Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate Procrustes distance between shapes
ShapeDistR Documentation

Calculate Procrustes distance between shapes


Use the Procrustes method to calculate distances between a set of shapes and a reference.


ShapeDist(shapes, reference)



Landmark data of shapes (list of matrices)


Lanmark data of reference shape (matrix type)


Procrustes distance provides a measure of coincidence of two point sets xi and yi, i=1..N. For this purpose the variance of point deviations is calculated at the optimal superposition of the sets. It allows to characterize the shape proximity of a given simplex to shape of a reference one.


A matrix containing procrustes distance between shapes. Procrustes distance is the square root of the sum of squared differences in the posititions of the landmarks in two shapes (Dryden and Mardia 1998). This can be used to describe the difference between many landmark configurations (Rohlf and Slive 1990).


Cabrera Juan Manuel


Dryden, I. L., & Mardia, K. V. (1998). Statistical shape analysis (Vol. 4). Chichester: Wiley.

Rohlf, F. J., & Slice, D. (1990). Extensions of the Procrustes method for the optimal superimposition of landmarks. Systematic Biology, 39(1), 40-59.



#Calculate distances between set of shapes and a reference
ShapeDist(shapes = aegla_landmarks, reference = aegla_consensus)


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> library(Evomorph)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Evomorph/ShapeDist.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ShapeDist
> ### Title: Calculate Procrustes distance between shapes
> ### Aliases: ShapeDist
> ### ** Examples
> data("aegla_landmarks")
> data("aegla_consensus")
> #Calculate distances between set of shapes and a reference
> ShapeDist(shapes = aegla_landmarks, reference = aegla_consensus)
 [1] 491.37654 498.73084 527.30099 177.66547 481.35486 518.77247 540.30030
 [8] 651.09918 605.51829  21.32773  35.77262  49.09486  51.86707  62.91927
[15]  55.35635  50.17886 592.97196  44.58278  34.55503  41.66362 515.95802
[22]  42.48133  33.77748  43.78749  35.83462  34.13000  48.86751
null device 