Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Adaptive sparse generalized polynomial chaos expansion based...
GPCE.larR Documentation

Adaptive sparse generalized polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression


The GPCE.lar function implements a polynomial chaos expansion of a given model or an external model. The strategy for the expansion of the model into a polynomial chaos basis is the adaptive sparse method based on the least angle regression. A statistical and a global sensitivity analysis of the model is then carried out.


  GPCE.lar(Model = NULL, PCSpace = "Uniform", 
           InputDim = 3, InputDistrib = c(),
           ParamDistrib = NULL, Q2tgt = 1 - 10^(-6), 
           Eps = 10^(-2) * (1 - Q2tgt), EpsForw = Eps, 
           EpsBack = Eps, EnrichStep = 50, 
           jmax= InputDim, pmaxi = 6, 
           DesignLength = 8, SeedSob =sample(1:1000, 1))



a function defining the model to analyze or NULL if the model is external


The space where the expansion is achieved. Options are Gaussian, Uniform and Physic. Physic use the same distributions as the input ones for the expansion


Dimension of the input


Distribution of the input. Options are Gaussian, Uniform, Beta, Gamma


Parameters of the input distributions


Fix the accuracy of the expansion fitting. By default 1-10(^-6)


Common epsilon for the selection of the basis. By default set to 10^(-2)*(1-Q2tgt)


Epsilon used for the forward selection of the basis. By default set to Eps


Epsilon used for the forward selection of the basis. By default set to Eps


Number of samples to add to the experimental design. By default set to 50


The maximum interaction order between the input variables


The maximum degree of the polynomial basis


The length of the input design. By default set to 8


Seed for the Sobol design generation



A list containing the Sobol design, the input distributions design, the polynomial chaos design and the design length


Vector of the model output


Matrix of the kept sparse polynomial basis. TruncSet_ij is the jth polynomial degree associated to the ith variable


Vector of the expansion coefficients associated to the TruncSet. CoeffPCE_j is the jth coefficient associaed to the jth polynomial basis.


The R2 PCE approximation oerror


The Q2 PCE approximation error


A list containing the fourth first moments of the output: mean, variance, standard deviation, skweness and kurtosis


A list containing the sobol sensitivity indices and the sobol total sensitivity indices


A list containing a kernel estimation of the output distribution and the associated bandwidth


Munoz Zuniga Miguel


G. Blatman and B. Sudret, 2011, Adapive sparse polynomial chaos expansion based on least angle regression, Journal of Computational Physics, 230, 2345–2367.

See Also



### CASE 1: model is a R function. 
### Model definition: y= 1 + Phi_1(x1)*Phi_1(x2)
Model <- function(x){
  PHerm = hermite.he.polynomials(5, normalized=FALSE)

### Run the algorithm with the lar regression method
ResultObject=GPCE.lar(Model=Model, PCSpace="Gaussian", InputDim=3, InputDistrib=rep("Gaussian",3))

### CASE 2: external model (for the example the function Model will be used externaly).

### initialized Output

### Get a first design

### Calculate the model output for the given design and concatenate the model output results
### into the output vector 

### Give the design and the calculated ouput to the tell function

### If the expansion has been calculated the function tell return the full expansion 
### paramaters, the moments analysis, the sensitivity analysis and the output distribution
### If not the function tell() return an enriched design. 
### In the later case the user calculate the output externally and give them
### to the tell function with the previous ResultObject for further calculation. 
### See GPCE.sparse documentation for an example.


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(GPC)
Loading required package: randtoolbox
Loading required package: rngWELL
This is randtoolbox. For overview, type 'help("randtoolbox")'.
Loading required package: orthopolynom
Loading required package: polynom
Loading required package: ks
Loading required package: KernSmooth
KernSmooth 2.23 loaded
Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009
Loading required package: misc3d
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: rgl
Loading required package: lars
Loaded lars 1.2

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GPC/GPCE.lar.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: GPCE.lar
> ### Title: Adaptive sparse generalized polynomial chaos expansion based on
> ###   least angle regression
> ### Aliases: GPCE.lar
> ### ** Examples
> ### CASE 1: model is a R function. 
> ### Model definition: y= 1 + Phi_1(x1)*Phi_1(x2)
> Model <- function(x){
+   PHerm = hermite.he.polynomials(5, normalized=FALSE)
+   y=1+unlist(polynomial.values(PHerm[2],x[,1]))*unlist(polynomial.values(PHerm[2],x[,2]))
+   return(y)
+ }
> ### Run the algorithm with the lar regression method
> ResultObject=GPCE.lar(Model=Model, PCSpace="Gaussian", InputDim=3, InputDistrib=rep("Gaussian",3))
[1] "p is" "1"   
[1] "p is" "2"   
[1] "Entering PostProcessReg"
[1] "Entering EvalPCE"
> names(ResultObject)
[1] "TruncSet"     "Q2"           "Designs"      "CoeffPCE"     "Moments"     
[6] "Sensitivity"  "OutputDistib" "Args"         "Output"      
> ###
> ### CASE 2: external model (for the example the function Model will be used externaly).
> ### initialized Output
> Output=c()
> ### Get a first design
> ResultObject=GPCE.lar(PCSpace="Gaussian",InputDim=3,InputDistrib=rep("Gaussian",3))
> names(ResultObject)
[1] "Designs"     "Design2Eval" "Args"        "p"           "SaveQmax"   
[6] "SaveAmax"   
> ### Calculate the model output for the given design and concatenate the model output results
> ### into the output vector 
> Output=c(Output,Model(ResultObject$Design2Eval))
> ### Give the design and the calculated ouput to the tell function
> ResultObject=tell(ResultObject,Output)
[1] "p is" "1"   
[1] "p is" "2"   
[1] "Entering PostProcessReg"
[1] "Entering EvalPCE"
> names(ResultObject)
[1] "TruncSet"     "Q2"           "Designs"      "CoeffPCE"     "Moments"     
[6] "Sensitivity"  "OutputDistib" "Args"         "Output"      
> ### If the expansion has been calculated the function tell return the full expansion 
> ### paramaters, the moments analysis, the sensitivity analysis and the output distribution
> ### If not the function tell() return an enriched design. 
> ### In the later case the user calculate the output externally and give them
> ### to the tell function with the previous ResultObject for further calculation. 
> ### See GPCE.sparse documentation for an example.
null device 