1}(x))}. The optimal cut-points from VUS analyse are defined as the one


A object of DiagTest3Grp with a list of components.


A character value, type=dQuoteVUS for VUS and type=dQuoteYouden for the extended Youden index, indicating which summary measure is outputted.


A character value. For VUS, method can be “Normal” or “NonPar” (nonparametric); for Youden index, choices are “Normal/TN/EMP/KS/KS-SJ”, indicating which method is used to estimate the summary measure.


A list of 3 components. Three components have names “x”,“y”,“z”, each recording the inputted marker measurements (after removing NAs) under D^-,D^0,D^+ respectively.


A data frame with 3 rows (D-, D0,D+) and 3 columns (number of observations,mean, SD).


A numerical value. Point estimate for the summary measure, either VUS or Youden.


A numeric value. Variance on the summary measure estimate. For normal method, output normal variance; for other methods output variance from bootstrapping.


A named numeric vector of length 2. confidence interval on the summary measure estimate, with name like 2.5%, 97.5% if significance level is set to be 5%. For both VUS and the Youden index, when normal method is in use, the CI is normal CI while bootstrap method was used under other methods.


A named numeric vector of length 2. optimal cut-points with name “t.minus” for lower optimal cut point and name “” for upper optimal point.


A named numeric vector of 3 values. Estimates on the three group correct classification probabilities. specificity on D^-: Sp==Pr(x≤ t_-|D^-); sensitivity on D^+: Se=Pr(z≥ t_+|D^+); correct classification probability on D^0: Sm=SPr(t_-<y<t_+|D^0). For VUS, it's empirical estimation. For Youden index, depending on method adopted for the Youden index estimate, the three probabilities will be estimated using specified method.


A numeric value The sample size to estimate the summary measure within given margin of error and type-I error rate.See SampleSize.VUS and SampleSize.Youden3Grp.


A numeric value. The significance level for the CI computation, e.g, default=5%.


A numeric value for type-I error rate, e.g.,default=5%.


A numeric value. The margin of errors (precision) to estimate the summary measure s.t. the half the length of the resulting CI is equal to the given margin.


A numeric data frame with one row and multiple columns, containing relevant parameters (a,b,c,d) and the partial derivatives of VUS estimate w.r.t the relevant parameters which are outputted for performance of statistical tests on markers under normal method or NA under nonparametric method.


The bootstrapping to obtain the variance on the nonparametric VUS estimate may take a while.


Bug reports, malfunctioning, or suggestions for further improvements or contributions can be sent to Jingqin Luo <>.


Jingqin Luo


Xiong, C. and van Belle, G. and Miller, J.P. and Morris, J.C. (2006) Measuring and Estimating Diagnostic Accuracy When There Are Three Ordinal Diagnostic Groups. Statistics In Medicine 25 7 1251–1273.

Ferri, C. and Hernandez-Orallo, J. and Salido, M.A. (2003) Volume under the ROC Surface for Multi-class Problems LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 108–120.

See Also

Normal.VUS NonParametric.VUS NonParametric.VUS.var


 group <- AL$group

 ##take the negated kfront marker measurements
 kfront <- -AL$kfront

 x <- kfront[group=="D-"]
 y <- kfront[group=="D0"]
 z <- kfront[group=="D+"]

 ##normal estimate
 normal.res <- VUS(x,y,z,method="Normal",p=0,q=0,alpha=0.05)

 ##nonparametric estimate
## Not run: 
 nonpar.res <- VUS(x,y,z,method="NonPar",p=0,q=0,alpha=0.05,NBOOT=100)

## End(Not run)

 ## S3 method for class 'DiagTest3Grp':

 ## S3 method for class 'DiagTest3Grp':


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> library(DiagTest3Grp)
Loading required package: car
Loading required package: KernSmooth
KernSmooth 2.23 loaded
Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009
Loading required package: gplots

Attaching package: 'gplots'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DiagTest3Grp/VUS.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: VUS
> ### Title: A wrapper function for Volume under Surface (VUS) estimate,
> ###   variance estimate under normal and nonparametric assumption and
> ###   sample size calculation
> ### Aliases: VUS
> ### Keywords: htest nonparametric design
> ### ** Examples
>  data(AL)
>  group <- AL$group
>  table(group)
D- D0 D+ 
45 44 29 
>  ##take the negated kfront marker measurements
>  kfront <- -AL$kfront
>  x <- kfront[group=="D-"]
>  y <- kfront[group=="D0"]
>  z <- kfront[group=="D+"]
>  ##normal estimate
>  normal.res <- VUS(x,y,z,method="Normal",p=0,q=0,alpha=0.05)
>  normal.res
The DiagTest3Grp summary measure:  VUS 

Method used for VUS:Normal

Raw Data Summary:
    n         mu       sd
D- 45 -2.8657503 1.776514
D0 43 -0.3725226 2.212393
D+ 21  2.6817010 2.066669

VUS=0.6568,95% CI=0.5491~0.7646

Best cut-points: lower=-1.6826, upper=0.9119 

The group correct classification probabilities are:
    Sp     Sm     Se 
0.7556 0.5581 0.7619 

Sample Size to estimate VUS within specified margin of error=154
>  ##nonparametric estimate
> ## Not run: 
> ##D  nonpar.res <- VUS(x,y,z,method="NonPar",p=0,q=0,alpha=0.05,NBOOT=100)
> ##D  nonpar.res
> ## End(Not run)
>  ## S3 method for class 'DiagTest3Grp':
>  print(normal.res)
The DiagTest3Grp summary measure:  VUS 

Method used for VUS:Normal

Raw Data Summary:
    n         mu       sd
D- 45 -2.8657503 1.776514
D0 43 -0.3725226 2.212393
D+ 21  2.6817010 2.066669

VUS=0.6568,95% CI=0.5491~0.7646

Best cut-points: lower=-1.6826, upper=0.9119 

The group correct classification probabilities are:
    Sp     Sm     Se 
0.7556 0.5581 0.7619 

Sample Size to estimate VUS within specified margin of error=154
>  ## S3 method for class 'DiagTest3Grp':
>  plot(normal.res)
null device 