Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Generate simulations
MonteCarloSimulationsR Documentation

Generate simulations


Run multiple simulations


    MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=NULL, 
           replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet =FALSE, ...)
    ## Default S3 method:
MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args = NULL, 
 		replications = 100, rng = NULL, quiet =FALSE, ...)
    ## S3 method for class 'TSmodel'
MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=NULL,
          replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...)

    ## S3 method for class 'TSestModel'
MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=NULL, 
           replications=100, rng=NULL, quiet=FALSE, ...)
    ## S3 method for class 'EstEval'
MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=NULL,
            replications=100, rng=getRNG(model),  quiet=FALSE, ...)
    ## S3 method for class 'MonteCarloSimulations'
       simulation.args=NULL, replications=100, rng=getRNG(model),  quiet=FALSE, ...)



an object from which a model can be extracted. The model must have an associated simulation method (e.g. a TSmodel).


A list of arguments in addition to model which are passed to simulate.


The number of simulations.


The RNG and starting seed.


logical indicating if printing and many warning messages should be suppressed.


an object.


arguments passed to other methods.


This function runs many simulations using simulate. Often it not be necessary to do this since the seed can be used to reproduce the sample and many functions for testing estimation methods, etc., will produce samples as they proceed. This function is useful for verification and for looking at the stochastic properties of the output of a model. If model is an object of class EstEval or simulation then the model and the seed!!! are extracted so the same sample will be generated. The default method expects the result of simulate(model) to be a matrix. There is a tfplot method (time series plots of the simulations) and a distribution method for the result. The latter plots kernel estimates of the distribution of the simulations at specified periods.


A list of simulations.

See Also

simulate EstEval distribution forecastCovWRTtrue


data("", package="dse")
model <- estVARXls(
z <-  MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=list(sampleT=100))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> library(EvalEst)
Loading required package: tfplot
Loading required package: tframe
Loading required package: dse

Attaching package: 'dse'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    acf, simulate

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/EvalEst/MonteCarloSimulations.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: MonteCarloSimulations
> ### Title: Generate simulations
> ### Aliases: MonteCarloSimulations MonteCarloSimulations.default
> ###   MonteCarloSimulations.TSmodel MonteCarloSimulations.TSestModel
> ###   MonteCarloSimulations.EstEval
> ###   MonteCarloSimulations.MonteCarloSimulations is.MonteCarloSimulations
> ### Keywords: ts
> ### ** Examples
> data("", package="dse")
> model <- estVARXls(
> z <-  MonteCarloSimulations(model, simulation.args=list(sampleT=100))
> tfplot(z)
> distribution(z)
null device 