Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: FitARMA: Fit ARMA or ARIMA using fast MLE algorithm
FitARMA-packageR Documentation

FitARMA: Fit ARMA or ARIMA using fast MLE algorithm


Fit ARMA/ARIMA time series model using fast algorithm. All MLE computations in R. Two estimation functions: 'FitARMA' and 'GetFitARMA' are provided. 'FitARMA' provides more options including an option for exact MLE estimation of the intercept term. 'GetFitARMA' is provided for bootstrapping and simulation experiments. S3 Methods 'print', 'summary', 'coef', 'residuals', 'fitted' provided. Fast exact Gaussian ARMA simultation using C.


Package: FitARMA
Type: Package
Version: 1.4
Date: 2010-12-01
License: GLP 2.0 or greater
LazyLoad: yes

FitARMA is the main function.


A.I. McLeod


A. I. McLeod, Ying Zhang (2007). Faster ARMA maximum likelihood estimation, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(4), URL

See Also

arima, AcfPlot


#ARIMA(0,1,1) with exact estimation of mean of differenced series
ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1), MeanMLEQ=TRUE)
#ARIMA(0,1,1) with sample-mean estimation of mean of differenced series
ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1))
#ARIMA(0,1,1) with mean of differenced series set to zero
#as in 'arima'
ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1), demean=FALSE)
# illustrating methods
#Simulate and fit Gaussian ARMA
z<-SimulateGaussianARMA(0.9, 0.5, 200)
#GetFitARMA is faster than FitARMA.
#Use GetFitARMA for parametric bootstrap and simulation experiments
GetFitARMA(z, p=1, q=1)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(FitARMA)
Loading required package: FitAR
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: leaps
Loading required package: ltsa
Loading required package: bestglm
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/FitARMA/FitARMA-package.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: FitARMA-package
> ### Title: FitARMA: Fit ARMA or ARIMA using fast MLE algorithm
> ### Aliases: FitARMA-package
> ### Keywords: package ts
> ### ** Examples
> data(SeriesA)
> #ARIMA(0,1,1) with exact estimation of mean of differenced series
> ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1), MeanMLEQ=TRUE)
> ans
Chemical process concentrations
ARIMA(0,1,1)  With mean MLE.
length of series = 196 ,  number of parameters = 2
loglikelihood = 224.78 ,  aic = -445.6 ,  bic =  -439
> coef(ans)
                 MLE         sd    Z-ratio
theta(1) 0.704395636 0.05070054 13.8932569
mu       0.004044893 0.02261129  0.1788882
> #ARIMA(0,1,1) with sample-mean estimation of mean of differenced series
> ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1))
> ans
Chemical process concentrations
length of series = 196 ,  number of parameters = 2
loglikelihood = 224.73 ,  aic = -445.5 ,  bic =  -438.9
> coef(ans)
                 MLE         sd     Z-ratio
theta(1) 0.703101044 0.05079214 13.84271366
mu       0.002040816 0.02261138  0.09025615
> #ARIMA(0,1,1) with mean of differenced series set to zero
> #as in 'arima'
> ans<-FitARMA(SeriesA, order=c(0,1,1), demean=FALSE)
> ans
Chemical process concentrations
length of series = 196 ,  number of parameters = 1
loglikelihood = 224.6 ,  aic = -447.2 ,  bic =  -443.9
> coef(ans)
               MLE         sd  Z-ratio
theta(1) 0.6993876 0.05105304 13.69924
mu       0.0000000 0.02262843  0.00000
> # illustrating methods
> summary(ans)
Chemical process concentrations
length of series = 196 ,  number of parameters = 1
loglikelihood = 224.6 ,  aic = -447.2 ,  bic =  -443.9
> resid(ans)
  [1] -0.211536023 -0.447945681 -0.513287675  0.641012942  0.248316532
  [6]  0.073669514  0.651523548  0.155667520  0.008871940 -0.293795075
 [11]  0.494523355  0.145863524  0.302015147  0.211225662 -0.252271381
 [16]  0.123564513 -0.013580507  0.190501962 -0.466765282 -0.026449871
 [21]  0.281501287  0.196878522  0.237694406  0.066240531  0.246327809
 [26] -0.027721374 -0.119387986 -0.383498483  0.531785899  0.071924488
 [31]  0.650303098 -0.145183025 -0.201539379 -0.140957753 -0.398591502
 [36]  0.221230675  0.254724683 -0.121851709  0.314780852  0.020153951
 [41] -0.085905536 -1.060086009  0.558590019 -0.109329746 -0.076462637
 [46] -0.253475256  0.122720579 -0.414170179  0.110334179  0.377168154
 [51] -0.436217419 -0.505087665 -0.253252414 -0.177122097  0.276123418
 [56] -0.206883208  0.655309948  0.058315593 -0.559216043  0.108886060
 [61] -0.123844824 -0.386616601  1.129610337 -0.009963764  0.093031378
 [66] -0.234935131 -0.264314275  0.215142399 -0.349530175  0.255542251
 [71]  0.278726632  0.494940778 -0.553841630 -0.287357056 -0.100969493
 [76] -0.170616015 -0.019325588 -0.413516684 -0.189205961 -0.032330348
 [81] -0.122609871 -0.385746212 -0.169785954 -0.218748184  0.047008505
 [86] -0.067125288  0.153054379 -0.192958750 -0.134948413 -0.294379230
 [91] -0.005889033 -0.104118595  0.027178672  0.619002105  0.332929087
 [96]  0.432847043  0.302729786 -0.188275159  0.068320655 -0.352215785
[101]  0.453661300 -0.482714047  0.262398089  0.183524677 -0.171645630
[106] -0.620046457 -0.033651171  0.276466038 -0.206640158 -0.044521898
[111] -0.031137407  0.378224944  0.364527680  0.254945404 -0.221694289
[116] -0.055051303 -0.538501468 -0.076621346  0.146414116  0.202399917
[121]  0.341555563 -0.061123130  0.157249377  0.309974489  0.316788041
[126]  0.121558243  0.185016070  0.029399820  0.020564540  0.314381916
[131] -0.380123887 -0.265856598 -0.185932756 -0.030042233 -0.521008957
[136] -0.164384068 -0.014967033 -0.110471718 -0.077263729 -0.154035613
[141] -0.207732682  0.354712480 -0.051921118 -0.036312282  0.174605771
[146]  0.622120167  0.135103030 -0.005509672 -0.203857663  0.257421734
[151]  0.180035912  0.325913630  0.027940403 -0.280461567 -0.296153030
[156] -0.007125921  0.395017125  0.076270270  0.053343854 -0.062691131
[161] -0.043844206 -0.030659021  0.278557986 -0.005179233 -0.303621214
[166] -0.212346264 -0.048514156 -0.333930535 -0.033546246  0.376537970
[171]  0.763345719  0.533873034  0.173380895  0.021261332 -0.485132200
[176] -0.439298487 -0.107242010  0.024998904  0.217484335  0.252105323
[181]  0.576316341 -0.496931285 -0.347547334 -0.243067687  0.030002973
[186]  0.120982502  0.184610821  0.129112701 -0.309698297  0.783401276
[191]  0.747901799 -0.076926948  0.146197919  0.002248556 -0.498424684
[196] -0.148590444
> fitted(ans)
Time Series:
Start = 2 
End = 197 
Frequency = 1 
  [1] -0.188463977  0.147945681  0.313287675  0.358987058 -0.448316532
  [6] -0.173669514 -0.051523548 -0.455667520 -0.108871940 -0.006204925
 [11]  0.205476645 -0.345863524 -0.102015147 -0.211225662 -0.147728619
 [16]  0.176435487 -0.086419493  0.009498038 -0.133234718  0.326449871
 [21]  0.018498713 -0.196878522 -0.137694406 -0.166240531 -0.046327809
 [26] -0.172278626  0.019387986  0.083498483  0.268214101 -0.371924488
 [31] -0.050303098 -0.454816975  0.101539379  0.140957753  0.098591502
 [36]  0.278769325 -0.154724683 -0.178148291  0.085219148 -0.220153951
 [41] -0.014094464  0.060086009  0.741409981 -0.390670254  0.076462637
 [46]  0.053475256  0.177279421 -0.085829821  0.289665821 -0.077168154
 [51] -0.263782581  0.305087665  0.353252414  0.177122097  0.123876582
 [56] -0.193116792  0.144690052 -0.458315593 -0.040783957  0.391113940
 [61] -0.076155176  0.086616601  0.270389663 -0.790036236  0.006968622
 [66] -0.065064869  0.164314275  0.184857601 -0.150469825  0.244457749
 [71] -0.178726632 -0.194940778 -0.346158370  0.387357056  0.200969493
 [76]  0.070616015  0.119325588  0.013516684  0.289205961  0.132330348
 [81]  0.022609871  0.085746212  0.269785954  0.118748184  0.152991495
 [86] -0.032874712  0.046945621 -0.107041250  0.134948413  0.094379230
 [91]  0.205889033  0.004118595  0.072821328 -0.019002105 -0.432929087
 [96] -0.232847043 -0.302729786 -0.211724841  0.131679345 -0.047784215
[101]  0.246338700 -0.317285953  0.337601911 -0.183524677 -0.128354370
[106]  0.120046457  0.433651171  0.023533962 -0.193359842  0.144521898
[111]  0.031137407  0.021775056 -0.264527680 -0.254945404 -0.178305711
[116]  0.155051303  0.038501468  0.376621346  0.053585884 -0.102399917
[121] -0.141555563 -0.238876870  0.042750623 -0.109974489 -0.216788041
[126] -0.221558243 -0.085016070 -0.129399820 -0.020564540 -0.014381916
[131] -0.219876113  0.265856598  0.185932756  0.130042233  0.021008957
[136]  0.364384068  0.114967033  0.010471718  0.077263729  0.054035613
[141]  0.107732682  0.145287520 -0.248078882  0.036312282  0.025394229
[146] -0.122120167 -0.435103030 -0.094490328  0.003857663  0.142578266
[151] -0.180035912 -0.125913630 -0.227940403 -0.019538433  0.196153030
[156]  0.207125921  0.004982875 -0.276270270 -0.053343854 -0.037308869
[161]  0.043844206  0.030659021  0.021442014 -0.194820767  0.003621214
[166]  0.212346264  0.148514156  0.033930535  0.233546246  0.023462030
[171] -0.263345719 -0.533873034 -0.373380895 -0.121261332 -0.014867800
[176]  0.339298487  0.307242010  0.075001096 -0.017484335 -0.152105323
[181] -0.176316341 -0.403068715  0.347547334  0.243067687  0.169997027
[186] -0.020982502 -0.084610821 -0.129112701 -0.090301703  0.216598724
[191] -0.547901799 -0.523073052  0.053802081 -0.102248556 -0.001575316
[196]  0.348590444
> ans$racf
 [1]  0.095098644  0.008520494 -0.106281474 -0.118572304 -0.123951275
 [6] -0.005595666  0.142151585  0.020797722  0.038537968 -0.006755215
[11] -0.103519831 -0.122364296 -0.037578427  0.064098882 -0.132316206
[16] -0.010260246  0.044528436  0.074766813 -0.038536388  0.077994974
[21] -0.095059287 -0.031457326 -0.060089631  0.035251503  0.041839751
[26]  0.052892448  0.122597597 -0.069311977  0.038636486 -0.106436235
> #Simulate and fit Gaussian ARMA
> z<-SimulateGaussianARMA(0.9, 0.5, 200)
> #GetFitARMA is faster than FitARMA.
> #Use GetFitARMA for parametric bootstrap and simulation experiments
> GetFitARMA(z, p=1, q=1)
[1] 11.38844

[1] 0.9263359

[1] 0.5492872

[1] 0

[1] "L-BFGS-B"

null device 