Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
plotEstR Documentation

Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)


Plots parameter estimates with confidence intervals, annotated with parameter names. A dot is plotted at the estimate and a horizontal line extending from the lower to the upper limit is superimposed.


plotEst( ests,
            y = dim(ests)[1]:1,
          txt = rownames(ests),
       txtpos = y,
         ylim = range(y)-c(0.5,0),
         xlab = "",
         xtic = nice(ests[!], log = xlog),
         xlim = range( xtic ),
         xlog = FALSE,
          pch = 16,
          cex = 1,
          lwd = 2,
          col = "black",
      col.txt = "black",
     font.txt = 1,
    col.lines = col,
   col.points = col,
         vref = NULL,
         grid = FALSE,
     col.grid = gray(0.9),
  restore.par = TRUE,
          ... )

linesEst( ests, y = dim(ests)[1]:1, pch = 16, cex = 1, lwd = 2,
          col="black", col.lines=col, col.points=col, ... )

pointsEst( ests, y = dim(ests)[1]:1, pch = 16, cex = 1, lwd = 2,
          col="black", col.lines=col, col.points=col, ... )



Matrix with three columns: Estimate, lower limit, upper limit. If a model object is supplied, ci.lin is invoked for this object first.


Vertical position of the lines.


Annotation of the estimates. Either a character vector or an expression vector.


Vertical position of the text. Defaults to y.


Extent of the vertical axis.


Annotation of the horizontal axis.


Location of tickmarks on the x-axis.


Extent of the x-axis.


Should the x-axis be logarithmic?


What symbol should be used?


Expansion of the symbol.


Colour of the points and lines.


Colour of the text annotating the estimates.


Font for the text annotating the estimates.


Colour of the lines.


Colour of the symbol.


Thickness of the lines.


Where should vertical reference line(s) be drawn?


If TRUE, vertical gridlines are drawn at the tickmarks. If a numerical vector is given vertical lines are drawn at grid.


Colour of the vertical gridlines


Should the graphics parameters be restored? If set to FALSE the coordinate system will still be available for additional plotting, and par("mai") will still have the very large value set in order to make room for the labelling of the estimates.


Arguments passed on to ci.lin when a model object is supplied as ests.


plotEst makes a news plot, whereas linesEst and pointsEst (identical functions) adds to an existing plot.

If a model object of class "glm", "coxph", "clogistic" or "gnlm" is supplied the argument xlog defaults to TRUE, and exponentiated estimates are extracted by default.




Bendix Carstensen,,

See Also



# Bogus data and a linear model
f <- factor( sample( letters[1:5], 100, replace=TRUE ) )
x <- rnorm( 100 )
y <- 5 + 2 * as.integer( f ) + 0.8 * x + rnorm(100) * 2
m1 <- lm( y ~ f )

# Produce some confidence intervals for contrast to first level
( cf <- ci.lin( m1, subset=-1 )[,-(2:4)] )

# Plots with increasing amounts of bells and whistles
par( mfcol=c(3,2), mar=c(3,3,2,1) )
plotEst( cf )
plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, lwd=3 )
plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points="red", col.lines="green" )
plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points="red", col.lines="green",
             xlog=TRUE, xtic=c(1:8), xlim=c(0.8,6) )
rownames( cf )[1] <- "Contrast to fa:\n fb"
plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points=rainbow(4),
                                col.lines=rainbow(4), vref=1 )
etxt <- expression("Plain text, qouted",
                   "combined with maths:"*sqrt(a)*phi[c],
                   f^d*"  Hb"*A[1][c],
                   eff^e*"  kg/"*m^2)
plotEst( cf, txt=etxt, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points=rainbow(4),
                                         col.lines =rainbow(4), vref=1 )


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> library(Epi)

Attaching package: 'Epi'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Epi/plotEst.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotEst
> ### Title: Plot estimates with confidence limits (forest plot)
> ### Aliases: plotEst pointsEst linesEst
> ### Keywords: hplot models
> ### ** Examples
> # Bogus data and a linear model
> f <- factor( sample( letters[1:5], 100, replace=TRUE ) )
> x <- rnorm( 100 )
> y <- 5 + 2 * as.integer( f ) + 0.8 * x + rnorm(100) * 2
> m1 <- lm( y ~ f )
> # Produce some confidence intervals for contrast to first level
> ( cf <- ci.lin( m1, subset=-1 )[,-(2:4)] )
   Estimate       2.5%    97.5%
fb 1.003188 -0.4829802 2.489357
fc 3.224087  1.8997136 4.548461
fd 5.158794  3.8089143 6.508674
fe 7.044878  5.8830865 8.206669
> # Plots with increasing amounts of bells and whistles
> par( mfcol=c(3,2), mar=c(3,3,2,1) )
> plotEst( cf )
> plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, lwd=3 )
> plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points="red", col.lines="green" )
> plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points="red", col.lines="green",
+              xlog=TRUE, xtic=c(1:8), xlim=c(0.8,6) )
> rownames( cf )[1] <- "Contrast to fa:\n fb"
> plotEst( cf, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points=rainbow(4),
+                                 col.lines=rainbow(4), vref=1 )
> #
> etxt <- expression("Plain text, qouted",
+                    "combined with maths:"*sqrt(a)*phi[c],
+                    f^d*"  Hb"*A[1][c],
+                    eff^e*"  kg/"*m^2)
> plotEst( cf, txt=etxt, grid=TRUE, cex=2, col.points=rainbow(4),
+                                          col.lines =rainbow(4), vref=1 )
null device 