Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Create a list of colors from among a variety of color...
chooseColorsR Documentation

Create a list of colors from among a variety of color palettes.


Create a list of colors from among a variety of color palettes.


chooseColors(pal = paletteChoices(), num, ...)




A character that is the name of a palette. Must be one of “rich”, “cm”, “default”, “grey”, “gray”, “heat”, “jet”, “rainbow”, “topo”, or “terrain”, which are given in paletteChoices.


The number of colors to be returned.


Other arguments to the various palette functions.


A vector of colors of length num.


Derek H. Ogle,

See Also

See rich.colors in gplots, cm.colors, heat.colors, topo.colors, terrain.colors, rainbow, colorRampPalette, and colors.


n <- 20
# Color Wheels
pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("rich",n))
pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("rainbow",n))
pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("topo",n))
pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("gray",n))
pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("jet",n))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(FSA)

 ##      FSA package, version 0.8.7        ##
 ##    Derek H. Ogle, Northland College    ##
 ##                                        ##
 ## Run ?FSA for documentation.            ##
 ## Run citation('FSA') for citation ...   ##
 ##   please cite if used in publication.  ##
 ##                                        ##
 ## See for more      ##
 ##   thorough analytical vignettes.       ##

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FSA/chooseColors.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: chooseColors
> ### Title: Create a list of colors from among a variety of color palettes.
> ### Aliases: chooseColors paletteChoices
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
> n <- 20
> # Color Wheels
> pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("rich",n))
> pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("rainbow",n))
> pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("topo",n))
> pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("gray",n))
> pie(rep(1,n), col=chooseColors("jet",n))
null device 