Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot conditional effects
conditionalEffectsPlotR Documentation

Plot conditional effects


Can be used to make a conditional effects plot with an effect function on the y axis and a covariate on the x axis. ggplot2 is used to create the plot.


conditionalEffectsPlot(obj, zsel, gxsel = "g1", colour = "")



Object of class effectlite obtained from fitting an effect model using effectLite


Name of a covariate (character string) plotted on the x-axis.


Name of an effect function (character string) plotted on the y-axis.


Name of a covariate (character string) used as colour variable in the plot.


Object of class c("gg", "ggplot").


m1 <- effectLite(y="dv", x="x", k="k1", z="z1", control="control", data=example01)
conditionalEffectsPlot(m1, zsel="z1", gxsel="g1", colour="k1")


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> library(EffectLiteR)
Loading required package: lavaan
This is lavaan 0.5-20
lavaan is BETA software! Please report any bugs.
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/EffectLiteR/conditionalEffectsPlot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: conditionalEffectsPlot
> ### Title: Plot conditional effects
> ### Aliases: conditionalEffectsPlot
> ### ** Examples
> m1 <- effectLite(y="dv", x="x", k="k1", z="z1", control="control", data=example01)
> conditionalEffectsPlot(m1, zsel="z1", gxsel="g1", colour="k1")
null device 