Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Projection of a point on a set
projectorR Documentation

Projection of a point on a set


Projection of a point z on the set defined by the constraints g(x) <= 0.


projector(z, g, jacg, bounds=c(0, 10), echo=FALSE, ...)



The point to project.


The constraint function.


The jacobian of the constraint function.


bounds for the randomized initial iterate.


a logical to plot traces.


further arguments to pass to g function.


Find a point x in the set K which minimizes the Euclidean distance ||z - x||^2, where the set K is x, g(x) <= 0. The Optimization is carried out by the function of the package alabama.


A vector x.


Christophe Dutang

See Also

See also GNE.


# 1. the rectangle set

g <- function(x)
	c(x - 3, 1 - x)

jacg <- function(x)
	diag( rep(1, length(x)) ),
	diag( rep(-1, length(x)) )

z <- runif(2, 3, 4)

projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)

plot(c(1, 3), c(1, 1), xlim=c(0, 4), ylim=c(0,4), type="l", col="blue")
lines(c(3, 3), c(1, 3), col="blue")
lines(c(3, 1), c(3, 3), col="blue")
lines(c(1, 1), c(3, 1), col="blue")

points(z[1], z[2], col="red")
points(projz[1], projz[2], col="red", pch="+")

z <- runif(2) + c(1, 0)
projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)

points(z[1], z[2], col="green")
points(projz[1], projz[2], col="green", pch="+")

# 2. the circle set

g <- function(x) sum((x-2)^2)-1
jacg <- function(x) as.matrix( 2*(x-2) )

z <- runif(2) + c(1, 0)

projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)

plot(c(1, 3), c(1, 1), xlim=c(0, 4), ylim=c(0,4), type="n", col="blue")
symbols(2, 2, circles=1, fg="blue", add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)

points(z[1], z[2], col="red")
points(projz[1], projz[2], col="red", pch="+")

z <- c(runif(1, 3, 4), runif(1, 1, 2))
projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)

points(z[1], z[2], col="green")
points(projz[1], projz[2], col="green", pch="+")


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> library(GNE)
Loading required package: alabama
Loading required package: numDeriv
Loading required package: nleqslv
Loading required package: BB
Loading required package: SQUAREM
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GNE/util-projection.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: projector
> ### Title: Projection of a point on a set
> ### Aliases: projector Projector
> ### Keywords: nonlinear optimize
> ### ** Examples
> # 1. the rectangle set
> #
> g <- function(x)
+ 	c(x - 3, 1 - x)
> jacg <- function(x)
+ 	rbind(
+ 	diag( rep(1, length(x)) ),
+ 	diag( rep(-1, length(x)) )
+ 	)
> z <- runif(2, 3, 4)
> #computation
> projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)
> #plot
> plot(c(1, 3), c(1, 1), xlim=c(0, 4), ylim=c(0,4), type="l", col="blue")
> lines(c(3, 3), c(1, 3), col="blue")
> lines(c(3, 1), c(3, 3), col="blue")
> lines(c(1, 1), c(3, 1), col="blue")
> points(z[1], z[2], col="red")
> points(projz[1], projz[2], col="red", pch="+")
> z <- runif(2) + c(1, 0)
> projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)
> points(z[1], z[2], col="green")
> points(projz[1], projz[2], col="green", pch="+")
> # 2. the circle set
> #
> g <- function(x) sum((x-2)^2)-1
> jacg <- function(x) as.matrix( 2*(x-2) )
> z <- runif(2) + c(1, 0)
> #computation
> projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)
> #plot
> plot(c(1, 3), c(1, 1), xlim=c(0, 4), ylim=c(0,4), type="n", col="blue")
> symbols(2, 2, circles=1, fg="blue", add=TRUE, inches=FALSE)
> points(z[1], z[2], col="red")
> points(projz[1], projz[2], col="red", pch="+")
> z <- c(runif(1, 3, 4), runif(1, 1, 2))
> projz <- projector(z, g, jacg)
> points(z[1], z[2], col="green")
> points(projz[1], projz[2], col="green", pch="+")
null device 