Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot a section view of a model, including design points
sectionview.listR Documentation

Plot a section view of a model, including design points


Plot one section view per dimension of a surrogate model. It is useful for a better understanding of a model behaviour.


  sectionview.list(model, center = NULL, axis = NULL,
    npoints = 100, col_points = "red", col_surf = "blue",
    bg_blend = 5, mfrow = NULL, Xname = NULL, yname = NULL,
    Xscale = 1, yscale = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
    title = NULL, add = FALSE, ...)



a list that can be used as model with the modelPredict function of the DiceEval package.


optional coordinates (as a list or data frame) of the center of the section view if the model's dimension is > 1.


optional matrix of 1-axis combinations to plot, one by row. The value NULL leads to all possible combinations i.e. 1:D.


an optional number of points to discretize plot of response surface and uncertainties.


color of points.


color for the section.


an optional factor of alpha (color channel) blending used to plot design points outside from this section.


an optional list to force par(mfrow = ...) call. Default (NULL value) is automatically set for compact view.


an optional list to force x range for all plots. The default value NULL is automatically set to include all design points.


an optional list to force y range for all plots. The default value NULL is automatically set to include all design points.


an optional list of string to overload names for X.


an optional string to overload name for y.


an optional factor to scale X.


an optional factor to scale y.


an optional overload of main title.


to print graphics on an existing window.


optional arguments passed to the first call of plot().


A multiple rows/columns plot is produced. Experimental points are plotted with fading colors. Points that fall in the specified section (if any) have the color specified col_points while points far away from the center have shaded versions of the same color. The amount of fading is determined using the Euclidean distance between the plotted point and center.


Yann Richet, IRSN

See Also

See sectionview3d.list for a 3d version, and the modelPredict function in the DiceEval package.


## A 2D example: Branin-Hoo function. See the DiceKriging package manual
## a 16-points factorial design, and the corresponding response
d <- 2; n <- 16
design.fact <- expand.grid(seq(0, 1, length = 4), seq(0, 1, length = 4))
design.fact <- data.frame(design.fact); names(design.fact) <- c("x1", "x2")
y <- branin(design.fact)

## linear model
m1 <- modelFit(design.fact, y$x1, type = "Linear", formula = "Y~.")

sectionview.list(m1, center = c(.333,.333))


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> library(DiceView)
Loading required package: DiceKriging
Loading required package: DiceEval
Loading required package: rgl
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DiceView/sectionview.list.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: sectionview.list
> ### Title: Plot a section view of a model, including design points
> ### Aliases: sectionview.list
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
> ## A 2D example: Branin-Hoo function. See the DiceKriging package manual
> ## a 16-points factorial design, and the corresponding response
> d <- 2; n <- 16
> design.fact <- expand.grid(seq(0, 1, length = 4), seq(0, 1, length = 4))
> design.fact <- data.frame(design.fact); names(design.fact) <- c("x1", "x2")
> y <- branin(design.fact)
> ## linear model
> m1 <- modelFit(design.fact, y$x1, type = "Linear", formula = "Y~.")
> sectionview.list(m1, center = c(.333,.333))
null device 