Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot a spatial inconsistency
plotIncR Documentation

Plot a spatial inconsistency


A function to plot a spatial inconsistency for a given loci (bin).


plotInc(i, neighborhoods, label = "fullName", size = 20, interactive = F)



An integer giving the index of the loci (bin) for which the inconsistency graph should be plotted.


The list of spatial inconsistencies detected by searchInc.
'neighborhoods' is a list where neighborhoods[i] gives the neighborhood of i, if a spatial inconsistency was detected for i, and NULL otherwise. Here, the neighborhood of i is the sub-graph of immediate neighbors in trans, an igraph object with attributes to label nodes by their name (index), fullName (chromosome name and genomic coordinates), membership (the connected component to which they belong, where i is always assigned with 0) and chr (chromosome name).


A character vector for labeling the nodes, set to "fullName" by default. Can be one of three options: "name"" (node index), "fullName"" (chromosome name and genomic coordinates) and "chr" (chromosome name). If not one of the above options, then nodes are labelled by their "name" attribute.


The size of the nodes in the plot, set to 20 by default. See searchInc for more details on plotting options.


A Boolean indicating whether the plot should be interactive or not. See searchInc for more details on plotting options.


If the chosen neighborhood is not NULL, it is be plotted according to user preferences (nodes are colored by their connected component and labelled based on user choice).


Yoli Shavit


Y. Shavit, F.K. Hamey, P. Lio', FisHiCal: an R package for iterative FISH-based calibration of Hi-C data, 2014 (submitted).

See Also



  plotInc(1, spatialInc) # no plot since no spatial incosistency was detected
  plotInc(167, spatialInc) 


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(FisHiCal)
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: RcppArmadillo
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FisHiCal/plotInc.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotInc
> ### Title: Plot a spatial inconsistency
> ### Aliases: plotInc
> ### ** Examples
>   data(spatialInc)
>   plotInc(1, spatialInc) # no plot since no spatial incosistency was detected
>   plotInc(167, spatialInc) 
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
  Call upgrade_graph() on it to use with the current igraph version
  For now we convert it on the fly...
null device 