Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generate arguments for Maxent
make.args R Documentation

Generate arguments for Maxent


This function generates a list of arguments to pass to Maxent or to use as convenient labels for plotting.


make.args(RMvalues = seq(0.5, 4, 0.5), 
	fc = c("L", "LQ", "H", "LQH", "LQHP", "LQHPT"), 
	labels = FALSE)



Vector of (non-negative) values to use for the regularization multiplier.


Character vector of feature class combinations to be included in analysis.


logical; If FALSE (default), provides arguments to pass directly to Maxent; if TRUE, provides more intuitive labels to use, for example, in plotting.


When labels = FALSE, the following additional arguments are added:

noaddsamplestobackground, noremoveDuplicates, noautofeature.

For details on these arguments, see Phillips et al. (2006) and the help documentation and tutorial of the Maxent software and the tutorial that can be downloaded from this website.


If labels = FALSE, a list the length of the total number of unique combinations of feature class(es) and regularization multiplier(s).

If labels = TRUE, a list of two items:


character vector of feature class combinations in the same order they were provided.


numeric vector of regularization multiplier values in the same order they were provided.


Robert Muscarella <> and Jamie M. Kass <>


Phillips, S. J., Anderson, R. P. and Schapire, R. E. 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions. Ecological Modelling, 190: 231-259.

See Also

maxent in the dismo package.


make.args(RMvalues=c(1:3), fc=c("L","LQ"))

make.args(RMvalues=c(1:3), fc=c("L","LQ"), labels=TRUE)


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> library(ENMeval)
Loading required package: dismo
Loading required package: raster
Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: parallel
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/ENMeval/make.args.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: make.args 
> ### Title: Generate arguments for Maxent
> ### Aliases: make.args
> ### ** Examples
> make.args(RMvalues=c(1:3), fc=c("L","LQ"))
[1] "betamultiplier=1"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "noquadratic"              "nohinge"                 
[7] "noproduct"                "nothreshold"             

[1] "betamultiplier=1"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "nohinge"                  "noproduct"               
[7] "nothreshold"             

[1] "betamultiplier=2"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "noquadratic"              "nohinge"                 
[7] "noproduct"                "nothreshold"             

[1] "betamultiplier=2"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "nohinge"                  "noproduct"               
[7] "nothreshold"             

[1] "betamultiplier=3"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "noquadratic"              "nohinge"                 
[7] "noproduct"                "nothreshold"             

[1] "betamultiplier=3"         "noaddsamplestobackground"
[3] "noremoveDuplicates"       "noautofeature"           
[5] "nohinge"                  "noproduct"               
[7] "nothreshold"             

> make.args(RMvalues=c(1:3), fc=c("L","LQ"), labels=TRUE)
[1] "L"  "LQ" "L"  "LQ" "L"  "LQ"

[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3

null device 