Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Concantenate Time Series
ctsR Documentation

Concantenate Time Series


Creating a ts object by concatenating y onto x, where x is a ts object and y is a vector. If y is a ts object, it is simply converted to a vector and then concatenated on to x and the tsp attribute of y is ignored.


cts(x, y)



a time series, a ts object


a vector which is concatenated on to x


If y is a ts object, it is first converted to a vector. Then the vector is concantenated on to the time series x. An error is given if x is not a ts object.


A time series which starts at start(x) and has length equal to length(x)+length(y).


Only two arguments are allowed, otherwise an error message will be given.


The package zoo may also be used to concatenate time series, as in this example,

x <- ts(1:3) y <- ts(4:5, start = 4) z <- ts(6:7, start = 7) library("zoo") as.ts(c(as.zooreg(x), y, z))


A.I. McLeod

See Also

ts, start, window as.zooreg


#Example 1
#Compare cts and c
#In the current version of R (2.6), they produce different results

#See also Example 2 in predict.FitAR documentation

#Example 3. 
#Note tsp attribute of second argument is ignored but a warning is given if it is present
# and not aligned with first argument's attribute.
x <- ts(1:3)
z <- ts(6:7, start = 7)
cts(x,z) #warning given
y <- ts(4:5, start = 4)
cts(x,y) #no warning needed in this example.


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> library(FitAR)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: leaps
Loading required package: ltsa
Loading required package: bestglm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FitAR/cts.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: cts
> ### Title: Concantenate Time Series
> ### Aliases: cts
> ### Keywords: ts
> ### ** Examples
> #Example 1
> #Compare cts and c
> #In the current version of R (2.6), they produce different results
> z1<-window(lynx,end=1900)
> z2<-window(lynx,start=1901)
> z<-cts(z1,z2)
> y<-c(z1,z2)
> #See also Example 2 in predict.FitAR documentation
> #Example 3. 
> #Note tsp attribute of second argument is ignored but a warning is given if it is present
> # and not aligned with first argument's attribute.
> x <- ts(1:3)
> z <- ts(6:7, start = 7)
> cts(x,z) #warning given
Time Series:
Start = 1 
End = 5 
Frequency = 1 
[1] 1 2 3 6 7
Warning message:
In cts(x, z) : y coerced to vector and tsp attribute ignored
> y <- ts(4:5, start = 4)
> cts(x,y) #no warning needed in this example.
Time Series:
Start = 1 
End = 5 
Frequency = 1 
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
null device 