Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Moment Fractional Bayes Factor Stochastic Search with Global...
FBF_GSR Documentation

Moment Fractional Bayes Factor Stochastic Search with Global Prior for Gaussian DAG Models


Estimate the edge inclusion probabilities for a Gaussian DAG with q nodes from observational data, using the moment fractional Bayes factor approach with global prior.


FBF_GS(Corr, nobs, G_base, h, C, n_tot_mod, n_hpp)



qxq correlation matrix.


Number of observations.


Base DAG.


Parameter prior.


Costant who keeps the probability of all local moves bounded away from 0 and 1.


Maximum number of different models which will be visited by the algorithm, for each equation.


Number of the highest posterior probability models which will be returned by the procedure.


An object of class list with:


Matrix (qxq) with the estimated edge inclusion probabilities.


Matrix (n*n_hpp)xq with the n_hpp highest posterior probability models returned by the procedure.


Vector (n_hpp) with the n_hpp posterior probabilities of the models in M_G.


Davide Altomare (


D. Altomare, G. Consonni and L. La Rocca (2013). Objective Bayesian search of Gaussian directed acyclic graphical models for ordered variables with non-local priors. Biometrics.




Res_search=FBF_GS(Corr, nobs, matrix(0,q,q), 1, 0.01, 1000, 10)

G_med[M_q<0.5]=0 #median probability DAG

G_high=M_G[1:q,1:q] #Highest Posterior Probability DAG (HPP)
pp_high=M_P[1] #Posterior Probability of the HPP

sum(sum(abs(G_med-Gt))) #Structural Hamming Distance between the true DAG and the median probability DAG
sum(sum(abs(G_high-Gt))) #Structural Hamming Distance between the true DAG and the highest probability DAG


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> library(FBFsearch)
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: RcppArmadillo
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FBFsearch/FBF_GS.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: FBF_GS
> ### Title: Moment Fractional Bayes Factor Stochastic Search with Global
> ###   Prior for Gaussian DAG Models
> ### Aliases: FBF_GS
> ### Keywords: multivariate models dag stochastic search
> ### ** Examples
> data(SimDag6) 
> Corr=dataSim6$SimCorr[[1]]
> nobs=50
> q=ncol(Corr)
> Gt=dataSim6$TDag
> Res_search=FBF_GS(Corr, nobs, matrix(0,q,q), 1, 0.01, 1000, 10)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

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warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed; change inv(sympd(X)) to inv_sympd(X)

warning: sympd() is deprecated and will be removed;