Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Categories description
catdesR Documentation

Categories description


Description of the categories of one factor by categorical variables and/or by quantitative variables


catdes(donnee,num.var,proba = 0.05, row.w = NULL)



a data frame made up of at least one categorical variables and a set of quantitative variables and/or categorical variables


the indice of the variable to characterized


the significance threshold considered to characterized the category (by default 0.05)


a vector of integers corresponding to an optional row weights (by default, a vector of 1 for uniform row weights)


Returns a list including:


The categorical variables which characterized the factor are listed in ascending order (from the one which characterized the most the factor to the one which significantly characterized with the proba proba


description of each category of the num.var by each category of all the categorical variables


the global description of the num.var variable by the quantitative variables with the square correlation coefficient and the p-value of the F-test in a one-way analysis of variance (assuming the hypothesis of homoscedsticity)


the description of each category of the num.var variable by the quantitative variables.


Francois Husson


Husson, F., Le, S. and Pages, J. (2010). Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example Using R, Chapman and Hall. Lebart, L., Morineau, A. and Piron, M. (1995) Statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle, Dunod.

See Also

plot.catdes, condes


catdes(wine, num.var=2)


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> library(FactoMineR)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FactoMineR/catdes.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: catdes
> ### Title: Categories description
> ### Aliases: catdes
> ### Keywords: multivariate
> ### ** Examples
> data(wine)
> catdes(wine, num.var=2)
                                   Eta2     P-value
Bitterness                    0.5781760 0.001762396
Spice.before.shaking          0.5576593 0.002599482
Aroma.quality                 0.5522482 0.002870871
Plante                        0.5391230 0.003633677
Odor.Intensity.before.shaking 0.5341064 0.003968583
Overall.quality               0.4837876 0.009113075
Balance                       0.4717085 0.010980078
Quality.of.odour              0.4583537 0.013419671
Smooth                        0.4249636 0.021650489
Aroma.quality.before.shaking  0.4152065 0.024751054
Intensity                     0.3992447 0.030641963
Aroma.persistency             0.3910374 0.034110347
Harmony                       0.3755033 0.041595301
Acidity                       0.3649608 0.047432946

                                v.test Mean in category Overall mean
Overall.quality               2.749517         3.697714     3.331143
Intensity                     2.730174         3.479857     3.165952
Aroma.quality                 2.703768         3.327286     3.063619
Aroma.quality.before.shaking  2.684780         3.216143     3.045762
Harmony                       2.677032         3.513143     3.147952
Balance                       2.656030         3.401714     3.129048
Smooth                        2.648214         3.012571     2.674238
Quality.of.odour              2.611582         3.417143     3.237333
Aroma.persistency             2.605381         3.180143     2.982762
Fruity                        2.540198         3.020857     2.847143
Fruity.before.shaking         2.516143         2.870143     2.714048
Typical                       2.247141         3.492000     3.196762
Attack.intensity              2.155388         3.359857     3.156286
Plante                       -2.265096         1.850143     1.964429
                             sd in category Overall sd     p.value
Overall.quality                  0.12163613  0.4216016 0.005968325
Intensity                        0.16463330  0.3635863 0.006330082
Aroma.quality                    0.10526662  0.3083797 0.006855812
Aroma.quality.before.shaking     0.10416255  0.2006838 0.007257756
Harmony                          0.19600177  0.4313859 0.007427757
Balance                          0.07913228  0.3246377 0.007906649
Smooth                           0.17249667  0.4040097 0.008091833
Quality.of.odour                 0.06622134  0.2177253 0.009012425
Aroma.persistency                0.11609162  0.2395708 0.009177204
Fruity                           0.13418689  0.2162559 0.011078959
Fruity.before.shaking            0.18164599  0.1961798 0.011864702
Typical                          0.19906567  0.4154723 0.024631017
Attack.intensity                 0.13541516  0.2986698 0.031131448
Plante                           0.07445311  0.1595531 0.023506776

                                v.test Mean in category Overall mean
Bitterness                   -2.168855         1.943143     2.067905
Aroma.quality.before.shaking -2.193296         2.906571     3.045762
Acidity                      -2.514327         2.199143     2.385286
                             sd in category Overall sd    p.value
Bitterness                       0.12195365  0.1819079 0.03009368
Aroma.quality.before.shaking     0.11853493  0.2006838 0.02828608
Acidity                          0.07118071  0.2341125 0.01192599

                         v.test Mean in category Overall mean sd in category
Flower.before.shaking -2.005219           1.9446        2.057     0.06761538
                      Overall sd    p.value
Flower.before.shaking  0.1401343 0.04493959

                                 v.test Mean in category Overall mean
Spice.before.shaking           3.316010           2.5260     1.991476
Odor.Intensity.before.shaking  3.034959           3.7020     3.111143
Bitterness                     3.003838           2.4445     2.067905
Odor.Intensity                 2.497350           3.7320     3.395238
Spice                          2.494293           2.5245     2.178333
Plante                         2.442349           2.2330     1.964429
Overall.quality               -2.008621           2.7475     3.331143
Balance                       -2.051691           2.6700     3.129048
Flower                        -2.309305           1.9280     2.162143
Aroma.quality                 -2.310756           2.5725     3.063619
                              sd in category Overall sd      p.value
Spice.before.shaking                  0.1410  0.2338861 0.0009131272
Odor.Intensity.before.shaking         0.0060  0.2824768 0.0024056840
Bitterness                            0.2225  0.1819079 0.0026659685
Odor.Intensity                        0.0050  0.1956576 0.0125125344
Spice                                 0.0845  0.2013683 0.0126208389
Plante                                0.0590  0.1595531 0.0145920353
Overall.quality                       0.1045  0.4216016 0.0445772969
Balance                               0.0990  0.3246377 0.0401997157
Flower                                0.1550  0.1471136 0.0209266561
Aroma.quality                         0.0275  0.3083797 0.0208463100

[1] "catdes" "list " 
null device 