Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: 3D reconstruction from Hi-C distances
lsmacofR Documentation

3D reconstruction from Hi-C distances


A function for reconstructing the 3D configuration from pairwise calibrated Hi-C distances through local stress minimization (see details).


lsmacof(diss, infD, itermax = 10000, eps = 1e-06, init = NULL, k = 3,
verbose = FALSE, infW = NULL)



A M*M Hi-C matrix,providing pairwise calibrated distances between M genomic bins. Zero off-diagonal values represent discarded/missing information. This matrix could be prepared with the function calibrate.


A numeric value for missing distances (see details).


An integer value giving the maximal number of iterations for the SMACOF procedure (see details).Set to be 10000 by default.


A numeric value giving the convergence parameter for the SMACOF procedure (see details). Set to be 1e-06 be default.


A M*k numeric matrix, giving the initial configuration, for the SMACOF procedure, and set to NULL by default. If NULL, the classical MDS solution is used.


The number of dimensions for the output configuration. Set to 3 by default.


A Boolean indicating whether to print the stress at each iteration.Set to FALSE by default.


A numeric value giving the weight for missing distances. Set to NULL by default. If NULL, this value is set to be 1/infD for infD > 1 and 0.05 otherwise (see details).


A calibrated distance Hi-C matrix H can be used as input for a 3D reconstruction algorithm. It is important to note that if H would give the true 3D Euclidean distances than the multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) solution (Torgerson, 1952) would recover the underlying 3D configuration, up to a rotation. However, due to Hi-C limitation we rely mostly on local calibrated distances. Denote delta(i,j) the calibrated distance between loci i and j, and d(i,j), their Euclidean distance, in the true underlying 3D configuration. Here, a zero delta[i,j] , for different loci i and j, represents a missing information that was discarded in the calibration step. Our goal is then to minimize the following function, usually termed stress in an MDS setting (Kruskal, 1964): SUM(i<j)[w(i,j)(delta(i,j)-d(i,j)(Y))^2] , where w(i,j) are the weights we assign according to the reliability of delta(i,j). Since we mostly rely on local information, we can use here a local stress function (Chen and Buja, 2009), where missing delta(i,j) are replaced with a constant dinf (dinf >> known delta(i,j)) and w(i,j) take the value of 1/dinf for missing distances and 1 otherwise (for dinf equal or smaller than 1, weights of missing distances should be set to a small constant << 1). Since w(i,j) define an irreducible matrix, the stress minimization could be performed through Scaling by Majorizing a Complicated Function (SMACOF) (De Leeuw, 1977; De Leeuw, 1988; De Leeuw and Heiser 1977), a well-established strategy for this task, which guarantees convergence.


A M*k configuration matrix (k=3 by default) reconstructed from the given M*M Hi-C pairwise distances.


Yoli Shavit


Main reference:
Y. Shavit, F.K. Hamey, P. Lio', FisHiCal: an R package for iterative FISH-based calibration of Hi-C data, 2014 (submitted).

References for Details section:
Chen, L. and Buja, A. (2009) Local Multidimensional Scaling for Nonlinear Dimension Reduction, Graph Drawing, and Proximity Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, 209-219.
De Leeuw, J. (1977). Applications of convex analysis to multidimensional scaling. In Barra, J.R et al (Eds.), Recent developments in statistics, 133-145. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland.
De Leeuw, J. (1988). Convergence of the majorization method for multidimensional scaling,. Journal of Classification, 5, 163-180.
De Leeuw, J. and Heiser, W.J. (1977). Convergence of correction-matrix algorithms for multidimensional scaling. In Lingoes, J.C., Roskam, E.E., and Borg, I. (Eds.),Geometric representations of relational data, 735-752. Ann Arbor, MI:Mathesis.
Kruskal, J. B. (1964). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: A numerical method. Psychometrika, 29, 115-129.
Torgerson, W.S. (1952). Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and method. Psychometrika, 17, 401-19.

See Also



 predConf = lsmacof(calibHiC, max(match$distances))
 # superimpose
 partialPS<-function(m1, m2)
    # translate to origin
    tm1<-scale(m1, scale = FALSE)
    tm2<-scale(m2, scale = FALSE)
    # update v a det(R) is positive
    k = ncol(m1)
    d = sign(det(t(w)%*%t(v)))
    v[,k] = v[,k]*-1*d
    R<- w%*%t(v)

  res = partialPS(predConf, conf) 
  if (require(rgl))
    plot3d(res$m2, type = "l", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "")
    lines3d(res$m1, col = "red")


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> library(FisHiCal)
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: RcppArmadillo
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FisHiCal/lsmacof.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: lsmacof
> ### Title: 3D reconstruction from Hi-C distances
> ### Aliases: lsmacof
> ### ** Examples
>  data(calibHiC)
>  data(match)
>  data(conf)
>  predConf = lsmacof(calibHiC, max(match$distances))
>  # superimpose
>  partialPS<-function(m1, m2)
+  {
+     # translate to origin
+     tm1<-scale(m1, scale = FALSE)
+     tm2<-scale(m2, scale = FALSE)
+     A<-svd(t(tm2)%*%tm1)
+     v<-A$u
+     w<-A$v
+     # update v a det(R) is positive
+     k = ncol(m1)
+     d = sign(det(t(w)%*%t(v)))
+     v[,k] = v[,k]*-1*d
+     R<- w%*%t(v)
+     return(list(m1=tm1%*%R,m2=tm2))
+   }
>   res = partialPS(predConf, conf) 
>   if (require(rgl))
+   {
+     plot3d(res$m2, type = "l", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "")
+     lines3d(res$m1, col = "red")
+   }
Loading required package: rgl
null device 