Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Tiling/untiling images
tileR Documentation

Tiling/untiling images


Given a sequence of frames, tile generates a single image with frames tiled. untile is the inverse function and divides an image into a sequence of images.


tile(x, nx=10, lwd=1, fg.col="#E4AF2B", bg.col="gray")
untile(x, nim, lwd=1)



An Image object, an array or a list of these objects.


The number of tiled images in a row.


The width of the grid lines between tiled images, can be 0.


The color of the grid lines.


The color of the background for extra tiles.


A numeric vector of 2 elements for the number of images in both directions.


After object segmentation, tile is a useful addition to stackObjects to have an overview of the segmented objects.


An Image object or an array, containing the tiled/untiled version of x.


Oleg Sklyar,, 2006-2007

See Also



  ## make a set of blurred images
  img = readImage(system.file("images", "sample-color.png", package="EBImage"))[257:768,,]
  x = resize(img, 128, 128)
  xt = list()
  for (t in seq(0.1, 5, len=9)) xt=c(xt, list(gblur(x, s=t)))
  xt = combine(xt)
  display(xt, title='Blurred images')

  ## tile
  xt = tile(xt, 3)
  display(xt, title='Tiles')

  ## untile
  xu = untile(img, c(3, 3))
  display(xu, title='Blocks')


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> library(EBImage)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/EBImage/tile.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: tile
> ### Title: Tiling/untiling images
> ### Aliases: tile untile
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
>   ## make a set of blurred images
>   img = readImage(system.file("images", "sample-color.png", package="EBImage"))[257:768,,]
>   x = resize(img, 128, 128)
>   xt = list()
>   for (t in seq(0.1, 5, len=9)) xt=c(xt, list(gblur(x, s=t)))
>   xt = combine(xt)
>   display(xt, title='Blurred images')
Only the first frame of the image stack is displayed.
To display all frames use 'all = TRUE'.
>   ## tile
>   xt = tile(xt, 3)
>   display(xt, title='Tiles')
>   ## untile
>   xu = untile(img, c(3, 3))
>   display(xu, title='Blocks')
Only the first frame of the image stack is displayed.
To display all frames use 'all = TRUE'.
null device 