Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimate the expected species abundance distribution of both...
expected.SAD.GuildsR Documentation

Estimate the expected species abundance distribution of both guilds using the guilds model, provided theta, alpha_x, alpha_y and J.


This function estimates the expected species abundance distribution of both guilds using the guilds model, provided theta, alpha_x, alpha_y and J. The expected species abundance distribution is approximated by first drawing px from a beta distribution (equation 4 in Janzen et al. 2014). Then, guild sizes are drawn using equation 3 in Janzen et al. 2014. Because the abundance distributions of the two guilds are independent, the distributions can now be obtained using equation 6 in Etienne and Alonso 2005. Because drawing from the beta distribution and equation 3 is inherently stochastic, this function returns the average over a specified number of replicates.


expected.SAD.Guilds(theta, alpha_x, alpha_y, J, n_replicates = 100)



Fundamental biodiversity number theta


Dispersal ability of guild X


Dispersal ability of guild Y


Total number of individuals in the local community, e.g. J = Jx + Jy


Number of replicates to use to estimate the abundance distributions.



Vector containing the mean abundances of species in Guild X, binned into log2 bins


Vector containing the mean abundances of species in Guild Y, binned into log2 bins


Thijs Janzen & Bart Haegeman


Etienne, R.S., & Alonso, D. (2005). A dispersal-limited sampling theory for species and alleles. Ecology Letters, 8(100), 1147-1156.


  SADs <- expected.SAD.Guilds(theta=42, alpha_x=0.01, alpha_y=0.1, J=200, n_replicates = 1)
	  xlab="Number of individuals (log2)",
	  ylab="Number of Species",main="Guild X" )

	  xlab="Number of individuals (log2)",
	  ylab="Number of Species",main="Guild Y" )


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> library(GUILDS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/GUILDS/expected.SAD.Guilds.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: expected.SAD.Guilds
> ### Title: Estimate the expected species abundance distribution of both
> ###   guilds using the guilds model, provided theta, alpha_x, alpha_y and
> ###   J.
> ### Aliases: expected.SAD.Guilds
> ### ** Examples
>   SADs <- expected.SAD.Guilds(theta=42, alpha_x=0.01, alpha_y=0.1, J=200, n_replicates = 1)
>   par(mfrow=c(1,2));
>   barplot(SADs$guildX,names.arg=0:(length(SADs$guildX)-1),
+ 	  xlab="Number of individuals (log2)",
+ 	  ylab="Number of Species",main="Guild X" )
>   barplot(SADs$guildY,names.arg=0:(length(SADs$guildY)-1),
+ 	  xlab="Number of individuals (log2)",
+ 	  ylab="Number of Species",main="Guild Y" )
null device 