Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the...
GraphDistatisRvR Documentation

Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the distance matrices for a DISTATIS analysis


Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations for a distatis analysis. The factor scores are obtained from the eigen-decomposition of the between distance matrices cosine matrix (often a matrix of Rv coefficients). Note that the factor scores for the first dimension are always positive. There are used to derive the alpha weights for DISTATIS.


GraphDistatisRv(RvFS, axis1 = 1, axis2 = 2, ZeTitle = "Distatis-Rv Map", 
	participant.colors = NULL, nude = FALSE, RvCtr = NULL)



The factor scores of the distance matrices ($res4Cmat$G from distatis).


The dimension for the horizontal axis of the plots.


The dimension for the vertical axis of the plots.


General title for the plots.


A I*1 matrix (with I = # participants) of color names for the observations. If NULL (default), prettyGraphs chooses.


When nude is TRUE the labels for the observations are not plotted (useful when editing the graphs for publication).


Contributions of each participant. If NULL (default), these are computed from RvFS


Note that, in the current version, the graphs are plotted as R-plots and are not passed back by the routine. So the graphs need to be saved "by hand" from the R graphic windows. We plan to improve this in a future version.



A set of plot constraints that are returned.


A set of colors for the participants are returned.


Derek Beaton and Herve Abdi


The plots are similar to the graphs described in:

Abdi, H., Valentin, D., O'Toole, A.J., & Edelman, B. (2005). DISTATIS: The analysis of multiple distance matrices. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (San Diego, CA, USA). pp. 42-47.

Abdi, H., Williams, L.J., Valentin, D., & Bennani-Dosse, M. (2012). STATIS and DISTATIS: Optimum multi-table principal component analysis and three way metric multidimensional scaling. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 4, 124–167.

Abdi, H., Dunlop, J.P., & Williams, L.J. (2009). How to compute reliability estimates and display confidence and tolerance intervals for pattern classiffers using the Bootstrap and 3-way multidimensional scaling (DISTATIS). NeuroImage, 45, 89–95.

Abdi, H., & Valentin, D., (2007). Some new and easy ways to describe, compare, and evaluate products and assessors. In D., Valentin, D.Z. Nguyen, L. Pelletier (Eds) New trends in sensory evaluation of food and non-food products. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam): Vietnam National University-Ho chi Minh City Publishing House. pp. 5–18.

The R_V coefficient is described in

Abdi, H. (2007). RV coefficient and congruence coefficient. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. pp. 849–853.

Abdi, H. (2010). Congruence: Congruence coefficient, RV coefficient, and Mantel Coefficient. In N.J. Salkind, D.M., Dougherty, & B. Frey (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Research Design. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. pp. 222–229.

These papers are available from

See Also

GraphDistatisAll GraphDistatisCompromise GraphDistatisPartial GraphDistatisBoot GraphDistatisRv distatis


# 1. Load the DistAlgo data set (available from the DistatisR package)
# DistAlgo is a 6*6*4 Array (faces*faces*Algorithms)
# 2. Call the DISTATIS routine with the array of distance (DistAlgo) as parameter
DistatisAlgo <- distatis(DistAlgo)
# 3. Plot the compromise map with the labels for the first 2 dimensions
# DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G are the factors scores 
#  for the 4 distance matrices (i.e., algorithms)
 GraphDistatisRv(DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G,ZeTitle='Rv Mat')
# Et voila!


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> library(DistatisR)
Loading required package: prettyGraphs
Loading required package: car
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DistatisR/GraphDistatisRv.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: GraphDistatisRv
> ### Title: Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the
> ###   distance matrices for a DISTATIS analysis
> ### Aliases: GraphDistatisRv
> ### Keywords: DistatisR
> ### ** Examples
> # 1. Load the DistAlgo data set (available from the DistatisR package)
> data(DistAlgo)
> # DistAlgo is a 6*6*4 Array (faces*faces*Algorithms)
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # 2. Call the DISTATIS routine with the array of distance (DistAlgo) as parameter
> DistatisAlgo <- distatis(DistAlgo)
> # 3. Plot the compromise map with the labels for the first 2 dimensions
> # DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G are the factors scores 
> #  for the 4 distance matrices (i.e., algorithms)
>  GraphDistatisRv(DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G,ZeTitle='Rv Mat') using pdf(file="Rplots137.pdf")
    dim 1 

  dim 1 

     dim 2 

    dim 2 

[1,] "#305ABF"
[2,] "#84BF30"
[3,] "#BF30AD"
[4,] "#30BFA7"

> # Et voila!