Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Tests for significant differences among all pairs of slopes...
compSlopesR Documentation

Tests for significant differences among all pairs of slopes in a dummy variable regression (DVR).


Tests for significant differences among all pairs of slopes in a dummy variable regression where the dummy variables all stem from one factor.


compSlopes(mdl, method = stats::p.adjust.methods, conf.level = 0.95,
  order.slopes = TRUE, digits = getOption("digits"))

## S3 method for class 'compSlopes'
print(x, ...)



A lm object.


A string indicating the method of p-value adjustment to use. See details and p.adjust.methods.


A single number that represents the level of confidence to use for constructing confidence intervals.


A logical indicating whether the slopes should be ordered from smallest to largest upon output.


A numeric that controls the number of digits to print.


A compSlopes object (i.e., returned from compSlopes).


Other arguments sent to print.


In a dummy variable regression the coefficient for the interaction between the covariate (x) and a dummy variable tests for a difference in slopes between the level of the dummy variable and the reference level. Thus, all dummy variables from a particular linear model fit only compare slopes with the reference level. Other slope comparisons may be found by changing the reference level, which requires refitting the model. This function automates this sequential process and produces a data.frame that shows the estimated difference, an unadjusted confidence interval for the difference, and the unadjusted and adjusted (for multiplce comparisons) p-values for testing that the difference in slopes is equal to zero for each pair of levels. The adjusted p-values may be computed with any of the methods coded in p.adjust (see p.adjust.methods).


A list with three components. The first component contains the p-value adjustment method in method. The second component, called comparisons, is a data.frame that contains the following:

comparison Description of how the difference in levels was computed.
diff The estimated difference in slope values.
lwr Lower confidence bound for difference in slope values.
upr Upper confidence bound for difference in slope values.
p.unadj Unadjusted p-value for testing the difference in slopes is zero.
p.adj Adjusted p-value for testing the difference in slopes is zero.

The third component, called slopes, is a data.frame that contains the following:

level A level name.
slope The estimated slope value for the given level.
XX LCI Lower confidence bound for difference in slope values.
XX UCI Upper confidence bound for difference in slope values.
p.unadj Unadjusted p-value for testing the slope is zero.
p.adj Adjusted p-value for testing the slope is zero.

The print function prints the results nicely.


This function only works for linear models with one factor variable.


Derek H. Ogle,

See Also

compIntercepts in FSA.


Mirex$year <- factor(Mirex$year)
# fit a dummy variable regression, see that slopes differ
lm1 <- lm(mirex~weight*year,data=Mirex)
# compare all pairs of slopes using default Holm control
# compare all pairs of slopes using the false discovery rate control
# visualize the results


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> library(FSA)

 ##      FSA package, version 0.8.7        ##
 ##    Derek H. Ogle, Northland College    ##
 ##                                        ##
 ## Run ?FSA for documentation.            ##
 ## Run citation('FSA') for citation ...   ##
 ##   please cite if used in publication.  ##
 ##                                        ##
 ## See for more      ##
 ##   thorough analytical vignettes.       ##

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FSA/compSlopes.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: compSlopes
> ### Title: Tests for significant differences among all pairs of slopes in a
> ###   dummy variable regression (DVR).
> ### Aliases: compSlopes print.compSlopes
> ### Keywords: htest
> ### ** Examples
> data(Mirex)
> Mirex$year <- factor(Mirex$year)
> # fit a dummy variable regression, see that slopes differ
> lm1 <- lm(mirex~weight*year,data=Mirex)
> anova(lm1)
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: mirex
             Df  Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
weight        1 0.22298 0.222980 60.2061   4.7e-12 ***
year          5 0.50667 0.101333 27.3607 < 2.2e-16 ***
weight:year   5 0.09351 0.018703  5.0499 0.0003326 ***
Residuals   110 0.40740 0.003704                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> # compare all pairs of slopes using default Holm control
> compSlopes(lm1)
Multiple Slope Comparisons (using the 'holm' adjustment)
   comparison     diff  95% LCI  95% UCI p.unadj   p.adj
1   1982-1977 -0.00202 -0.01678  0.01273 0.78627 1.00000
2   1986-1977 -0.00331 -0.01670  0.01008 0.62556 1.00000
3   1992-1977 -0.00233 -0.01676  0.01211 0.75010 1.00000
4   1996-1977 -0.01661 -0.02903 -0.00418 0.00929 0.09394
5   1999-1977 -0.02500 -0.03964 -0.01036 0.00099 0.01386
6   1986-1982 -0.00128 -0.01393  0.01137 0.84111 1.00000
7   1992-1982 -0.00030 -0.01405  0.01345 0.96535 1.00000
8   1996-1982 -0.01458 -0.02621 -0.00295 0.01445 0.11790
9   1999-1982 -0.02297 -0.03694 -0.00901 0.00149 0.01788
10  1992-1986  0.00098 -0.01130  0.01326 0.87451 1.00000
11  1996-1986 -0.01330 -0.02314 -0.00346 0.00854 0.09394
12  1999-1986 -0.02169 -0.03421 -0.00917 0.00084 0.01260
13  1996-1992 -0.01428 -0.02550 -0.00306 0.01310 0.11790
14  1999-1992 -0.02267 -0.03630 -0.00904 0.00132 0.01716
15  1999-1996 -0.00839 -0.01988  0.00309 0.15049 1.00000

Slope Information (using the 'holm' adjustment)
  level  slopes  95% LCI 95% UCI p.unadj  p.adj
6  1999 0.00386 -0.00593 0.01366  0.4362 0.4362
5  1996 0.01225  0.00625 0.01826  0.0001 0.0002
3  1986 0.02555  0.01775 0.03335  0.0000 0.0000
4  1992 0.02653  0.01705 0.03602  0.0000 0.0000
2  1982 0.02684  0.01688 0.03680  0.0000 0.0000
1  1977 0.02886  0.01798 0.03974  0.0000 0.0000
> # compare all pairs of slopes using the false discovery rate control
> compSlopes(lm1,method="fdr")
Multiple Slope Comparisons (using the 'fdr' adjustment)
   comparison     diff  95% LCI  95% UCI p.unadj   p.adj
1   1982-1977 -0.00202 -0.01678  0.01273 0.78627 0.93698
2   1986-1977 -0.00331 -0.01670  0.01008 0.62556 0.93698
3   1992-1977 -0.00233 -0.01676  0.01211 0.75010 0.93698
4   1996-1977 -0.01661 -0.02903 -0.00418 0.00929 0.02322
5   1999-1977 -0.02500 -0.03964 -0.01036 0.00099 0.00559
6   1986-1982 -0.00128 -0.01393  0.01137 0.84111 0.93698
7   1992-1982 -0.00030 -0.01405  0.01345 0.96535 0.96535
8   1996-1982 -0.01458 -0.02621 -0.00295 0.01445 0.02709
9   1999-1982 -0.02297 -0.03694 -0.00901 0.00149 0.00559
10  1992-1986  0.00098 -0.01130  0.01326 0.87451 0.93698
11  1996-1986 -0.01330 -0.02314 -0.00346 0.00854 0.02322
12  1999-1986 -0.02169 -0.03421 -0.00917 0.00084 0.00559
13  1996-1992 -0.01428 -0.02550 -0.00306 0.01310 0.02709
14  1999-1992 -0.02267 -0.03630 -0.00904 0.00132 0.00559
15  1999-1996 -0.00839 -0.01988  0.00309 0.15049 0.25082

Slope Information (using the 'fdr' adjustment)
  level  slopes  95% LCI 95% UCI p.unadj   p.adj
6  1999 0.00386 -0.00593 0.01366  0.4362 0.43620
5  1996 0.01225  0.00625 0.01826  0.0001 0.00012
3  1986 0.02555  0.01775 0.03335  0.0000 0.00000
4  1992 0.02653  0.01705 0.03602  0.0000 0.00000
2  1982 0.02684  0.01688 0.03680  0.0000 0.00000
1  1977 0.02886  0.01798 0.03974  0.0000 0.00000
> # visualize the results
> fitPlot(lm1)
null device 