Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: GGEBiplotGUI: Interactive GGE Biplots in R
GGEBiplotR Documentation

GGEBiplotGUI: Interactive GGE Biplots in R


The GGEBiplotGUI package provides a graphical user interface for the construction of, interaction with, and manipulation of GGE biplots in R. Some of the functions of the package are: (i) ranking the cultivars based on their performance in any given environment, (ii) ranking the environments based on the relative performance of any given cultivar, (iii) comparing the performance of any pair of cultivars in diferent environments, (iv) identifying the best cultivar in each environment, (v) grouping the environments based on the best cultivars, (vi) evaluating the cultivars based on both average yield and stability and (vii) evaluating the environments based on both discriminating ability and representativeness. Three-dimensional biplots are incorporated via the rgl package.





A data frame or matrix


Elisa Frutos Bernal <> Purificacion Galindo Villardon <>


Gabriel, K. R. (1971) “The biplot graphical display of matrices with application to principal component analysis.” Biometrika, 58, 453-467. Galindo, M. P. (1986) “Una alternativa de representacion simultanea: HJ-Biplot.” Questiio, 10(1), 13-23. Yan W, Hunt LA, Sheng Q, Szlavnics Z (2000). “Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on GGE biplot.” Crop Sci, 40, 597-605. Yan W, Kang M (2003). “GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists, and Agronomists.” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.


GGEBiplot(Data = Ontario)


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> library(GGEBiplotGUI)
Error in library(GGEBiplotGUI) : 
  there is no package called 'GGEBiplotGUI'
Execution halted