Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Framework for Modeling Interactions with Strong Heredity
FAMILYR Documentation

Framework for Modeling Interactions with Strong Heredity


This function runs the main algorithm presented in Haris, Witten and Simon (2014) for fitting an interaction model with strong heredity.


FAMILY(X, Z, Y, lambdas , alphas, family = c("gaussian","binomial"), 
    rho = 1, B = NULL, norm = "l2", quad = TRUE,iter=500, 
    e.abs = 1e-3, e.rel = 1e-3,
    maxiter.B = 50, tol.B = 1e-04, verbose = FALSE)



A n x p_1-matrix of covariates X.


A n x p_2-matrix of covariates Z. The number of rows of this matrix must coincide with that of X. For most cases we have X=Z.


The response vector of length n. This has to be a numeric vector. For the case of logistic regression the response variable must be a binary vector.


The vector of different penalty parameters λ for which we wish to evaluate the function. For details see Haris, Witten and Simon (2014).


The second tuning parameter to control the magnitude of penalties on groups Of variables versus individual interaction terms. The values of this vector must be in the interval [0,1]. The output will fit the model for a grid of α and λ values.


A character string specifying the type of model to fit. "gaussian" for modeling continuous variables via linear regression (default), "binomial" for logistic regression.


The starting value of ρ>0, the augmented Lagrangian parameter.


Initial (p_1+1) x (p_2+1) matrix of coefficients, B. B[1,1] is the intercept, B[1,-1] and B[-1,1] are the main effects of Z and X, respectively, and B[j+1,k+1] is the coefficient of the interaction term X_j Z_k.


The penalty to use for the rows and columns of matrix B. The two possible parameters are "l2" and "l_inf" for the gorup lasso and the infinity norm.


A logical variable indicating if we wish to include quadratic terms when X=Z.


The maximum number of iterations for the ADMM algorithm.


An absolute tolerance for convergence.


A relative tolerance for convergence. These are used to find a stopping criterion for the ADMM as done in Section 3.3.1 of Boyd, Stephen, et al. 2011


The maximum number of iterations for updating B via the iterative algorithm for logistic regression.


The absolute tolerance for the convergence of B for each iteration of the ADMM algorithm in the case of logistic regression.


Logical variable which indicates if extra statements should be printed showing progress of the algorithm.


This function fits a regression model based with pair-wise interaction terms by solving the optimization problem (33)(linear regression) or (35)(logistic regression) in Haris, Witten and Simon (2014). The optimization problem is solved via an ADMM algorithm.


The function returns a list where the first component, Estimate, is a list of dimensions length(alphas)*length(lambdas) where $Estimate[[$alpha[a]]][[$lambda[l]]] is an object with components


The estimated coefficient matrix B_est obtained by the ADMM algorithm for minimizing the above objective function.

B, D, E, F

The matrices used in intermediate steps of the ADMM algorithm. We note that numerically all these matrices converge to finB. These matrices are primarily used internally within the function. For details regarding these matrices/notation, we refer the reader to Haris, Witten and Simon (2014).


A list of final estimates for the dual variable of the ADMM algorithm


The last value of the augmented Lagrangian parameter ρ used for the ADMM.


A logical variable stating if the algorithm converged within the maximum number of iterations


The number of iterations for which our algorithm ran. If the algorithm did not converge this will just be equal to the input parameter iter.

The function also returns the training data used to fit the model and the path of penalty parameters for which we estimated the model.


Haris, Witten and Simon (2014). Convex Modeling of Interactions with Strong Heredity. Available on ArXiv at

Boyd, Stephen, et al. "Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers." Foundations and Trends? in Machine Learning 3.1 (2011): 1-122.

See Also

coef.FAMILY, predict.FAMILY



############################# EXAMPLE - CONTINUOUS RESPONSE #########################

############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################

#Generate training set of covariates X and Z
set.seed(1)<- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)<- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)

#Generate test set of covariates X and Z
X.te<- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)
Z.te<- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)

#Scale appropiately
meanX<- apply(,2,mean)
meanY<- apply(,2,mean)<- scale(, scale = FALSE)<- scale(, scale = FALSE)
X.te<- scale(X.te,center = meanX,scale = FALSE)
Z.te<- scale(Z.te,center = meanY,scale = FALSE)

#Generate full matrix of Covariates<- c()
w.te<- c()
X1<- cbind(1,
Z1<- cbind(1,
X2<- cbind(1,X.te)
Z2<- cbind(1,Z.te)

for(i in 1:16){
  for(j in 1:11){<- cbind(,X1[,j]*Z1[,i])
    w.te<- cbind(w.te, X2[,j]*Z2[,i])

#Generate response variables with signal from 
#First 5 X features and 5 Z features.

#We construct the coefficient matrix B.
#B[1,1] contains the intercept
#B[-1,1] contains the main effects for X.
# For instance, B[2,1] is the main effect for the first feature in X.
#B[1,-1] contains the main effects for Z.
# For instance, B[1,10] is the coefficient for the 10th feature in Z.
#B[i+1,j+1] is the coefficient of X_i Z_j
B<- matrix(0,ncol = 16,nrow = 11)
rownames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(nrow(B)-1),sep = ""))
colnames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("Z",1:(ncol(B)-1),sep = ""))

# First, we simulate data as follows:
# The first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are non-zero.
# And given the non-zero main effects, all possible interactions are involved.
# We call this "high strong heredity"
B_high_SH<- B
B_high_SH[1:6,1:6]<- 1
#View true coefficient matrix
pheatmap(as.matrix(B_high_SH), scale="none", 
         cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)

Y_high_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)
Y_high_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)

# Now a new setting:
# Again, the first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are involved. 
# But this time, only a subset of the possible interactions are involved.
# Strong heredity is still maintained. 
# We call this "low strong heredity"
B_low_SH<- B_high_SH
B_low_SH[3:4,3:5]<- 1
#View true coefficient matrix
pheatmap(as.matrix(B_low_SH), scale="none", 
         cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
Y_low_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)
Y_low_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)

############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################

#Define alphas and lambdas
#Define 3 different alpha values
#Low alpha values penalize groups more
#High alpha values penalize individual Interactions more
alphas<- c(0.01,0.5,0.99)
lambdas<- seq(0.1,1,length = 50)

#high Strong heredity with l2 norm
fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas , 
                     alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)

#Find optimal model and plot matrix
im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])

#Plot some matrices for different alpha values
#Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
#Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 25  ]])
#High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 40 ]])

#View Coefficients

############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #high Strong heredity with l_infinity norm norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas , 
#                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
#                      norm = "l_inf")
# yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 30 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 20 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]

############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #Redefine lambdas
# lambdas<- seq(0.1,0.5,length = 50)
# #low Strong heredity with l_2 norm
# fit_low_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_low_SH, lambdas , 
#                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
# yhat_lSH<- predict(fit_low_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_lSH <-apply(yhat_lSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_low_SH.te)
# mse_lSH<- apply(mse_lSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_lSH==min(mse_lSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_low_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]

############################### EXAMPLE - BINARY RESPONSE ###########################

############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################

#Generate data for logistic regression
Yp_high_SH<- as.vector((*%as.vector(B_high_SH))
Yp_high_SH.te<- as.vector((w.te)%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))

Yprobs_high_SH<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH))
Yprobs_high_SH.te<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH.te))

Yp_high_SH<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH)
Yp_high_SH.te<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH.te)

lambdas<- seq(0.01,0.15,length = 50)

############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################

#Fit glm via l_2 norm
fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Yp_high_SH, lambdas , 
                    alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
                    family = "binomial")
yhp_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
mse_high_SH <-apply(yhp_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Yp_high_SH.te)
mse_hSH<- apply(mse_high_SH^2,c(2,3),sum)
im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
roc( Yp_high_SH.te,yhp_hSH[,im[1],im[2]],plot = TRUE)

#View Coefficients

############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #Fit glm via l_infinity norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Yp_high_SH, lambdas , norm = "l_inf",
#                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
#                      family = "binomial")
# yhp_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_high_SH <-apply(yhp_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Yp_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_high_SH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# roc( Yp_high_SH.te,yhp_hSH[,im[1],im[2]],plot = TRUE)
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]

############################## EXAMPLE WHERE X=Z #################################### 
######################## Uncomment Code for EXAMPLE #################################

############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
# #Redefine Lambdas
# lambdas<- seq(0.01,0.3,length = 50)
# #We consider the case X=Z now
#<- c()
# w.te<- c()
# X1<- cbind(1,
# X2<- cbind(1,X.te)
# for(i in 1:11){
#   for(j in 1:11){
#<- cbind(,X1[,j]*X1[,i])
#     w.te<- cbind(w.te, X2[,j]*X2[,i])
#   }
# }
# B<- matrix(0,ncol = 11,nrow = 11)
# rownames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(nrow(B)-1),sep = ""))
# colnames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(ncol(B)-1),sep = ""))
# B_high_SH<- B
# B_high_SH[1:6,1:6]<- 1
# #We exclude quadratic terms in this example
# diag(B_high_SH)[-1]<-0
# #View true coefficient matrix
# pheatmap(as.matrix(B_high_SH), scale="none", 
#          cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
# #With high Strong heredity: all possible interactions
# Y_high_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100)
# Y_high_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100)
# ############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
# #high Strong heredity with l_2 norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas , 
#                      alphas, quad = FALSE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
# yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, X.te)
# mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH,XequalZ = TRUE)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(FAMILY)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FAMILY/FAMILY.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: FAMILY
> ### Title: Framework for Modeling Interactions with Strong Heredity
> ### Aliases: FAMILY
> ### ** Examples
> library(FAMILY)
> library(pROC)
Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.

Attaching package: 'pROC'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    cov, smooth, var

> library(pheatmap)
> #####################################################################################
> #####################################################################################
> ############################# EXAMPLE - CONTINUOUS RESPONSE #########################
> #####################################################################################
> #####################################################################################
> ############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
> #Generate training set of covariates X and Z
> set.seed(1)
><- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)
><- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)
> #Generate test set of covariates X and Z
> X.te<- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)
> Z.te<- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)
> #Scale appropiately
> meanX<- apply(,2,mean)
> meanY<- apply(,2,mean)
><- scale(, scale = FALSE)
><- scale(, scale = FALSE)
> X.te<- scale(X.te,center = meanX,scale = FALSE)
> Z.te<- scale(Z.te,center = meanY,scale = FALSE)
> #Generate full matrix of Covariates
><- c()
> w.te<- c()
> X1<- cbind(1,
> Z1<- cbind(1,
> X2<- cbind(1,X.te)
> Z2<- cbind(1,Z.te)
> for(i in 1:16){
+   for(j in 1:11){
+<- cbind(,X1[,j]*Z1[,i])
+     w.te<- cbind(w.te, X2[,j]*Z2[,i])
+   }
+ }
> #Generate response variables with signal from 
> #First 5 X features and 5 Z features.
> #We construct the coefficient matrix B.
> #B[1,1] contains the intercept
> #B[-1,1] contains the main effects for X.
> # For instance, B[2,1] is the main effect for the first feature in X.
> #B[1,-1] contains the main effects for Z.
> # For instance, B[1,10] is the coefficient for the 10th feature in Z.
> #B[i+1,j+1] is the coefficient of X_i Z_j
> B<- matrix(0,ncol = 16,nrow = 11)
> rownames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(nrow(B)-1),sep = ""))
> colnames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("Z",1:(ncol(B)-1),sep = ""))
> # First, we simulate data as follows:
> # The first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are non-zero.
> # And given the non-zero main effects, all possible interactions are involved.
> # We call this "high strong heredity"
> B_high_SH<- B
> B_high_SH[1:6,1:6]<- 1
> #View true coefficient matrix
> pheatmap(as.matrix(B_high_SH), scale="none", 
+          cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
> Y_high_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)
> Y_high_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)
> # Now a new setting:
> # Again, the first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are involved. 
> # But this time, only a subset of the possible interactions are involved.
> # Strong heredity is still maintained. 
> # We call this "low strong heredity"
> B_low_SH<- B_high_SH
> B_low_SH[2:6,2:6]<-0
> B_low_SH[3:4,3:5]<- 1
> #View true coefficient matrix
> pheatmap(as.matrix(B_low_SH), scale="none", 
+          cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
> Y_low_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)
> Y_low_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)
> ############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
> #Define alphas and lambdas
> #Define 3 different alpha values
> #Low alpha values penalize groups more
> #High alpha values penalize individual Interactions more
> alphas<- c(0.01,0.5,0.99)
> lambdas<- seq(0.1,1,length = 50)
> #high Strong heredity with l2 norm
> fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas , 
+                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
Computing w...done.
Starting svd...done.
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.98 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.96 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.94 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.93 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.91 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.89 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.87 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.85 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.83 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.82 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.8 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.78 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.76 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.74 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.72 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.71 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.69 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.67 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.65 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.63 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.61 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.6 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.58 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.56 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.54 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.52 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.5 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.49 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.47 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.45 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.43 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.41 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.39 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.38 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.36 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.34 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.32 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.3 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.28 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.27 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.25 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.23 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.21 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.19 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.17 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.16 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.98 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.96 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.94 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.93 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.91 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.89 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.87 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.85 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.83 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.82 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.8 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.78 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.76 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.74 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.72 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.71 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.69 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.67 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.65 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.63 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.61 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.6 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.58 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.56 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.54 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.52 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.5 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.49 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.47 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.45 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.43 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.41 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.39 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.38 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.36 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.34 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.32 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.3 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.28 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.27 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.25 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.23 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.21 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.19 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.17 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.16 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.98 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.96 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.94 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.93 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.91 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.89 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.87 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.85 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.83 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.82 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.8 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.78 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.76 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.74 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.72 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.71 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.69 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.67 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.65 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.63 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.61 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.6 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.58 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.56 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.54 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.52 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.5 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.49 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.47 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.45 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.43 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.41 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.39 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.38 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.36 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.34 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.32 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.3 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.28 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.27 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.25 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.23 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.21 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.19 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.17 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.16 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.1 
> yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
> mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
> mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
> #Find optimal model and plot matrix
> im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
> plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
> #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
> #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
> plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
> #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
> plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 25  ]])
> #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
> plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 40 ]])
> #View Coefficients
> coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
[1] 0.3660612

       X   Coef. est
 [1,]  1  0.74106671
 [2,]  2  0.87199302
 [3,]  3  0.44399664
 [4,]  4  1.06040396
 [5,]  5  0.90672267
 [6,]  6  0.39625494
 [7,]  7  0.08497034
 [8,]  8  0.17097666
 [9,]  9  0.04380046
[10,] 10 -0.26754722

       Z   Coef. est
 [1,]  1  1.08763353
 [2,]  2  0.58585423
 [3,]  3  1.17322318
 [4,]  4  1.49858095
 [5,]  5  0.45218668
 [6,]  6 -0.17905849
 [7,]  7  0.07041749
 [8,]  8  0.31521911
 [9,]  9  0.04037807
[10,] 10 -0.06547316
[11,] 11  0.01708619
[12,] 12  0.11525280
[13,] 13 -0.10127333
[14,] 14 -0.25104818
[15,] 15  0.36484388

        X  Z     Coef. est
  [1,]  1  1  0.5578295369
  [2,]  1  2  0.1730776965
  [3,]  1  3  0.8148027338
  [4,]  1  4  0.5571329635
  [5,]  1  5  0.7319715830
  [6,]  1  9  0.0575240437
  [7,]  1 13 -0.0347470090
  [8,]  1 15  0.1352830738
  [9,]  2  1  0.9619192679
 [10,]  2  2  0.3812697455
 [11,]  2  3  0.5303171103
 [12,]  2  4  0.7044951294
 [13,]  2  5  0.2083509789
 [14,]  2  6 -0.0271647282
 [15,]  2  8 -0.0163162853
 [16,]  2 14 -0.2233279117
 [17,]  2 15  0.0354304026
 [18,]  3  1  0.3364459150
 [19,]  3  3  0.6234262574
 [20,]  3  4  0.4301907858
 [21,]  3  5  0.2967603764
 [22,]  3  7 -0.0063398846
 [23,]  3  9 -0.1018623556
 [24,]  3 10  0.0544570736
 [25,]  3 12 -0.1035004436
 [26,]  3 13 -0.1653631979
 [27,]  3 15  0.4524197637
 [28,]  4  1  0.7865778697
 [29,]  4  2  0.5745010741
 [30,]  4  3  0.2576428284
 [31,]  4  4  0.5772894419
 [32,]  4  5  0.1966229935
 [33,]  4  6  0.0490099525
 [34,]  4  7 -0.0135553939
 [35,]  4 10  0.0767587686
 [36,]  4 12 -0.1186453677
 [37,]  4 13  0.0914928341
 [38,]  4 14 -0.5885422895
 [39,]  4 15 -0.0235524446
 [40,]  5  1  0.7173233720
 [41,]  5  2  0.5292900401
 [42,]  5  3  0.3394433282
 [43,]  5  4  0.7866571189
 [44,]  5  5  0.7259235462
 [45,]  5  6  0.0880023988
 [46,]  5  8  0.1090425242
 [47,]  5  9  0.0156231092
 [48,]  5 10  0.0307094983
 [49,]  5 11 -0.2548323690
 [50,]  5 12  0.0523544449
 [51,]  5 13  0.0353087829
 [52,]  5 14  0.0024335982
 [53,]  5 15  0.3332361674
 [54,]  6  1 -0.2526241673
 [55,]  6  4 -0.0629255692
 [56,]  6  6 -0.0179481274
 [57,]  6  7  0.0287249272
 [58,]  6  8 -0.1330999551
 [59,]  6  9  0.0077355010
 [60,]  6 10  0.1117550753
 [61,]  6 11  0.0947307799
 [62,]  6 12  0.0028421409
 [63,]  6 14 -0.2384378878
 [64,]  6 15 -0.0007264793
 [65,]  7  2 -0.3106003880
 [66,]  7  4 -0.0554199954
 [67,]  7  5  0.0896980472
 [68,]  7  6 -0.0364820452
 [69,]  7  7 -0.0471205773
 [70,]  7  8 -0.0019636384
 [71,]  7  9 -0.0548747534
 [72,]  7 12  0.0661508313
 [73,]  7 13 -0.0116683197
 [74,]  7 15  0.0754463279
 [75,]  8  1  0.0328937497
 [76,]  8  2 -0.0606613635
 [77,]  8  4  0.0177122799
 [78,]  8  5  0.0427344484
 [79,]  8  6  0.0229845376
 [80,]  8  7 -0.0317311056
 [81,]  8  9  0.0216367355
 [82,]  8 10 -0.0377712252
 [83,]  8 11 -0.0279991791
 [84,]  8 12  0.0276992068
 [85,]  8 13  0.0073108762
 [86,]  8 14  0.1210525668
 [87,]  9  1  0.2356221557
 [88,]  9  2  0.0091461121
 [89,]  9  3  0.0858649836
 [90,]  9  4  0.1325265779
 [91,]  9  5  0.2519507402
 [92,]  9  6  0.0011115372
 [93,]  9  8  0.1833241708
 [94,]  9  9  0.0175746888
 [95,]  9 10 -0.0824571059
 [96,]  9 14  0.0474901846
 [97,]  9 15 -0.0537351686
 [98,] 10  1  0.1202347003
 [99,] 10  2 -0.0636558169
[100,] 10  3  0.0976124448
[101,] 10  4  0.1847614426
[102,] 10  5  0.1111048832
[103,] 10  6  0.0219800374
[104,] 10  7  0.0125828537
[105,] 10  8  0.0551034109
[106,] 10 10 -0.0508601343
[107,] 10 11 -0.1371672610
[108,] 10 12 -0.1039230683
[109,] 10 14 -0.0416414647

[1] 0.5

[1] 0.1

> ############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
> # #high Strong heredity with l_infinity norm norm
> # fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas , 
> #                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
> #                      norm = "l_inf")
> # yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
> # mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
> # mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
> # 
> # #Find optimal model and plot matrix
> # im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
> # plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
> # 
> # 
> # #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
> # #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
> # plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 30 ]])
> # #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
> # plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
> # #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
> # plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 20 ]])
> # 
> # 
> # #View Coefficients
> # coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
> ############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
> # #Redefine lambdas
> # lambdas<- seq(0.1,0.5,length = 50)
> # 
> # #low Strong heredity with l_2 norm
> # fit_low_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_low_SH, lambdas , 
> #                      alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
> # yhat_lSH<- predict(fit_low_SH, X.te, Z.te)
> # mse_lSH <-apply(yhat_lSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_low_SH.te)
> # mse_lSH<- apply(mse_lSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
> # 
> # #Find optimal model and plot matrix
> # im<- which(mse_lSH==min(mse_lSH),TRUE)
> # plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
> # 
> # 
> # #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
> # #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
> # plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
> # #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
> # plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
> # #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
> # plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 10 ]])
> # 
> # 
> # #View Coefficients
> # coef(fit_low_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
> #####################################################################################
> #####################################################################################
> ############################### EXAMPLE - BINARY RESPONSE ###########################
> #####################################################################################
> #####################################################################################
> ############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
> #Generate data for logistic regression
> Yp_high_SH<- as.vector((*%as.vector(B_high_SH))
> Yp_high_SH.te<- as.vector((w.te)%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))
> Yprobs_high_SH<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH))
> Yprobs_high_SH.te<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH.te))
> Yp_high_SH<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH)
> Yp_high_SH.te<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH.te)
> lambdas<- seq(0.01,0.15,length = 50)
> ############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
> #Fit glm via l_2 norm
> fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Yp_high_SH, lambdas , 
+                     alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
+                     family = "binomial")
Computing w...done.
Starting svd...done.
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.01 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.01 and lambda = 0.01 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.01 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.5 and lambda = 0.01 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.15 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.14 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.13 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.12 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.11 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.1 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.09 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.08 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.07 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.06 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.05 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.04 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.03 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.02 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.01 
Fitting model for alpha = 0.99 and lambda = 0.01 
> yhp_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
> mse_high_SH <-apply(yhp_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Yp_high_SH.te)
> mse_hSH<- apply(mse_high_SH^2,c(2,3),sum)
> im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
> plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
> roc( Yp_high_SH.te,yhp_hSH[,im[1],im[2]],plot = TRUE)

roc.default(response = Yp_high_SH.te, predictor = yhp_hSH[, im[1],     im[2]], plot = TRUE)

Data: yhp_hSH[, im[1], im[2]] in 53 controls (Yp_high_SH.te 0) < 47 cases (Yp_high_SH.te 1).
Area under the curve: 0.7098
> #View Coefficients
> coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
[1] -0.1343509

       X    Coef. est
 [1,]  1  0.045038330
 [2,]  2  0.148037466
 [3,]  3  0.114267346
 [4,]  4  0.332174924
 [5,]  5  0.118598318
 [6,]  6  0.025698165
 [7,]  7 -0.078534321
 [8,]  8  0.195587464
 [9,]  9  0.005813525
[10,] 10 -0.035811651

       Z    Coef. est
 [1,]  1  0.195389413
 [2,]  2  0.092241016
 [3,]  3  0.236739448
 [4,]  4  0.093706527
 [5,]  5  0.050980386
 [6,]  6  0.036939084
 [7,]  7  0.024893747
 [8,]  8  0.061117695
 [9,]  9  0.228266733
[10,] 10 -0.035257505
[11,] 11 -0.005023177
[12,] 12  0.056650246
[13,] 13 -0.055493851
[14,] 14  0.108600101
[15,] 15 -0.032966232

        X  Z     Coef. est
  [1,]  1  1  7.482233e-02
  [2,]  1  2  5.330181e-02
  [3,]  1  3  2.850806e-02
  [4,]  1  4  9.449871e-02
  [5,]  1  5  1.427534e-01
  [6,]  1  6 -5.140860e-02
  [7,]  1  7 -1.113753e-02
  [8,]  1  8 -4.477706e-02
  [9,]  1  9  1.118885e-02
 [10,]  1 10 -5.227674e-02
 [11,]  1 11 -2.428516e-03
 [12,]  1 12  1.869408e-05
 [13,]  1 13 -1.411863e-02
 [14,]  1 14  4.198845e-02
 [15,]  1 15  2.967011e-02
 [16,]  2  1  8.409200e-02
 [17,]  2  2  3.162097e-02
 [18,]  2  3  3.670323e-02
 [19,]  2  4  6.416572e-02
 [20,]  2  5 -2.084966e-02
 [21,]  2  6  4.667051e-02
 [22,]  2  7 -5.591183e-03
 [23,]  2  8 -4.070916e-02
 [24,]  2  9 -3.957131e-02
 [25,]  2 10 -6.020412e-02
 [26,]  2 11  3.722022e-02
 [27,]  2 12  3.797098e-02
 [28,]  2 13 -1.133050e-02
 [29,]  2 14 -5.697230e-02
 [30,]  2 15  4.022022e-02
 [31,]  3  1  6.968112e-02
 [32,]  3  2  1.269424e-02
 [33,]  3  3  6.585108e-02
 [34,]  3  4 -2.790849e-02
 [35,]  3  5 -4.439406e-02
 [36,]  3  6  1.063517e-02
 [37,]  3  7  2.236860e-02
 [38,]  3  8 -5.929593e-02
 [39,]  3  9  2.216973e-02
 [40,]  3 10  1.330013e-02
 [41,]  3 11  8.563777e-05
 [42,]  3 12 -7.720376e-02
 [43,]  3 13  2.124283e-02
 [44,]  3 14  3.820089e-02
 [45,]  3 15  5.401901e-02
 [46,]  4  1  2.162890e-01
 [47,]  4  2  7.562473e-02
 [48,]  4  3 -2.781269e-02
 [49,]  4  4  1.612130e-02
 [50,]  4  5  1.014177e-01
 [51,]  4  6  1.659543e