Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Summarizing Gamma Shape Mixtures
summary-methodsR Documentation

Summarizing Gamma Shape Mixtures


summary method for class "gsm". This function allows to summarize the output of a Gamma Shape Mixture estimate procedure like estim.gsm or estim.gsm_theta.


## S4 method for signature 'gsm'
summary(object, plot = FALSE, start = 1, ...)



object of class "gsm"; a list returned by the estim.gsm or estim.gsm_theta functions.


logical; if TRUE produces a bar plot of the mixture weights posterior means.


MCMC run to start from.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The function summary computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted gamma shape mixture given in object, in particular


summary index of the theta parameter posterior draws.

weight posterior means

vector of the mixture weights posterior means.


Sergio Venturini


Venturini, S., Dominici, F. and Parmigiani, G. (2008), "Gamma shape mixtures for heavy-tailed distributions". Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 2, Number 2, 756–776.

See Also

estim.gsm, estim.gsm_theta, plot-methods, predict-methods.


y <- rgsm(500, c(.1, .3, .4, .2), 1)
burnin <- 5
mcmcsim <- 10
J <- 250
gsm.out <- estim.gsm(y, J, 300, burnin + mcmcsim, 6500, 340, 1/J)
summary(gsm.out, TRUE, start = (burnin + 1))


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> library(GSM)
Loading required package: gtools
Package GSM (1.3.2) loaded.
To cite, see citation("GSM")

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GSM/summary-methods.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summary-methods
> ### Title: Summarizing Gamma Shape Mixtures
> ### Aliases: summary-methods summary,ANY-method summary,gsm-method
> ### Keywords: methods
> ### ** Examples
> set.seed(2040)
> y <- rgsm(500, c(.1, .3, .4, .2), 1)
> burnin <- 5
> mcmcsim <- 10
> J <- 250
> gsm.out <- estim.gsm(y, J, 300, burnin + mcmcsim, 6500, 340, 1/J)
> summary(gsm.out, TRUE, start = (burnin + 1))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  17.79   18.31   18.43   18.41   18.62   18.82 

$`weights posterior means`
  [1]  5.640294e-03  1.035467e-07  9.331575e-03  2.107689e-02  1.278341e-17
  [6]  1.723509e-04  1.187973e-03  1.668403e-03  6.974614e-13  1.181297e-02
 [11]  1.554602e-02  1.926430e-02  1.072475e-02  4.556410e-06  3.269905e-02
 [16]  1.512589e-02  6.782652e-02  4.097396e-04  1.871555e-28  2.372725e-31
 [21]  2.010538e-02  4.013180e-14  9.998780e-03  1.779756e-02  9.609256e-04
 [26]  1.150933e-02  1.531516e-02  1.656345e-02  4.650400e-02  1.648407e-02
 [31]  1.611121e-02  1.148362e-15  1.919959e-02  3.805913e-05  2.860609e-02
 [36]  9.261294e-23  1.082085e-03  1.994877e-15  9.492225e-05  2.931719e-12
 [41]  1.645737e-02  2.519270e-02  2.521191e-02  2.198388e-03  1.109902e-03
 [46]  4.735439e-02  7.987928e-04  2.851525e-03  5.424614e-06  6.174439e-02
 [51]  1.006378e-08  9.909390e-05  7.071610e-23  1.395890e-32  3.061429e-07
 [56]  7.375437e-08  3.457307e-02  2.047107e-02  3.583573e-02  1.151859e-08
 [61]  9.796217e-50  8.592421e-24  1.035068e-02  7.819128e-06  1.225139e-02
 [66]  3.481828e-28  3.073019e-04  3.181812e-06  9.100665e-16  1.149941e-06
 [71]  1.216603e-07  3.489321e-10  1.343994e-11  5.445605e-12  8.392418e-12
 [76]  4.312031e-15  3.705499e-22  4.268674e-02  1.350991e-01  7.147971e-15
 [81]  1.333574e-19  8.933987e-08  4.097953e-12  2.291558e-34  1.011522e-15
 [86]  7.748782e-31  3.470287e-05  4.390490e-43  5.908965e-33  7.478927e-13
 [91]  1.050794e-07  6.241327e-08  9.195569e-12  2.614734e-51  2.310143e-27
 [96]  5.668295e-17  1.029785e-42  4.657320e-12  8.280673e-10  1.022066e-20
[101]  1.991292e-14  3.225170e-10  2.754497e-14  3.465117e-21  2.614593e-19
[106]  1.716831e-15  1.985842e-15  4.572791e-26  3.602109e-19  2.736702e-28
[111]  4.375620e-06  4.622587e-16  2.886720e-19  7.983634e-02  8.637559e-05
[116]  1.967546e-31  2.449504e-72  1.157779e-06  6.290667e-06  7.046564e-35
[121]  8.153096e-07  1.608795e-10  1.531765e-31  1.275092e-46  5.467911e-06
[126]  4.007545e-17  3.340262e-04  7.612699e-07  1.375524e-07  1.662906e-14
[131]  9.788497e-07  3.567672e-13  8.057097e-09  2.231069e-18  4.274106e-09
[136]  2.759670e-22  1.056429e-21  1.141439e-37  1.336761e-15  4.844432e-08
[141]  2.559535e-07  7.872523e-21  1.892542e-16  1.312676e-05  4.444049e-05
[146]  4.888660e-20  2.315894e-05  4.648334e-05  7.275623e-06  6.462810e-35
[151]  6.236775e-13  2.022994e-10  1.236983e-46  4.487614e-05  2.316333e-30
[156]  6.507342e-03  1.251441e-09  9.012862e-18  9.222381e-29  1.430860e-16
[161]  3.658650e-07  2.846020e-10  2.685909e-10  1.055975e-14  9.081172e-24
[166]  3.602976e-05  4.451507e-17  2.088070e-18  7.932004e-23  4.006776e-28
[171]  3.508968e-13  6.696234e-09  8.487769e-07  7.459509e-12  2.540722e-06
[176]  3.588153e-09  6.537331e-26  1.066944e-06  2.581627e-06  1.661691e-06
[181]  9.027826e-26  5.594969e-20  1.826051e-46  5.027805e-03  7.370701e-11
[186]  9.070957e-11  9.195099e-06  1.677399e-08  9.989574e-29  1.515357e-07
[191]  5.962000e-10  2.063747e-10  3.328388e-14  8.956063e-07  1.667170e-25
[196]  8.029841e-08  3.530553e-11  6.450396e-19  8.522499e-17  2.088905e-17
[201]  3.194125e-24  3.577845e-21  2.922142e-08  6.852090e-10  2.437974e-08
[206]  1.855225e-40  1.907052e-32  6.295361e-10  9.191927e-06  3.364855e-08
[211]  1.016846e-04  4.796383e-24  7.089511e-26  5.046428e-15  1.803170e-19
[216]  7.661832e-24  1.988108e-25  8.881100e-36  1.523250e-21  3.575806e-20
[221]  1.217115e-16  1.588962e-05  8.624718e-05  2.117330e-21  1.586584e-12
[226]  1.188838e-16  3.317507e-10  3.090680e-24 8.840291e-102  2.939901e-08
[231]  3.741823e-11  5.753588e-05  7.792128e-78  1.302709e-07  1.304924e-20
[236]  7.557551e-05  6.086630e-05  4.141813e-09  1.200798e-21  1.576577e-18
[241]  3.135659e-38  1.526303e-14  1.357293e-12  3.711840e-05  8.516211e-18
[246]  7.637924e-19  1.176402e-17  5.260328e-13  1.874541e-10  1.625057e-13

null device 