Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: mmds Metric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a...
mmdsR Documentation

mmds Metric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a Principal Coordinate Analysis) of a (Euclidean) Distance Matric


Perform an MMDS of a (Euclidean) distance matrix measured between a set of weighted objects.

MMDS Give factor scores that make it possible to draw a map of the objects such that the distances between objects on the map best approximate the original distances between objects.

Method: Transform the distance matrix into a (double centered) covariance matrix which is then analyze via its eigen-decomposition. The factor score of each dimension are scaled such that their variance (i.e., the sum ot their weighted squared factor scores) is equal to the eigen-value of the corresponding dimension. Note that if the masses vector is absent, equal masses (i.e. 1 divided by number of objects) are used.





. A squared (assumed to be Euclidean) distance matrix


A vector of masses (i.e., non negative numbers with a sum of 1) of same dimensionality as number of rows of DistanceMatrix.


Sends back a list


factor scores for the objects.


the eigenvalues for the factor scores (ie.a variance).


the percentage of explained variance of each dimension.


give the proporion of explained variance by an object for a dimension.


Herve Abdi


The procedure and references are detailled in: Abdi, H. (2007). Metric multidimensional scaling. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. pp. 598–605.

(Paper available from

See Also

GraphDistatisCompromise distatis


# An example of MDS from Abdi (2007)
# Discriminability of Brain States
# Table 1.
# 1. Get the distance matrix
D <- matrix(c(
0.00, 3.47, 1.79, 3.00, 2.67, 2.58, 2.22, 3.08,
3.47, 0.00, 3.39, 2.18, 2.86, 2.69, 2.89, 2.62,
1.79, 3.39, 0.00, 2.18, 2.34, 2.09, 2.31, 2.88,
3.00, 2.18, 2.18, 0.00, 1.73, 1.55, 1.23, 2.07,
2.67, 2.86, 2.34, 1.73, 0.00, 1.44, 1.29, 2.38,
2.58, 2.69, 2.09, 1.55, 1.44, 0.00, 1.19, 2.15,
2.22, 2.89, 2.31, 1.23, 1.29, 1.19, 0.00, 2.07,
3.08, 2.62, 2.88, 2.07, 2.38, 2.15, 2.07, 0.00),
ncol = 8, byrow=TRUE)
rownames(D) <- c('Face','House','Cat','Chair','Shoe','Scissors','Bottle','Scramble')
colnames(D) <- rownames(D)
# 2. Call mmds
BrainRes <- mmds(D)
# Note that compared to Abdi (2007)
# the factor scores of mmds are equal to F / sqrt(nrow(D))
# the eigenvalues of mmds are equal to Lambda *{1/nrow(D)}
# (ie., the normalization differs but the results are proportional)
# 3. Now a pretty plot with the prettyPlot function from prettyGraphs
           display_names = TRUE,
           display_points = TRUE,
           contributionCircles = TRUE,
          contributions = BrainRes$Contributions)
# 4. et Voila!


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> library(DistatisR)
Loading required package: prettyGraphs
Loading required package: car
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DistatisR/mmds.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: mmds
> ### Title: mmds Metric (classical) Multidimensional Scaling (a.k.a
> ###   Principal Coordinate Analysis) of a (Euclidean) Distance Matric
> ### Aliases: mmds
> ### Keywords: DistatisR
> ### ** Examples
> # An example of MDS from Abdi (2007)
> # Discriminability of Brain States
> # Table 1.
> # 1. Get the distance matrix
> D <- matrix(c(
+ 0.00, 3.47, 1.79, 3.00, 2.67, 2.58, 2.22, 3.08,
+ 3.47, 0.00, 3.39, 2.18, 2.86, 2.69, 2.89, 2.62,
+ 1.79, 3.39, 0.00, 2.18, 2.34, 2.09, 2.31, 2.88,
+ 3.00, 2.18, 2.18, 0.00, 1.73, 1.55, 1.23, 2.07,
+ 2.67, 2.86, 2.34, 1.73, 0.00, 1.44, 1.29, 2.38,
+ 2.58, 2.69, 2.09, 1.55, 1.44, 0.00, 1.19, 2.15,
+ 2.22, 2.89, 2.31, 1.23, 1.29, 1.19, 0.00, 2.07,
+ 3.08, 2.62, 2.88, 2.07, 2.38, 2.15, 2.07, 0.00),
+ ncol = 8, byrow=TRUE)
> rownames(D) <- c('Face','House','Cat','Chair','Shoe','Scissors','Bottle','Scramble')
> colnames(D) <- rownames(D)
> # 2. Call mmds
> BrainRes <- mmds(D)
> # Note that compared to Abdi (2007)
> # the factor scores of mmds are equal to F / sqrt(nrow(D))
> # the eigenvalues of mmds are equal to Lambda *{1/nrow(D)}
> # (ie., the normalization differs but the results are proportional)
> # 3. Now a pretty plot with the prettyPlot function from prettyGraphs
> prettyPlot(BrainRes$FactorScore, 
+            display_names = TRUE,
+            display_points = TRUE,
+            contributionCircles = TRUE,
+           contributions = BrainRes$Contributions) using pdf(file="Rplots135.pdf")
Face     "#305ABF"
House    "#305ABF"
Cat      "#305ABF"
Chair    "#305ABF"
Shoe     "#305ABF"
Scissors "#305ABF"
Bottle   "#305ABF"
Scramble "#305ABF"

[1,]   21
[2,]   21
[3,]   21
[4,]   21
[5,]   21
[6,]   21
[7,]   21
[8,]   21

[1] -0.8928154

[1] -0.5828126

[1] 1.028313

[1] 0.9642077

> # 4. et Voila!